Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Ten out of ten for boldness...

...and minus several thousand for thinking things through...

Sitting around the neighborhood gun store, it's easy for people to BS their credentials. Walk into one at any given time and you'll find a couple-three former SEAL Delta Ranger Snipers.

It's a little harder to make outlandish claims on some of the bigger internet forums, since there's a much greater statistical chance that a person who actually was what you claim to have been may wander by.

Check out this incident on the Smith & Wesson forum I stumbled across while Googling info on the Federal .38 Spl 147gr +P+ Hydra Shok load, where a guy claims to have been an FBI agent who was present at the infamous '86 Miami shootout, and then a couple of real FBI types post in the thread.

I wonder how many times this guy spun his yarns about his Special Agent heroics in Miami at his Local Gun Shop without anyone calling him on it?


  1. The only bad part of that is that the offending person is still anonymous enough that he will almost certainly not be embarrassed sufficiently ;p

  2. We had a couple of poseurs like that in my unit in 'Nam.

  3. AD: Nobody who was there would say that!

    McThag: 2/55th Prenatal Btn "Womb Raiders"

    I was there, Man, in the amniotic fluid during Tet, Man.

  4. I was code-named Agent Orange. It was very hush hush.

  5. I love how the smack down is firm and effective.

    No time is spent feeding the troll, just point out that he's totally fucking wrong and everyone moves on.

  6. Ohh, love it on his profile.

    At the top.

    "Any Fraud or Impersonations in any of the User Profile fields is grounds for Permanent Banning. We take this very seriously."

    At the bottom.

    "Retired FBI Agent 1963-1994"

  7. Wow! My snark made it onto the porch! Big grin here in the high desert this morning.


    erich martell
    albuquerque, nm

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I think the soft-serve machine needs refilling.

  10. Having your snark linked on VFTP has got to be a high point in anyones day...

  11. Love the S&W forum. A very low-BS zone.

    I don't get over there often enough these days.

  12. Hmmm, thought I'd mentioned this before, perhaps not. That 147+P+ does not like to expand at all. I've run some into (and through) gallon bottles of water - zilch, zero, nada.

  13. I just about died at "Einsteinian Physics." That was most excellent.

  14. Ummm... they were special prototype rounds, I was the only guy in the Bureau to carry them.

    And don't get me started on the West Hollywood bank robbery. I kept telling the LAPD they needed to issue carbines to their patrol officers for years prior, and they just blew me off.

    Then, when I suggested that they break into that gun store they all looked at each other and were all, like, "Dude, that's a genius idea!"

  15. Hey Tam, speaking of Navy SEALS -- how's that book report coming? ;)

  16. Am I the only person who never went anywhere or did anything? This is starting to remind me of the time I didn't get a tattoo.

  17. Reminds me of the guy that told me he made the jump into Baghdad with the 101st and went to jump school at Fort Bragg. I didn't relieve him of his misconceptions with the hope that future BTDTs would be amused at his idiocy.

  18. *snicker*
    Love that. Seeing someone get called on their BS is a thing of beauty.

  19. Anon 12:25 - Where did you not get your tattoo? I think I didn't get the same one!

  20. Like back in '63 when I was telling the Air Force that the dadgum F4 Phantom needed a gun!
    They totally blew me off.

    Maybe 'cause I was only 6 years old.

  21. Love those posers.

    Usually, they out themselves the minute they pick up a gun and do something stupid with it.

    I usually just smile and nod if I can keep my snarky self under control. That's a big if sometimes.

  22. "Maybe 'cause I was only 6 years old."

    Cause when you are six, everything needs a gun.

    Though in this case, I think the F4 needs one too. And I'm 40.

  23. Too Bad the B.S. by the Posers out there has gotten so deep. Heck, I've started carrying a copy of my DD 214 with me just to prove that I AM a Vet!

  24. College had a Midnight showing of "Woodstock." Opening scenes of building the stage local NY boy seen swinging a hammer. We all pivoted to our classmate who was that boy.
    "Why didn't you tell us!"
    "Would you have believed me?"

    It's the quiet ones that are usually the real thing.

  25. Folks, I got to tell ya....we all need to practice on "calling BS" on these will be great practice when we call out the progressives on their "tax the rich" schemes!


  26. Oh, not I! I am always like, "Excuse me, Mr. gunshop clerk, but I am not familiar with this piece. Would you please show me how to to make it safe, so that I might examine it?"

    Oh, and please don't point it at my head.

  27. A character on another forum claimed he'd just talked to Gale McMillan and was ordering a far-out gun from her. Asides from the gender error, Mr. McMillan had been dead for several years.

  28. I can't stand these guys posing on the internet I ran into so many of them during my 6 year career as a Green Beret Airborne Medic Dustoff Pilot Air Assault recon sniper Ranger Seal Delta operator.

  29. Based on what I recall to be the FBI response in that infamous gunfight not so sure I would brag about it if I was actually there.

  30. Back when I was slinging guns across glass, I had told a friend about the propensity of EVERY Navy SEAL Special Forces Ranger Tank Paratrooper who ever served to show up in our store.
    A few days later when he dropped by, a 19 year old kid was telling us all about his time in the Rangers in Iraq circa 1991. This was in 2000.

    I delivered my usual response: "Yeah? I was a Chinese jet pilot, myself."
    Kid (who apparently didn't get it): "Cool. Where?"

  31. Damn, I spent all of my time in the marines in Kommifornia. 3 years of it in the stumps.

    I definitely need to come up with a better story. being a truck driver just isn't cutting it.

  32. Got three or four boxes of that 147 +P+. Carry it in my big 38s for woods ammo. Barely +P as I recall.

  33. I loved that.

    It reminds me when I was in a Marine Recon Unit... They did tell me where I missed my turn so I wasn't lost anymore.


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