Thursday, February 28, 2013

Homeward bound...

Now departing Upper Cryogenica, leaving Castle Frostbite to return to Roseholme Cottage. I enjoy travel, and the very best part of traveling is heading home.


  1. I feel ya.

    Up here in northern Michigan, they've got white stuff all over the roads and they just drive on top of it.

    Crazy, man.

  2. I enjoy travel too and I thought back at the end of 2011 that meant I would also enjoy relocating to another state for a job.

    Surprisingly I got heartachingly homesick for the place we'd been the past 9 years and my wife exponentially more so.

    Pile a few more difficulties onto that and I pulled the plug and found a gig so we could move back.

    Oddly I don't seem to have the enthusiasm for travel that I did before the whole experience.

  3. I enjoy travel, and the very best part of traveling is heading home.

    Depends on what's waiting for you there, don't it?

  4. Is that the Mascoma Lake bridge?

  5. No adventures, thank you. Nasty uncomfortable things that make you late for dinner.

  6. Happy Trails! I'll be vacationing in the White Mountains this summer. Can't wait.

  7. See, I just returned home from the same general area (I was a bit NE over by that really tall pile of rocks) and coming home was the WORST part of the trip. Of course for me that meant coming home to a state where they are actively trying to outlaw almost every gun I own.....

  8. Come north, Mopar, we'd be happy to have you.

  9. Mopar, I had just the opposite feeling last Nov. driving to/from my last deer hunt.
    Crossing into that AZ state border was like feeling free again.
    All 11 states ('cept one) honoring my CCW, no worry of some city having a separate stupid law that criminals ignore but I had to follow.

    Safety on your trip Tam.
    If you're like me, what you miss most is your bed.
    (Well, that and my dogs and wife.) ;)

  10. One hundred bottle of beer on the wall
    One hundred bottles of beer.

    Safe trip.


  11. Ayuh, that's the Mascoma Lake bridge.

    Al T.,

    Neither: United. I have to disarm to get from IND to MHT anyway, so I might as well do so at FL280

  12. "The road goes ever on and on..."

  13. Stick to within the borders of Oceania. There are rumors of border skirmishes with Eurasia.

    Safe driving!

  14. Keep it shiny side up and just exciting enough to keep you awake.

    You being the only Mistress of Snark we got and all...

  15. I enjoy travel to the Tropics or somewhere/anywhere the weather isn't like that which you illustrate.

  16. Hey, I recognize that bridge! Taught myself to sail on that lake - a loooonnng time ago...

    Happy trails and safe passage Tam!

  17. Karl: I thought it was Eastasia...

    -Joe E.

  18. The Mrs. & I were wondering who was holding down the fort; it WERE you!


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