Monday, March 04, 2013


Thursday. Thursday morning they take a melon-baller scoop to my nose and I find out whether I have to start wearing a bag over my head or run around looking like a leaf-nosed bat in public or what.

I'm relieved to be getting it taken care of, and scared to death all at the same time.


  1. I know it's wrong, but the first thing that popped into my head when I read your description was the patriarch in the movie "Nothing But Trouble."

    Just the same, thinking positive schnozz thoughts in your general direction.


  2. Praying all goes well, Tam.

  3. Good Luck, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

  4. Oh, I'm sure I'll be doing more angst-y whining between now and then. :D

  5. Oh, I'm sure I'll be doing more angst-y whining between now and then. :D

    As well you should!

    Sending good luck and prayers your way.

  6. I know its scary, BTDT. But when they talk about going "deep", they're talking in millimeters. Mine was on my leg. My wife had 1 removed from her hand and my Mom has had several taken off her face with no permanent scaring.

  7. Good Luck, Kid, but until you fully recover and if you're really concerned about how it looks you could investigate a 'burqa'.

    I'm sure with your boots and hardware that would make for some interesting interactions in the Circle City; even in Broad Ripple!!!??.........:-)

    Get well quick, we're thinking and praying for you...

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  8. Not to worry. Just wear a butt sticker saying 'My other face is a gargoyle!'

    Seriously, though, we'll be holding thumbs and what have you for the success of the operation. Hope all goes well.

  9. Well, if you're going to have a remarkable nose as a gunny it should be like the side-by-side shotgun nose of Sister Bessie Rice. ;-)

    Just kidding. Prayers being sent. My best wishes for your complete and satisfactory-to-you recovery.

  10. TAMARA !


  11. Angsty whining is more than just allowed, it's required in the cancer bylaws. These permissions come rarely in the average life. I suggest you revel in it.

  12. Good luck. I hope that the worst of it is the anticipation.

  13. I should add that my godmother has had the same surgery in pretty much the same place, with quite a bit of digging around, and you'd never know it to look at her.

  14. "Nothing lasts as long as a bad haircut". If there were something coming at you that was truly massive and grotesque, I betcha they would already have been working on that part.

    Waiting to find out how it will turn out will only begin on Thursday, I know. At least the doctor isn't blaming you for the growth "Egad, woman! How could you expose your face to that 'scope tinting without a nose-cover!" or something.

    I mean, even if it looks like the aftermath of a massive range "unexpected" event, you have the makings for war stories to carry into your later years. You can be one of those that never tells the same tale twice. "Oh, the guy next to me on the range handed his pistol to his 3 year old, and *blam!*" or "I was riding to the grocery store and this purse snatcher ran at me and thought I was trying to stop him and *blam!*" or "I had loaded some Mosin rounds heavy, and the Obama-approved brass failed catastrophically on the third round. *sigh*" or "It was years ago, and I don't like to talk about it, much. [begin non-sequitor]I sure do miss old Roy" (as in C.W. McCalls's "I had an old cat named Roy. Roy was a good old boy. He used to go hunting, down by the lake, catch him a nice fresh garter snake, bring it on back, sit in the grass, looking like he had him a green mustache. Yeah, Roy was a good old boy. 'Til the dowgs got him." song) [end non-sequitor]

    Who knows? This time next week, your biggest worry might be whether there is brown sugar for the oatmeal. Which wouldn't be that bad, unless you eat oatmeal and don't have enough brown sugar, or don't put brown sugar on your oatmeal. 'Cause that would be an unfortunate incident.

    Blessed be.

  15. Dad's was right under his left eye,in the lid itself. Odd-looking while the stitches were in, but now you'd have to look close to see anything.

    So whine and bitch away; beats doing what I once did(story for another time), gets some of the stress out.

  16. You know I had it done, and me and my forehead are still here!
    Contact me if you want support.


  17. Good thoughts your way.

    And what Joanna said. The first time.

  18. I kinda feel sorry for the cancer... It just doesn't know who it's fucking with...

  19. You're in our prayers at Casa Og.

  20. Tam, my mom had a VERY aggressive melanoma removed from her schozz a few years ago- minimal scarring afterwards, and if the scar gets infected or anything, they'll do plastic surgery to remove the scar. Sounds scary, but it's really not too bad.

  21. Let us know if we need to start a collection for your Tycho Brahe grade gold prosthetic.

  22. Tam, if I can hatch out a kidney for a friend, digging for a bit of nose gold ain't gonna hurt your chances for the Olympics. (yeah, made no sense to me either, but you might have gotten a chuckle out of it...and that goes a long way when cutting into body parts is on the agenda.'ll be fine!)

  23. I'm prepared for all the whining you can muster. Also, I have it on good authority that a bunch of us have been and will continue to pester the Big Guy on your behalf.

