Monday, February 25, 2013

Good reading.

Remember that dude whose blog I linked to the other day? Chris Hernandez? If you're like me, you pretty much read his whole blog already and has a sad because there's no more to read, but that's okay! Because he has a book!

It's a novel about the war in Afghanistan that is practically unique in A) being written by someone who's been there and 2) written very well and iii) not being about SOF ninjas helicoptering around with knives in their teeth, but rather a platoon of TX National Guard dudes.

Unfortunately, I downloaded it Saturday afternoon and finished it yesterday evening, so now I'm stuck waiting for him to put more free ice cream on his blog.

Speaking of which, I need to go plug the ice cream machine in, too...


  1. It sounds like you might like FALLUJAH HEAT, another novel about Iraq written by a soldier who served there.

    Check it out.

  2. That's why I've enjoyed Michael Yon's reporting, or did until he pissed the Army off.

  3. His work certainly beats your bitchy ramblings.

  4. Oh look! An insulting comment from an "anonymous" person on the internet! That's never happened before.

    Insert "tell me more about how you're a sheepdog" picture here...

  5. I will look at that one, been hooked on a string of Rhodesian war books since I got my Kindle. I just finished the "Zombie Hippy" collection written by Breach, bang, clear and other blogers, while the money goes for a good cause, not a very good read

  6. Thanks, just ordered it after scoping the preview.

    erich martell
    albuquerque, nm

    Tam, are you reading my kindle over my shoulder again? I saw your note the other day about "Dude can write "and promptly read all his recent posts, then ordered and read the book. Now I also has a sad waiting for new book from him! I think his blog about Armed Teachers (December 2012) hits every point and avoids the emotion. He also has some telling blogs about police abuse of power.

  8. Scott TIMMONS,

    Correction to my above post. The armed teacher post is in January 2013.

  9. Yep. Read the blog. Wasn't sold on the book. I guess I am now. Thanks for the tip.

  10. Thanks for the link his blog reads good, now a book, that takes some effort.

  11. From you and LawDog both, it must be gospel.

    I came, I saw, I'm hooked.

    Dude CAN write, and knows whereof he speaks.

    Thanks for putting it out on the grapevine.

  12. just ordered it and Fallujah Heat. kindle be fast. :)

  13. Hey guys, this is Chris Hernandez. Tam, I sincerely thank you for telling your readers about my blog and book. The response has been overwhelming, and humbling. I owe you one. And as (another) small favor, I'd respectfully request that anyone who reads my book please post an honest review on whatever venue you bought it from. Not a plug, but an honest review of what I did right and what I did wrong. Honest reviews and feedback have helped my writing tremendously.

    Thanks again,

    Chris Hernandez

  14. Tam I bought it too after reading his blog.
    Chris you write well, thanks for taking the time.

  15. I'd also wholeheartedly recommend Bristol's Bastards, by MN National Guardsman Nick Maurstad.


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