Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I don't get it...

Wayne LaPierre goes and says we need to worry about crazy people with guns, fund better school security, and enforce existing laws & prosecute the people who break them, and the Anti-Gun crowd mocks him as a disconnected pro-gun zealot tool of the firearms industry.

Barack Obama commissions a study group headed by the vice president, and then holds a press conference stating that we need to worry about crazy people with guns, fund better school security, and enforce existing laws & prosecute the people who break them, and the Anti-Gun crowd acclaims him as a charismatic visionary taking a bold and sweeping step forward.

Uh... run that by me again?


  1. I think the "charismatic visionary" adulation is for the gun bans he's asking Congress to pass, in full knowledge the Congress will never pass them.

    You know...sorta like the Nobel Prize he won for not doing anything, seeing as how he won it before he'd had a chance to do anything.

  2. You don't get it Tam because you posses this thing we like to call "logic". It seems to be in short supply these days.

  3. Wayne LaPierre wasn't surrounded by children when he said it, so it didn't matter.

  4. You have to remember which rule book the Anti-Gun crowd is using for this game:

    Race: Old White Guy
    Class: NRA Nut-job
    Class Attributes: -20 to Charisma
    +50 to Evil Alignment

    Race: Black/African-American
    Class: Liberal Demigod
    Class Attributes: +99 to Charisma
    +99 to Good Alignment
    +99 to Speechcraft
    +99 to Wisdom
    +99 to Intelligence

    Am I forgetting anything?

  5. You are in plenty of company Tam; I've been looking at the current Pres for years now and wondering who press is reporting on.

    Apparently there are two Obama's,the one I see with my eyes, and the one the press sees.

  6. F**king tribalism.

  7. Work with what you got.

    "Hey, Barry, that's great. Have I ever outlined our existing gun safety and education initiatives? I think I can help you here."

  8. Wayne LaPierre lacks gravitas.

    Barack Obama lacks substance, but is outstanding in the gravitas department.

    (Carefully selected for appropriate demographics...bleh...)


  9. Doublethink.

    Obama is a doubleplusgood duckspeaker. LaPierre is a doubleplusungood duckspeaker.

    We have always been at war with Eastasia.

  10. You forgot:
    Obama has "a plan"
    The NRA has "rhetoric"
    according to the news tonight.

  11. You havea liberal idiot who snowballed his way by lying to peaple and you have a conservative intalectual who just stated the plain truth. Who does the American liberals choose to believe?

  12. Clearly, Tam, you are a racist. Please report immediately for re-education.

  13. LaPierre doesn't have swarms of journ-o-lists sworn to fealty and dedicated to ensuring that scrotal perspiration is licked away before it has a chance to evaporate and leave behind a salty crust.

    Sheesh, Tam, you could have at least thrown a sinker or something high and outside.

  14. So this was apparently a ploy to wheedle more funds for leo's and training to the tune of eleventy whozillion dullars and complain when he doesn't get it from those "mean ol' repubwicans?


  15. While reading that "plan" I was struck that the only stuff that might be attainable is the stuff that Wayne oozed out durning his presser.

    It's nice that the liberals have started a youth version of their "human shield" program.

  16. I tweeted that exact same thing to Chris Van Hollen a couple hours ago.

    As Reagan said, you can get a lot done in Washington if you don't care who gets the credit.

  17. NJT,

    "As Reagan said, you can get a lot done in Washington if you don't care who gets the credit."

    Heh! :)

  18. I see you have failed to take advantage of the government provided Sparkle-Shine-O-Tron which performs a logic-ectomy.
    You see, it's cool when he says it because rainbows. Only racist hillbilly Bible clinging cousin humping gun nuts can't see that.

  19. When I read #7 of the executive actions, I thought, "Man, is there anyone who is better poised to immediately implement a 'national safe and responsible gun ownership campaign' than the NRA?" I guarantee they could roll that out nationwide in a matter of weeks.

    Of course, I realize I'm hoping in vain, because what we'll get is some BS written by Brady and their ilk, and their lessons on responsible gun ownership will begin and end with, "Don't own one."