  24. Worst Case Scenario: you can be Tam Shelleen. Prayers coming your way.

  25. Leaf-nosed bats are WAY cool. If you could get the enhanced sonar capabilities it might be a fair tradeoff.

    Good luck.

  26. *Futurama Fry pic*

    Chicks dig scars

    Not sure if valid advice in this situation

    Good luck, Happy thoughts, Prayers, and hope it heals quick and clean!

  27. It will go just fine! Had a carcinoma removed from my neck using the scoop method and I naturally assumed that I would need to insert a bolt into the hole and start wearing square shoes.

    However, after a couple of weeks it was just a red spot and three months later was all but invisible.

    My Mum had one on her nose as well, and its was removed in stages. After a while there was no visible scarring at all.

    Don't fret Tam, your schnoz will be just fine!

    Ron in Texas

  28. Tam,

    Frequent reader, never met you in person. Pulling for you none-the-less.

    Heal fast!

  29. I feel your pain - I'm getting one of these, assuming the PET comes back good, in three weeks:

  30. Endeavour to persevere. Sometimes you just consider the bad without thinking about the good. Most likely it will turn out much better than you have imagined. I know because I have been there before. I'll try to say a little prayer down in MS for you on Thursday.

  31. Have you considered doing a gender bending Andrew Lloyd Webber production? Think of it, you playing opposite some really hot boy toy named Chris Daae!

    With a production like that you would have an audience consisting of equal parts gunnies and flaming liberals. That is a show I would like to see!

  32. I'm running out of goats here lady.
    On a more serious note, I hope you are buoyed by the thoughts and prayers from all over the globe. I'll be doing my part.

  33. Good luck and thoughts are with you.

  34. I knew a fellow in high school who was pretty ugly. He got sent off to Vietnam, where he served 3 tours as a door gunner. He liked it!

    On his last tour he was shot and wounded. The bullet hit him in the end of his nose.

    It improved his looks.

    They have these great things they can do with silver noses. One Roman/Byzantine emperor wore one of gold, after he came to power despite the ancient practice of slitting noses for alternative heirs to prevent civil wars.

  35. Up until Thursday happens you will be saying to yourself "This is going to suck", and you may be right.
    Friday onward you will be saying to yourself, "That didn't suck too much", and you may be right.
    Two or three weeks from now you will be asking yourself, "What was I worried about?", and you will be right.

  36. Given they're scooping it out this late in the game, and melanoma is a fairly aggressive form of cancer, they're not worried and hence you don't have to worry about the cancer part.

    And if you're not worried about the cancer, the rest is gravy is it not?

  37. Best Wishes, Tam!!

  38. Take care, Tam. Let me know and I'll send you some coffee when you've got the all clear. It may not fix everything, but it helps.

  39. Pulling for you over here on the pinko side of the blogiverse.

  40. Frequent reader, very infrequent poster. Thoughts and prayers are with you. Hopefully the difficulty of the procedure and recovery are inversely proportional to the entertainment we readers derive from your work.

  41. Courage, Ma'am! Rest assured that you have my prayers that you be perfectly healed, in the name of Jesus.

    In case the answer to my prayers is "no", let me just say that as far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter what your nose looks like. The most important part of Our Tam is the part between the ears.

    I do have your "yachting" photograph on my hard drive. We were all good-lookin' when we were young. Sigh.

    Looks may fade, but wits persist, and you are among the very wittiest persons I know of who write on the 'net.

    If they have to chop your nose off, we'll take up a collection to buy you a silver one, like Tycho Brahe had.

  42. I've had several removed, seems that every time my dermatologist has a student loan payment due he finds another cancer and sends me to the MOHS doc. Take a extra thick book, they'll cut the cancer out, then examine the margins of the cut outpiece and then, if they find the margin is cancerous, they'll cuta tad wider, examine the margins of that. My record is having to go from the waiting room to the "chair" three times in one visit.

    That was the one on the tip o' my nose. Plus I've had the two on my forehead, one on the side of my head, one on the back of my neck and one under my right eye.

    My MOHS Doc has packets of cookies and peanut butter crackers, microwave soups and stuff like that plus a coffeepot and tea. Check with your doc, if they don't have stuff like that, pack plenty of snacks and drinks. The Lord will bless you if you take a little (or a lot) extra for those who don't know.

    And, Tam, it is a good place to spread some literature around. I always leave old copies of the Cowboy Chronicle, the newsletter of Cowboy Action Shooting and some old American Rifleman copies.

    Anyhow,whine and be scared but it's really a piece of cake. I know you're going to be fine because if it had been life threatening they would have taken you into the Emergency room and run you through that day when they found it.

  43. Have them save the offending parts in a jar for you. We'll go blow them up in the middle of no where.
    You're going to be fine. Keep us posted 'cause we're thinking about you.


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