Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Mutual of Omaha's Sleeping Kingdom...

Weird dreams filled with strange fauna last night, some of it positively Seussian.

The most interesting were these little critters, about the size and shape of pudgy, plush-bottomed woodchucks, only with curling tusks like wooly mammoths. They lived in colonies like prairie dogs, and the females would gather these balls of nesting material, rolling them along like big tumbleweeds with their noses. My guide demonstrated that these were not the brightest animals in the bestiary, and if you got down on your hands and knees and pushed a tumbleweed along in front of you, they didn't pay you any mind at all and you could get right up among 'em.

Later, we were crossing a river by jumping from one slumbering, mud-covered, school-bus-sized  crocodile to another.

Lots of giant caves, each with their own ecosystem, including one containing a giant tiger. We didn't go in that one.


  1. Did you fall asleep watching the "Ice Age" video again?!?

  2. Craig,

    Reading Killing Pablo, actually. Which makes no sense.

  3. you seem to have the wildest dreams I've heard of. So fess up, just WHAT brew-pub are you going to? (And why ain't you sharing?)

  4. Stuart the Viking8:07 AM, January 15, 2013

    Tam, I must apologize for the very undignified mental image I just had of you on all fours, wearing safari gear, pushing a little tumbleweed along with your nose. I will admit, it gave me a giggle which is something I needed on this Monday morning part deaux.


  5. Oh! A chance to talk about the dream I had last night. I (yet again) composed a great song in my dream, with a catchy hook & witty lyrics. And as soon as I woke up it went *poof* and I remembered nothing. Just like the previous 2 dozen or more times I've had that dream.

  6. You need to stop eating...whatever that is you are eating...before bedtime. It gives you strange dreams.

  7. Just means you're not escaping the Peoples Socialist Republic of Obamastan and moving to Canada. Giant Tiger is a discount chain in the great White North.

  8. I dreamed my 80lb dog jumped up on my chest at 4AM and stated quite clearly she was cold. In english.

    Obviously a dream because my dog would just weasel herself under covers and wouldn't bother tell me she was cold.

  9. RE: The dream. I really, really miss my 77V in 220 Swift.....

  10. That beat my dream last night of not really wanting to go to Burkina Faso but getting on the aircraft at Dulles anyway.


  11. That's fantastic! I love wild dream adventures

  12. You see? This is a fine example of how, if you'd only had that 10.000.000 + 1 SMLE magazine referenced above, you could have cobbled together a rifle ('cause apparently these things are just lying around everywhere due to gun show loopholes and other little-understood science theories and the news says any gun owner can do that which is why regulation will help us all), and then we'd all know what Tam would look like dressed in a wardrobe all made out of a giant tiger's skin.

  13. Cut back on the ambien before the cops catch you doing figure 8's on the frozen pond in your sube dressed in your jammies.

  14. Good thinking not going in the tiger's cave. Otherwise we wouldn't have heard this tale.

  15. Larry @9:18 AM, that's a feature, not a bug. ;-)

  16. You get the coolest dreams :P

    Mine always involve some random form of suck that leave me tired.

  17. So . . .

    What caliber for tusked woodchucks?

  18. My strangest one involved some combination of a family picnic and an airshow, in which somebody with a tractor was backing an Argentinian attack aircraft into me, directed by a guy in a toreador suit, and I couldn't move. That was when I woke up.


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