Friday, March 08, 2013

Felis catus remindus

The antibiotics must be taken twice a day. Who knew that Huck's noisy, frantic pre-mealtime attention-getting antics at 0600 and 1800 would suddenly become so value-added?

"What's that, little buddy? Time for me to take my pill?"


  1. A cat that only asks for food twice a day? Unpossible!

  2. Yeah, mine were just in here for about the thirteenth time since noon...

  3. What time is it in Hoosierville? It's only a bit after 2 here in the company town known as "The Nation's Capitol"

  4. Thumbs up on the Cat Alarm Clock.

    Best wishes on your continued recovery.

  5. He needs you healthy because if you get sick you can't feed him.

    Thinking good thoughts about your nose.

  6. NJT, surely everybody knows what time it is in Indiana, now that we go on DST!

  7. I don't feed the cats. The kids do. I take care of the other end. Something about being old, my life is nearly over, and I shouldn't have to worry about toxoplasmosis parasites for that reason.

  8. Silly question: From where did they take the graft material? I am sure it is more fun that smearing the damaged area with vasoline, but, now you has two holes to get infected.

  9. A cat being helpful? You must be on some very good drugs! :-)

    Glad to see you're feeling well enough to write.

  10. I don't get that from my cat. I have a Perfect Pet Feeder (the BMW of pet feeders, reliable 4 weeks capacity) and a gravity feed water dish for the input end, and a Litter Robot for the output end (two weeks capacity).

    I do get miaows if I don't go to the office for post-dinner cuddle time, otherwise known as Daddy's Lap Stays Still For A Long Time When He Plays Fallout/Reads Blogs/Fiddles With A FreeBSD VM/The Cat Doesn't Care Why.

  11. Tirno,

    In order to keep young Huck from reaching critical mass, he gets fed at 12-hr intervals. It didn't take him long to catch on to when the feeding times are, and starting about thirty minutes prior, he begins mewing, head-butting my knee, reaching up and knocking things off the desk, hitting his sister, and whatever else he thinks will get my attention.

    Rannie, who had been free-fed all her life until Huck moved in, is less than amused with the new feed regime and will frequently not eat her fill in the twenty minutes her plate is down, and then spend the time between meals whining piteously.

  12. A cat by any other name is still a sneaky little furball that barfs on the furniture.

    A cat that wakes me up at 6AM for food is going to need to get in touch with his inner predator.

  13. Finally, something that a cat is good for... :-P Glad to 'see' you up and around!

  14. Good thing your cat doesn't 'free feed' like ours...


  15. Ah. The cat food powered backup alarm clock. I got 2 of those also.

  16. "Bobbi! Huck says Tammy fell down a well!"

  17. Years ago when I got married (a condition from which I have since recovered), one of the things I acquired in the process was a big black male cat. The cat soon learned that while my bride could not be awakened to feed him, he could easily get my attention by jumping up on the bed and stepping over over the top of my head to my chest. I would quickly awake to a vision of cat butt inches from my face. Attention gotten! Cat fed! Connection mad by cat! Process repeated! It is amazing when the animals (and wives) train the humans (and husbands). I only needed an alarm clock if I wanted to wake earlier than the cat did.


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