Tuesday, February 05, 2013

E-Z Post.

I keep a couple of Wikipedia tabs open all the time, one for aimless Wikiwandering and one for dedicated looking-up of stuff. Let's start hitting the "Back" button on the second one and see where it's been!
  1. Louis XIV of France
  2. Pop Goes the World (song)
  3. Surfing
  4. BASE Jumping
  5. Free solo climbing
  6. WNBC
  7. NBC
  8. Mark Wohlers
  9. Talkeetna, Alaska
  10. Monty Python's Life of Brian
  11. Bobby Valentine
  12. Furry fandom
  13. Planck length
  14. Quo vadis?
  15. Quo Vadis (1951 film)
  16. Saturation (album)
I think that gets us back through the weekend...


  1. My sister won the Talkeetna Wilderness woman competition for 2012!

  2. Furry Fandom? Do share the backstory to that one.

  3. Myles,

    I was about to make a Tweet and couldn't remember if it was spelled with an "-ie" like "hippie" or not.

  4. I was in Talkeetna a couple of years ago. My goal was a beer in every bar in town. I couldn't drink that much though. I remember that there were hippies there, though. There's always trustafarian hippies...

  5. Talkeetna is a strange little town.

    The big industry there is dumping tourists on a glacier three quarters of the way up Mt. McKinley.

    When I drove through during a particularly warm February, you needed to dodge small aircraft with skis that were slowly taxiing through the residential neighborhood near the airport.

    It was cheaper to park in your own garage or front yard than to rent space in a hanger.

  6. Quo Vadis, Ma Homies!12:33 PM, February 05, 2013

    That's gotta put you on a DHS watch list somewhere. Obviously a racist and.... uh, racist clinger.

  7. Do you follow Wohlers on Twitter, Tam? He's a gunny, even has "Molon Labe" as his Twitter profile pic. Posted a pic of a S&W586 the other day that he took shooting. Great guy on Twitter.

  8. Base jumping and free solo climbing are in my wiki back list. Good old insanity in practice is fun to watch.

  9. Oh no! Our beloved Tam is a closet furry! What shall we do?

    I know! Let sing "The Banana Splits" theme song!

    One banana, two banana, three banana, four...

  10. CIA hitman and drug smuggler Andrew C. Thorten III clamed to have invented BASE jumping in 1974. He claimed to have made the first jump in Ky. (He was killed by a 'Chute malfunction while trying a LL jump with 100lb of heroin and cocain straped to his leg)

  11. No no no, Oz, Tam isn't a furry. A wookie suit is totally different.

  12. If furries have yiffing, what do wookie suiters have?

    1. Guns. And ammo. Lots and lots of ammo. And Goldfish crackers.

  13. That prompted me to look at the B.A.S.E. jumping entry. I had always heard that the E stood for Elevations rather than Earth. I few of my old skydiving buddies jumped El Capitan in Yosemite during the short period when it was legal. One of them probably has a fairly low BASE number as he was active in it during the late seventies and early eighties. The guy who jumped from the Eiffel Tower for a Bond film was B.J. Worth. He also did work on other Bond films and was president of the USPA for a while.


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