Sunday, February 10, 2013

In Tingle Veritas

Watched Chris Matthews gather this morning with his usual cast of commentators from across the political spectrum, ranging from the Center Left to the Far Left, to discuss the weighty issues of the day and, more importantly, whether the current president is the greatest we've ever had, or maybe only second or third best. I do this so you don't have to, Gentle Reader.

Anyhow, near the end of the show came this gasper...
Guest: "Americans overwhelmingly support drone strikes..."

Chris Matthews: "...and Liberals do, too!"

Hand-to-God, he really did. To riff off that would be to gild the lily.


  1. if we had President McCain or Palin who signed that memo authorizing strikes against Americans, these same cheerleaders would be rabidly foaming at the mouth.

  2. Wow...that is a stunning statement. One of the few things that has restored a teeny, tiny faith in humanity is the responce in the media here in the Pacific Northwest to the whole drone thing. It's not neccessarily in responce to being able to use drones to kill American Citizens overseas, but there is a huge push to pass laws NOW to prevent the Seattle PD and State Police agencies from being able to even purchase drones.

  3. So Chris Matthews is admitting that Liberals aren't Americans?

    (insert the opening speech from Patton about all real Americans here.)

  4. Finally, something that both Americans and liberals can agree on!

  5. Bwahahahahaha! So glad I'm not drinking coffee yet.

  6. That's the quote of the year so far.


  7. Wow...there is so much wrong with BOTH of those statements (guest and CM), my head is now hurting.

  8. greg,

    That's a good start, but they'll just use drones from other PDs not similarly restricted.

  9. I do this so you don't have to, Gentle Reader.
    And my wife thanks you. As does my cardiovascular system.

  10. I'm with Drang...projectile vomiting first thing in the morning isn't my fave.
    Do libtards think they are above that whole 'nationality' thing?
    Seems to be since they try to undermine America at every turn.

  11. With the NDAA. Anybody Barry designates a terrorist. Well no more 4th or 5th Amendment. Torture is good. And DHS says terrorists are returning veterans, libertarians, and my personal favorite...wait for it......gun owners. Guess they can fill those concentration camps. 1.8 million rounds for the civilians. And drone strike. Anybody. Anytime. Anywhere! God bless America!!!!

  12. O.M.G... And yes, I truly hope that shows up on youtube...

  13. "B-B-But it's for the childen....."


  14. Words do fail me.

    I thought the obsequious idiot formally known as Chris Matthews had completely invalidated any journalistic creds ages ago. But this?

    You know that reflexive cringe-giggle? The one where you're vaguely nauseous and it hasn't all set it? Yeah...


  15. Snicker.

    The leftists that don't support Obama's drone AQ initiative have been shipped off to Crazyland with Cindy Sheehan.

    My Schadenfreude bowl runneth over here ...

  16. greg: The LAPD needs those drones to shoot up blue pickup trucks.

  17. Sorry that quote got beat in my mind by this one on CNN.

    "CNN anchor Deb Feyerick asked Saturday afternoon if an approaching asteroid, which will pass by Earth on February 15, “is an example of, perhaps, global warming?"

    Sorry Chris.


  18. Image pops into my head of the scene for the movie “Independence Day” where the groupies are on top of the building waving their welcome signs as the aliens launch the first fire ball.

  19. Oops..that should read "scene from the movie".

  20. Thank you, Tam. I don't think I could have survived it.

  21. Most of the Jackals of the Press(tm) I've had the misfortune to be acquainted with aren't very bright. They're not stupid, per se, just blinkered.

    But asteroids are evidence of global that is some serious myopia.

    I'm kind of glad I heard it second-hand. I think my head would have gone all Scanners.

    As for Chris "Squealer" have to hand it to him - he may be a simpering toadying lickspittle, but he is a consistently simpering, toadying lickspittle.



    The longer you watch, the dumber you get.

    It's kind of like anti-matter for education and intelligence - when the two meet, both are destroyed - in my case, by reducing me to a sputtering, enraged, inarticulate mass.

    (but I got better)

  23. There is a causal relationship between asteroids and climate change, but only after an asteroid converts itself into a meteorite.

  24. Chalkie... when have you ever known these types to get cause and effect right?

    That guy came closer than many ever will.

  25. Chalkie... when have you ever known these types to get cause and effect right?

    That guy came closer than many ever will.

  26. So since Mr. Tingles just admitted that Liberals AREN'T Americans, my question is this: To what Country do we Deport them?

  27. End of the 1630 video

    Beginning of the 1700 vid.

    Wish they had it combined, which I am sure someone will post later.

  28. Les,

    If some of the progressives that I know are any indication, they consider themselves to be "Citizens of the World" rather than just dumpy ol' Americans.

    However, if you play your cards right, they might just lower themselves to rejoin America if/when all you cretins get out of their way and let them re-form America into the utopia that they deserve to live in (and quit saying that it is impossible already, u r dum).


  29. "It's not illegal if the President does it." Richard M. Nixon

  30. Bad news ...

    Looks like Woodman and Gudis were correct, and I was being a too optimistic sh*thead after all.

  31. When Nixon said 'It isn't illegal if the President does it.' he was refering to the gathering of intelligence, which is, indeed a presidential function.

    Of course when John Dean usurped the president's authority and sent the Plumbers to the Watergate, to recover information revealing that his sweetie was working as an escort, that was illegal.

    Because it was illegal, John Dean had to hide that he did it, so he blamed it on Nixon.

  32. Is everyone in this debate that is media related missing the salient point, namely that Obama has usurped the unilateral "authority" to use these drones against AMERICANS, on AMERICAN SOIL?

    So begins the U.S. genocide.


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