Monday, December 17, 2012

Dear dog owners...

You always go on about how much your four-legged companion is just like a member of the family, but I know that's not exactly true, because you'd never leave a bag of your child's crap in the bottom of my garbage bin after the trash truck has run.


  1. It is an excellent analogy. Do not, however, count on it to be reliably the case.

    I have more than once encountered a bag of used diapers inside my trash can upon retrieving it from the curb. (Not at my present residence, but at the last two.)

  2. At least it was in your trash. We had a neighbor that scooped up a huge pile of dog poop, put it in a plastic bag and hung it on our door. We had a miniature dachshund. I think the string around her package was coming loose.

  3. The "poop" is why I'll likely never own a dog until I have the ground to not worry about picking it up.

    That's what the boss does, he lives in the country and, as he puts it, there's areas in the yard where the grass is extra green and grows higher.

    I especially love when somebody has their dog squat and then just keeps walking. At my old apartment, there was a neighbor from the condos next door who would do exactly that, walk the dog over, have it poop, then walk home. I caught him in "almost the act" several times, he'd yank the dog's leash and take off if anybody was out, as he'd do this late at night.

  4. We dog owners have an unfortunately high percentage of bad apples in the group. I wish it was easier to catch that stupidity so I could call more of 'em on it.

  5. The ones that drive me nuts are the ones who pooper-scoop and bag, then just leave it on the grass, whether or not it's Garbage Day.

  6. There's a chance that I will inherit one or more dogs at some point within the next 10-12 years. I take notice of these incidents as an example of how not to behave.

    I'm also irrationally pleased that you used the proper "has run" instead of "has ran", which is what I hear all the time around the office (and from people who should know better).

  7. No, people just leave the poo filled diapers in parkinglots.

  8. At least it was in the trash, you could have a neighbor who lets their &**(#$)#ing cats roam. Said cats find the sandy strip next to my driveway a perfect litter box. They also camouflage their deposits by kicking sand over them. I've lost track of the times I've gotten into the truck only to realize I've got a sand-covered "tootsie roll" stuck between the heel of my boot.

  9. Lord don't get me started on the "presents" I find in my damned garden from the neighborhood felines. I wouldn't even mind if it was good for the tomatoes, but damn.

    The nicest way to deal with dog crap is to get an enzymatic digester. My favorite is called "Doggie Dooley" Like a mini septic tank for dog crap with a foot operated flip up lid like a wastebasket. I had a neighbor who let his damned malamute crap all over my yard and left it there. He eventually discovered that he had an unguarded chimney flue far too close to the ground. the first time he opened his fireplace damper that fall, I think he got the message.

  10. Pakkinpoppa, this is exactly why pellet guns were invented.

    Think of it as "low-cost sniper training."

    A few hits, and Pavlov takes over. The dog won't even THINK of squatting at your place.

  11. I can excuse the dumb dog or cat for its pooping a lot more than I can the human who takes the time to scoop it up and bag it and then throw it in my empty bin.

    The garbage men do not dump the big, wheeled bins. The trash must be bagged and they yank the bags out and throw it in their truck. Later that afternoon, I have to deal with a little Kroger or Marsh bag down on the bottom of the can.

    Dear God please let me catch one in the act someday...


  12. "Dear God please let me catch one in the act someday..."

    Dear God please let me be a witness to this.

  13. That Guy said...
    No, people just leave the poo filled diapers in parkinglots.

    I've found them in my front yard. And I live in the middle of the block. I guess they install a new brat wrapper and just heave the used one out the window.

    Like Tam, I would love to catch one in the act. If you see a request on my blog for bail money, I caught them.

  14. I get mostly beer bottles and SKOAL containers in my lawn.

  15. Re: poo packs left in parking lots.

    A friend of mine saw a couple park, then drop a soiled diaper on the ground at a store. He guessed they couldn't be bothered to carry it up to the front door where the garbage can was.
    When they got out of the store, they found the diaper and its contents smeared all over their windshield.

  16. KM:

    That just makes me feel all happy inside!


    I'm a dog owner/lover, I admit. But I'm the guy who scoops it up in the handy plastic bag (so warm to the touch!) and then carts it around for the next several blocks until we return home.

    My dog of course waits patiently for me to do this. I'm sure he's not, surely not. Then he happily trots about, wherever we may go, secure in the knowledge that I, the "master," will carry that charming bag 'o brown without complaint.

    'Cause nothing says love like hauling your family's shit around town...


