Monday, December 10, 2012

Overheard in the Office...

Me: "Wait, the federal government has a site called ''?"

RX: "Yes, the federal government has a blog, complete with cute little pictures of the family dog looking at the Christmas tree. If you don't believe me, you can go look."

Me: *buries face in hands* "My soul hurts."
Later, overhearing a commercial on the TeeWee down the hall:
Me: "WHAT?!? You can't do 'scrapbooking' on a Nook! There aren't any scraps in a tablet!"
Your modern world frightens and annoys me.


  1. That was a foolish move. The blog will get a Tamalanche, they will track it back, see your stuff, and ...

    black helicopters!

  2. It 'would' be funny if it weren't so sad... sigh

  3. Why does the White House bunch make me think Warner Bros. cartoons? Esp. "Pinky & the Brain"?

  4. The old fartism is strong with this one. ; )

  5. I think I found our problem. Look at the header for the .gov's blog.
    "Government made easy."

  6. I tried clicking on the RSS Feed link at the bottom of the page and it took me to their YouTube channel. Nice.

  7. Tam, I'm new here. I just finished reading 'The Arms Room' in it's entirety and have been reading this blog. I really like them both.

    I know you don't control the ad content, and you may already know this, but an Amazon ad for 'Gun Show Nation' is appearing on this page right now. I'm not complaining, just commiserating...

  8. ... though if folks click on the link then read the user reviews of the book, it might actually be a net plus :)

  9. The blog would be more credible in dismissing "end of the world" rumors about Dec. 21, 2012, if the debt ceiling talks weren't about to bring things crashing down about a week before then.

    The oceans may not roil across the Himalayas on that date, but that doesn't mean Obama won't demand every third Social Security check be cancelled. The money for Presidential vacations has to come from somewhere; it would be embarrassing to see Michelle run off with Jesse Jackson before the inauguration.

  10. Am I paying for that?

    If so, who do I see about getting my money back?

    stay safe.

  11. Brad K: I'm will to be anyone any amount of money that the world will not end on Dec 21st, 2012.

    If I am wrong, I will pay off the bet on the 22nd.

  12. Oh, tell it, Sister! Just yesterday I clicked on the help site for Firefox, and got back something like, "Your system is not capable of supporting Firefox." Hello? I wrote to them using this very Firefox browser I am using right now!

  13. P.s. I mean, the internally-contradictory silliness of what they all say gets on my nerves.

    Sorry. Must be my touch of the "A".
    Even after all these years, I still get disappointed when teh huminz fail to make sense.

  14. Almost as much fun as Baghdad Bob on the TSA blog !!!


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