Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Ugly out there...

The blizzard has pretty much ground the city to a halt. Heavy, wet snow and 40mph wind gusts have created whiteout conditions and filled roadside ditches all over central Indiana.

The timing couldn't have been worse, reaching its crescendo right about the same time as morning rush hour, so plenty of people set out for work with a heart full of optimism and wound up sitting backwards in the median, as even the snowplows were pulling off the road in places to wait until they could see.

Good thing Roseholme Cottage's larders are full.


  1. My wife just got an eMail from her work place about 10 miles south of Downtown Cleveland. Seems that the Building's Owner is closing it down at 4:00PM, and no one should think about even showing up until they check in at 6:30 AM Tomorrow.

    Glad to hear that SOMEONE in this Country is taking Storm Warnings Seriously.

  2. Keep all that North of I-40 please.

    Still going to be cold down here in Central AL. My club's monthly night IDPA match is tomorrow night. Low is forecast in the lower 30's.

    Not really all that cold but when your daytime highs neared 70 just a few days ago it can seem a bit brisk.

  3. We went nowhere, and don't plan to go anywhere anytime before tomorrow morning.

    And maybe not then.

    USA network was kind enough to schedule an NCIS marathon, so that's kept the lady of the house out of my hair today as I've sat here at the computer, on the clock, doing just about zip. (I don't even know why we're open between Christmas and New Years'...)

  4. For every time I've cursed the gas pump, I'm really glad I had 4 wheel drive and a big old truck with added weight in the bed over the rear wheels. LOTS of people off the road when I got off work this morning.

    Glad you have provisions. We stocked up on Scooby Snacks for man and beast (and beer) so I didn't have to break into the "Gruel for 20 Years!" nitrogen packed stuff.

  5. IMPD spokespeople are complaining that the cost of purchasing twice as much rum as usual to stay warm today is causing a hardship for officers.

  6. I have only three words for you:

    Welcome To Montana

  7. Didn't hit here until after morning rush started, got all 900 feet of driveway cleared around 11, and again at 3:30, and will likely have to run the snow blower again this evening

    May make a run at it tomorrow

  8. Cold front just moved through here in central teh fla...temps plunged from the high 70's all the way down to the high 60's.

    Even if it's a day late, gimme some o' that White Christmas!

  9. Snow, sleet and freezing rain in the eastern panhandle of WV. Not a blizzard but apparently DoH seriously dropped the ball locally and the roads, some of which ended up closed, have been nightmares.

  10. Full larders!!??? What are you, some of those crazy preppers? It is required that when snow flakes start falling you immediately rush to the grocery store to buy at least five 12-paks of toilet paper and 25 frozen pizzas.

  11. We got 12 inches of global warming goodness here last Wednesday night. I didn't shovel because the world was supposed to end. Damn Mayans.

    I feel your pain.

  12. Three years back, the Christmas Blizzard caught a LOT of people on the highway because the forecasters kind of blew it on their timetable; about the time it was actually hitting they were running on-screen and saying "This storm has moved faster than we predicted", etc.

    Do NOT trust the bastards.

  13. I finally got to work at 9 AM after dropping my youngest at daycare and my wife at work.

    At 9:55 I got the call that daycare was closing at 11. I left and collect my spouse and got to daycare promptly at 11:25.

    Pendleton to Castleton to Pendelton in 4 hours with a one hour work break... it was not worth getting out of bed this morning.

  14. Woodsman's story sounds similar to mine: Dropped off the wife at work in the Castleton area around 9:00 AM and returned to the 79th and Ditch region around 9:45. Around 10:15 drove back to the Castleton area where my wife was waiting for the store to be closed. Spent some time waiting for them to contact some District Manager who was AWOL followed by another 45 minute drive home.

  15. If we ever got that much snow here they would shut down the entire state for a month.

    Which wouldn't be an altogether bad thing, methinks, at least as far as government goes...


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