Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I hate going Godwin this early in the morning...

I don't normally engage in the silliness of referring to politicians as "Kommisar" or "Reichsfuhrer" or any of that. It's simplistic and I can do better than that, but sometimes someone makes it really, really hard to not go there...
"The mothers, the women, the men of America have to make a decision as to whether their personal pleasure is more important than the general welfare," - Sen. Dianne Feinstein, (NSDAP-CA)
You listen to me, you meddling harpy, you jumped-up refugee from a zoning board: You don't get to pick and choose which of my constitutional rights are "personal pleasures" and further, while your job does entail a certain amount of promoting the general welfare, you don't get to compel whatever definition du jour of the "general welfare" you please.

My personal welfare, and the welfare of millions of my fellow Americans, is generally promoted by the possession of effective weapons of self-defense: trying to take them away would be very harmful to the general welfare and practically the opposite of ensuring domestic tranquility. Stop.


  1. Fineswine is a pretty mouthy b*tch, considering that easy access to guns is what got her where she is today.

    If Mister Twinkie Defense hadn't helpfully plugged the Mayor of SF, thus greasing the skids for her rise to the top of the septic tank, DiFi would be languishing as some retired old former city council member from the $#!^hole By The Bay, wondering when her hubby was going to trade her in on a trophy wife.

  2. Actually, DiFi has it right here. She said "[the people] of American have to make a decision". She and the armed oathbreakers she helps command don't get to make it for us.

  3. "Stop."

    You may as well tell a salmon to stop feeling the need to swim upstream. This hardwired need she and her ilk have to control others in impervious to reason, historical example, and bloody consequence.


  4. Trying to take them away would be very harmful to the general welfare...

    More so to taker than takee methinks.

  5. Wait...someone from California said that?

    Irony is dead.

  6. I will admit that I have been looking for a USSA flag to express how I feel about the way things are going. I haven't found a good source yet.

  7. We really have the Wicked Witch of the West. Make that three witches.

    Feinstein, Boxer, Pelosi....

  8. As Tam says our "personal pleasure" IS contributing to the "general welfare", you twit.
    You're welcome.
    +2 on what Norman wrote...

  9. Evil, evil woman. I point to her as an example of Satan's influence in the world.

    Apologies to all you non-believers out there.

  10. "Feinstein, Boxer, Pelosi...."

    In California, the ballot is powerless against them.

  11. “There is science, logic, reason; there is thought verified by experience.
    And then there is California.”
    - Edward Abbey

  12. If legal gun owners were as dangerous as she thinks they are, she'd be pushing up daisies by now.

  13. It is worth remembering that Mr. Twinkie Defense was a retired police officer and thus would have been exempted from Fineswine's gun ban. Maybe she does remember how it happened.


  15. i was looking for the "like" button when i read this.

  16. "You listen to me, you meddling harpy, you jumped-up refugee from a zoning board"

    Best. Description. Ever.

  17. PROMOTE the general welfare, not enforce.

    They always seem to forget that.


  18. My decision has been made.
    You won't like the answer Diane.


  19. Errrmmm, that should be National Socialist American Workers Party.

    The Deutsch got over National Socialism a while ago, with some "help".

  20. Scott: I'm a non-believer... but I think I don't necessarily disagree with you anyway.

    Tam: I'm just gonna fanboy again. Pure f'n gold, miss. <3

    My personal welfare, and the welfare of millions of my fellow Americans, is generally promoted by the possession of effective weapons of self-defense: trying to take them away would be very harmful to the general welfare and practically the opposite of ensuring domestic tranquility. Stop.

    *sighs, flutters eyelashes*


  21. You know, if I squint at that statement (and ignore the "source" line on the bottom), I could imagine it coming from the mouth of some Social-Conservative Activist.

    Does DiFi realize that?

  22. She's not *just* a jumped-up refugee from a Zoning Board, she's the product of a complete re-zoning for low-information voters that keeps her in office.

  23. Don't go Godwin, go Ben Franklin instead:

    They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

  24. I seem to remember a documentary on Jim Jones that went into detail on the overly cozy relationship that Moscone, Milk, and other San Francisco city politicians had with the People's Temple.

  25. Yay, Tam!!!

    I think I'm going to borrow this for my own blog.

    You have such a way with words....

  26. "You listen to me, you meddling harpy, you jumped-up refugee from a zoning board"

    I'll admit I'm an uncultured lout, but I DO recognize poetry when I see it.

    And it got even prettier after that.

    Nothing like seeing an artists' polished work.

  27. Wow that statement sounds pretty much spot on to point# 10 of the German National Socialist Worker's Party 25-point Program. Godwin it is.

  28. Aaaaaaaaaarghhhh.
    I get worked up about this -this -I don't know how to describe what comes out of her mouth and still keep this PG-13- because I have personally met relatives who wore uniforms on both sides of that late unpleasantness known as WW2, including one who spent 7 years in a Soviet PoW camp AFTER the war and who came home to die within the year of kidney problems developed at the camp, your local hardware store owners when you were growing up had those unfashionable scrawled-number tattoos on their forearms, and the parents of your friend in Junior High School had the extreme misfortune to be visiting relatives on Kyushu when THAT round of unpleasantness broke out, which meant they missed the problem of Executive Order 9066 by experiencing worse. Every adult male I knew wore the uniform at one time or another. Every adult had his or her life changed in amazing ways by that war.
    Anyone who can look at WW2 and NOT conclude that the problem is excessive government power is too stupid to vote, too stupid to hold public office (and I'm looking at Feinswine and Boxturd when I say that), and maybe exercise any privilege or duty of citizenship beyond paying taxes.
    I read too many histories of the Twentieth Century, I don't want to go through that myself, I don't want my nieces and nephews to go through it, and anyone who believes it still can't happen here, given the indoctrination from the schools in the last 60 years, is likewise too stupid to get near a ballot box.

    Dang, it's hard to top "jumped up refugee from a zoning board".
    Why anyone voted for these women for anything higher than Recreation and Parks Commissioner is one of the mysteries of life.

  29. PS I misspoke about Bodo. He died three years before I was born. somewhere I have a picture of him in his Wehrmacht uniform with his two little daughters, who only got to enjoy his company for 8 and 6 years thanks to excessive exercise of government power.

  30. Why does anyone vote for them? It's One-Party State that's Gerrymandered to hold Democrats in perpetual office. Feinstein lives in a bubble of wealth and is protected by a cadre of low-information voters.
    She represents the ageing but inbred hot-house flower Democrat who hasn’t had an original, non-linear, non-Marxist thought in decades - or ever been seriously challenged in any way except for adherence to party Dogma and various election-flagellation Democrat rituals, like the Circular Firing Squad method they use to choose/baptize their next delegate.

  31. Tam,
    The only thing I can say is "Damn!" I think I just found my 2016 Presidential candidate! Quick, form an exploratory committee so we can send money!

  32. @anon 4:58; I would agree whole-heartedly, but I don't think Lady Tam has the patience.or temperment for the anal exam one of us would recieve doing that - Like I'd love to vote for a black man for President, but Thomas Sowell and Walter Willams don't want to get reamed either.

  33. It never occurs to these progs that we have reached a decision. She may like or dislike it as she chooses, but the decision stands. Just as it doesn't hit home that we've HAD the National Conversation on gun control and the answer is still "No."

  34. I've always loved how a Republican fighting for something year after year is a sign of being unwilling to compromise, while a Democrat doing the same thing is a sign of true bravery and doing what's right.

  35. So... we can choose? Then I choose personal pleasure. Now get out of my face.


  36. Du bis nichts, Dein Volk ist alles.

    Ring a bell?


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