Thursday, December 06, 2012


What kind of defect... no, scratch that... she obviously intended for herself to be caught, right?

Seriously, there is obviously a badly malfunctioning sense of consequences involved here.

(My favorite part? Where they say she had lost custody of her kid for being an unfit parent. No fricken' duh. If you look up "unfit parent" in the dictionary, her picture is right there next to the definition...)

I really want to say something snarky about her, but she's like a walking example of Poe's Law: Is she really that dumb? Or did she just decide that she was in such dire straits that perhaps a jail term and a potential reality TV gig was her best chance out of the mess that was her life?


  1. Great, in the morning I am certain there will be a court order appointing me. I'm not even licensed in Nebraska.

    *Sigh* Thanks, Tam.

    *More sighs*

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. The world would be a really dull place without fucking morons.

  3. "Unfit parent"
    She's passed those genes to another generation?
    My Smarter Half is right; we've made lift too safe. The idiots are surviving childhood and breeding "better" idiots.

  4. Welcome to the America that voted for Obama.....twice.

  5. How long until she is legitimized by reality TV? Is she really that much worse than the Kardashians?

  6. Since she was living relatively nearby, our local Nebraska paper has information that wasn't on the CNN video. "Court documents state that Sabata has a history of mental health problems and refused to take prescribed medication during pregnacy to protect her baby's health."

    Sadly, mental issues probably did have a lot to do with this girl's behavior. Thank goodness she still had enough sense to not actually have a gun or shoot anyone if she did.

  7. The movie Idiocracy is a documentary.
    The braindeads breed much faster than us.

  8. Too much bleach on the hair obviously affected her brain... +1 on Strech's comment too!

  9. Definitely shopping for a reality show.

  10. Nobodies genes can be that screwed up! This is a typical wanna be that smoked too much weed and thought reality tv was...real. Bet her family will be heard to say, "she is not what you see; she really is a great person/mother/choir member...."


  11. She could have made more than that for a weekend on the pole in a strip club in Omaha or Kansas City.

    Shootin' Buddy

  12. When I first read about this I was loving the entertaining stupidity. Then I read more, and it sounds like she's just nuts. Sad, really.

  13. She's young and blonde. I'm betting she will get off with some sort of probation and lots of government financed psychoactive drugs.

  14. I bet she3 was just beginning to turn her life around.

  15. The Great and Powerful Oz,

    Yeah, no.

    I don't think she has any sort of clue how badly she's f$cked up her life.

    Thanks to FDIC insurance, robbing a bank is a federal offense, and the feds don't play. You get found guilty, and they look up the magic mandatory minimum number in their sentencing guidelines and it's bye-bye and no time off for good behavior.

  16. Yes, she robbed the wrong place.

    And getting famous won't help her, it will invalidate her PGC.

    The 'tube is by no means a rare phenomenon.

    These days, upon developing someone as a suspect, when our police department checks facebook, google, and youtube, about 3-5% of the time they find a confession/boast/picture of dude with the goods or gun.

  17. Skimming the sentencing guidelines, (which are only marginally more easily-parsed than the rules of cricket) if the feds treat a note claiming that you have a gun as "using a firearm", she is coming out of prison on a walker, if at all.

  18. Sorry I'm still trying to wrap my head around the thought of "...legitimized by reality TV..." as a concept.
    Nope, unable to work that one out...
    Shootin Buddy has a definite point about the pole dancing though...'spect even THAT kind of logical thought is beyond this twit. Kinda academic now that you mention the Fed mandatory minimums.

  19. I have a law school classmate who is an FBI agent on the bank robbery detail in a major West Coast city. He says their city has a bank robbery on average once per day, and the median time they stay un-caught is 24 hours. Seems like an extraordinarily poor investment of time and effort. They should publish that info. But the banks wouldn't like it, and maybe the system doesn't want fewer criminals creating need for the system.