  17. My wife and I got a big kick out of this, this is one of our pet (pun intended) gripes. Especially since there's a public trash can right across the street.

    I once saw some people leave a dirty diaper on a restaurant table, for the restaurant staff to deal with.

  18. I've seen my sister put dirty diapers into people's trash cans on the street, but around here they do lift the whole can and dump it out, so I never really thought about it. We live at the bottom of a hill at the end of a cul de sac and the storm drain empties into our backyard so we get lots of fun things in the backyard. People are gross. Our dogs like finding dirty diapers and used sanitary napkins. They don't like it when I hose them down after that :)

  19. I have been known to put the pooch poo bag into the nearest garbage can on the side of the street at garbage day.
    - WAIT, don't shoot please -

    In my neighborhood all the containers wheeled or not, are in fact dumped out into the the truck, so I feel less than guilty. ( And it wouldn't occur to me to put it in the bin _after_ they've been emptied. I mean really, that'd be nasty. )

    Could the miscreant in your case not be aware that you are in some wierdo bag-yanking rather than proper bin-dumping neighborhood?

    I've never seen them _not_ dump containers. Not everything is bagged. Or even in the same bag.
    Yanking a garbage bag just strikes me as asking for trouble.

  20. Anonymous at 6:08:

    Around here if you wheel your bin out to the curb to be dumped...they'll throw the whole thing in the truck and call it good. Yep, everything left at the curb will be tossed, so everything is bagged, tied and left for the racoons to sort before pick-up...


  21. I've found full diapers in the bed of my truck

  22. Oh, how much I'd like to leave my daughter's poop-filled Pampers under the bedroom windows of those *beep*ing *beep*ers who let their *beep*ing dogs shit five feet from ours.

  23. Tam, in South Texas we must continually be on the look out for Parking Lot Landmines, with their happy, colorful Sesame Street Character exteriors that hide the biological threat inside.

  24. I once had a problem with recurring dog excrement on my front lawn. I observed from a front facing window a gentleman walking his Irish setter, who squatted at the favored location and left a pile. I walked up to them as they moved on and told him that he had forgotten something back at my front yard. When he protested, I promised that all current and future abandoned canine byproducts would be dutifully relocated to his property to a location of my choosing at the time of my choosing. The problem did not reoccur, as the dog owner then walked with a bag and yanked the leash to prevent any further stopping at my property.

    Isn't it wonderful how we must train the ones holding the leash?

  25. I have personally thrown it(dog shit)back at more than one person who let them dump in my yard and did not pick it up. I think my score was about two of four.

  26. "Dear God please let me catch one in the act someday..."

    Dear God please let me be a witness to this.

    Dear God please let me be on the jury. 8^{D

  27. "I once saw some people leave a dirty diaper on a restaurant table, for the restaurant staff to deal with."

    Mark, they must have had plans to never go back to that restaurant.

    Once again, Please God, let me be on that jury.

  28. Anon @ 6:08,

    In the boonies, my property is often considered fair game for drive-by trashing by the low life slimeballs passing through. If I lived in a suburban or urban area, I'd consider you stinking up my trash can with your dog's shit an egregious violation of boundaries.

  29. We had someone letting their dog relieve themselves in the back lot at a shop where I worked. One of the other employees and myself collected the crap until we could determine who was walking the dog,their schedule, and return it to them while they were away, neatly bagged in zip-locs.

    With a Potato gun.

    All over the front of their house. :)

  30. you'd never leave a bag of your child's crap in the bottom of my garbage bin after the trash truck has run.

    You'd think that.

    But during a Scout project cleaning up trash at Lake Yahola (aka the town reservoir) I was picking up a bunch of smelly crap and realized that what I'd been picking up for a few minutes was exactly that - human crap. Lots and lots of it, mixed up with actual garbage.

    Which wasn't my garbage can, sure. But it was on the banks. Of the town's water supply. Which was, sure, treated. But still: yuck.

  31. kidding right? I worked for a parks/rec department. Can't tell you how many times a diaper was changed in someone's parked car, door opened, diaper (folded in neat little triangle) promptly dumped onto parking lot not 10 feet from a trash can. I'd hazard a guess that 80% of all diapers changed in Houston parks are left on the ground.


  32. In a similar vein, Tass, 94% of all cigarette butts are dropped where ever the hell the smoker pleases.
    (Yeah, I know, Tam, but judging by parking lots and sidewalks....)


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