Friday, January 25, 2013

Overheard in the Office...

The TeeWee down the hall in roomie's bedroom is playing That Citi Commercial, the one with the earworm:
Me: "♫ Somebody mashed potatoes! ♫"

RX: "I heard 'Somebody kissed a gay old man.'"
The lyric, of course, is actually "Somebody left the gate open," from LP's song "Into The Wild".


  1. "Somebody let the gay dog in."

  2. It does sound like what you heard.

  3. Rats, I was hoping the newslady would tip off that precipice she was scaling. Oh well.

  4. Watched the video and all I took away from it is that they have the drummer behind bank teller glass.

    I can't decide if it's to keep a bandmate from shooting him or if there is a danger of random drummer explosions.


  5. Those drum barriers are used so the drummer can pound away to his heart's content and not overpower the stage mix.

    Nowadays this is what you call a hit record. The artists make much more money licensing their work for ads or soundtracks than they do getting played onpandora, spotify etc.

  6. The image of drummers literally going to pieces without warning or being attacked by their bandmates is much more appealing.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.



  7. Yeah, that's not exactly a shining example of good music. It just sounds like some casting couch winner yelling into a mike.

  8. bygoneblog said...
    Nowadays this is what you call a hit record. The artists make much more money licensing their work for ads or soundtracks than they do getting played onpandora, spotify etc.

    And where do the ad folks hear the song and decide they want to use it in the ad?

    If you aren't "out there" you can't be heard and make money by signing for an ad.

  9. Happy to see I'm not the only one who hears it as "Somebody mashed potatoes!"


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