  20. Her taste in music sucks too. That's not even a song, it's just the same note repeated a bunch of times.


  21. Stretch: Somewhere, there was a man stupid enough to have sex with her.

    This is getting close to bestiality territory, and is definitely in the sex with the mentally retarded rape zone.

  22. 1911: Even one of the smartest thieves out there, Al Mundy, admitted that he would have been better served financially to get a job at McDonalds at age 18, and just put $1k each year into a mutual fund.


  23. Hey, if the government is going to steal and waste money on a galaxy-bending scale, what's the problem with a little fun bank job at the local branch? I think they ought to put her on a reality show and suck up half the profits for three years, then restore her right to vote, carry guns and drive a Dodge Challenger. She's a teenager! You guys just jealous because you didn't think big enough when you were in High School?

    You folks are hard-hearted AND mean-spirited!

  24. Doesn't anyone's heart go out to her after she had to rob a bank with a paper note? Gun sales at record highs and she can't lay her hands on a nice Savage.380? Why hasn't Oleg shot this kid with some REAL hardware? She's got that vibe!

  25. Tam,

    I think the federal statutes and precedent are that if a reasonable person would have thought you had a gun, then for the purposes of teh crime, you had a gun.

    In other words, ain't no bluffin' in armed robbery.

  26. "Somewhere, there was a man stupid enough to have sex with her."

    THAT, right there is just further evidence that "cause and effect" has been erased from any sort of education of today's youts.... sheltering little Timmy and Sally from all negative consequences of any action they want to take in their formative years leads up to what we have now: A Nation of Morons, where 40% of the children are born out of wedlock and "raised" by a non-judgemental State..... where failure is subsidized and success is penalized ...... until they do something that directly harms the State ....

    Teh Gods of the Copybook Headings will return, with a Vengeance.

    What do you suppose will happen to Federal inmates when this whole Federal monstrosity crashes?

  27. She's getting dissed for being a dumb kid. She IS a dumb kid, spectacularly so. Does anyone think that being smart in Obama's Current America makes you happier these days?

    I hope she likes jail, because we are fixing to spend a fortune on this idiot to keep her in jail for the rest of her functional life. What a great use of resources!

  28. "Somewhere, there was a man stupid enough to have sex with her."

    I gather that she's not necessarily stupid, but she's psychotic - that's something I learned about growing up in a neighborhood near one of the huge old-style state hospitals, back when "de-institutionalization" started becoming popular. Even untreated psychosis is often not apparent in the first few hours, or sometimes even the first few weeks that you know someone. And with the treatments available nowadays, don't count on knowing whether your girlfriend's just a little odd or a truly *crazy* chick unless you've gone through her medicine cabinet.

    So it seems that when she's taking her meds, she does well enough that someone thought it was a good idea to turf her out of the institution. But then there's no one making sure she takes the meds, and there are plenty of temptations for skipping a few doses. For a couple of examples, schizophrenics often prefer the crystal clarity of paranoid delusions to medicated fuzzyheadedness, and manic-depressives miss those moments when they're at the peak of their cycle, and everthing feels great even if the whole world is in slow motion.

    And then there are the interactions between anti-psychotics and pregnancy. That's one of many good reasons to make sure you understand your girlfriend's medical history before chancing pregnancy.

  29. Sadly, mental issues are inheritable, too.

    What she did sounds pretty stupid to us, but, generally, most of the people here are playing with the same deck of cards. Hell, you might even say that her grasp of actions and consequences sounds pretty crazy... which, if she's crazy, might be accurate. You think "Rob a bank, keep your mouth shut!" but if you're operating literally in a different perception of reality, what makes sense to you and me doesn't necessarily make the same sense to her.

    Which isn't to try and excuse her behaviour, reality and sanity are mostly based on the consensus of the majority, but it might help at least explain what she did. I mean, hell, it looks like she'd been wearing the same clothes for a minimum of 48 hours, which isn't all that normal either.

  30. Ok, sure she's stupid, but stupid criminals aren't anything new. On another note, was I the only one that thought that was one of the most horribly written and read news casts they'd ever heard? That was truly painful to watch.


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