Saturday, January 26, 2013

I feel bad...

...when I don't get something up on the intertubenets by 8AM or so. Like I'm late or something.

This morning, roomie woke up at around 0615 and fed the cats and then went back to bed, and that's about a thousand times more productive than I've been so far this morning.

Well, I made a pot of coffee, so that's something.

And I've taken my vitamins and stuff.

And I've made a couple Tweets, and a post or two over at

But other than that, yeah, it's been a pretty lame morning.


  1. I have been fighting a sinus infection all week. Called in a tactical nuke (z-pack antibiotics) Wednesday but today I feel worse than I have all week.

    I need to be at my reloading bench but all I want to do is sit in my recliner (oh and for the kids to be quiet).

    So, I feel your pain.

  2. ...what is ?

  3. Sorry, should have been a link...

  4. Tam, one lesson I have learned over my three score and seven is that sloth is good. It recharges the snark cells!

  5. Tam, how do you find Pistol Forum as a hospitable place to go? I've all but given up on Intertubz forums--the same old arguments, over or under monitored (admittedly by my standards), trolls, woo-woo and so on. I'd love to have a place where I could go have an intelligent discussion on guns.

  6. The Freeholder,

    It's the only one I check every day and post to regularly anymore, if that means anything.


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