  20. NRA Bad, Obama Good.

    2 legs bad, 4 legs good.
    2 legs bad, 4 legs good.
    4 legs good, 2 legs better.

  21. Had to share this to my Facebook timeline. Best take on the presser I've seen so far.

  22. Matt W @6:03

    You left off +99 Bullshitter.

  23. Mud against the wall
    Although we never can tell,
    "Assault" ban and Magazine restriction unlikely;
    if not they seek to put in place funding of firearm violence to down the road justify a re-try.
    Meanwhile, the holy grail this time around appears to be eliminating your personal right as a citizen to contract, in a non-business setting, with another citizen to transfer firearms.
    In your house, in your Will, in your neighborhood, anywhere.
    Of course they won't instead create a non-recordable system where you call, you ask if the person is prohibited, yes-no, transaction. Ask them that when they tell you how can you separate dangerous people possibilities in gun shows versus private transactions, and ask them how many other private rights (mentioned specifically in the Constitution) they are willing to give up.

  24. Previous post left out the phrase funding of firearm violence RESEARCH. Apologies. While agianst the law currently, if undone, there will be a jockeying for position by institutions seeking to be the go-to source for media...who might that be? Johns Hopkins & Bloomberg.

  25. I think everyone on the SHOT floor today thought along the lines of "This man is insane." I would have never expected the dull roar to become so still and silent.

  26. Actually, the bleat should go:
    "Public good, private bad"
    After all, the private sector is motivated by Eeee-vil and base profits, while the public sector loves to help their fellow man (and woman) for pure altruistic love...

    ...and you better remember that before you cut their union negotiated automatic annual 8% pay increase, or they will go out on strike, dammit!

  27. Copied to my Facebook.

  28. Actually the manufacturers and dealers love the ffl-only idea, they and their lobbyists will encourage that part of the proposal.

    And it's a good preparation for registration, the next goal.

  29. Stuart the Viking7:59 AM, January 17, 2013

    Submitted without further comment:

    "Look at that bitch over there eating crackers like she owns the place"


  30. The only difference between the two messages that I could see was that WP's was paid for by voluntary donations. BO's will be paid for by my children's children ..... possibly by selling their firstborn daughters to China .....


  31. If X, then 5
    This mathematically describes the media.

  32. jimbob86, Don't think first born daughters, think mothballed carrier battle groups. China gets her blue water navy, and we reduce our debt and find a use for all those ships that are going to be retired early as the military budget gets cut to the marrow to fund the welfare state. Ain't progress grand?


  33. I haven't read the comments, so forgive me if I'm not the first to point this out, but I can identify one primary difference between Wayne and Barry right out of the gate: Wayne LaPierre regularly gets accused of causing the deaths of children, while Barack Obama has actually, through directly ordered action, caused the death of children.

    Maybe what we need is an Assault Drone ban, and some Executive Orders to stimulate research and development on technology that would prevent the explosions caused by drone strikes from killing anyone under the age of 18.

  34. If you don't mind, I'm gonna send this as a letter to my local newspaper - The San Francisco Chronicle. :)

  35. SpeakerTweaker,

    "Maybe what we need is an Assault Drone ban, and some Executive Orders to stimulate research and development on technology that would prevent the explosions caused by drone strikes from killing anyone under the age of 18."

    Aw, dude, that was AWESOME! :D

  36. It's simple enough. When LaPierre ACTS like an anti so as to please the antis, they'll scorn him 100% of the time for being the jackass that he is. When a real anti acts like a real anti, they're happy. It demonstrates, in broad daylight, who is in charge of the conversation. -- Lyle

  37. BO’s list of EO’s is an undeniable case of theft of intellectual property. Ideas first proposed by a recognized intellectual; stolen by one who clearly isn’t. It is amazing, though, how politicians who exhibit symptoms of megalomania are always popular with the lamestream media. Makes me think of birds of a feather . . . .

  38. I'm going to steal this (with proper credit). I like how your brain works. Keep it up young lady.

  39. Consider the source. That principle is all that matters in political discussions.


  40. Not really that surprising that Biden's commission would steal LaPierre's idea and use it without giving him credit. Isn't Gun Ban-Joe famous for plagiarism?


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