Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I guess that's it?

Went in today and got the stitches out, which hurt less than I was expecting. This would be the first part of the process that was actually less unpleasant than I was prepared for!

Didn't see my Mohs surgeon, but his resident or understudy or whatever the medical term for a Padawan learner specialist is came in and she looked at the graft and pronounced it beautiful. I thought it looked like a bit of cadaver flesh in a little hole, but I don't have a trained eye so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

Apparently in five weeks, my next checkup date, it will look more or less normal and by six months it will take a close look to see that I'd ever lost a chunk of nose there, but I'll wait for those chickens to hatch before I start counting them.

In retrospect, this could have sucked a lot worse than it did, especially without all you guys and all your support. Thank you all for all you've done and for listening to me whine and everything. Y'all helped make this as anticlimatic an experience as anything involving the word "cancer" can be.

Let's go have fun now. :)


  1. Hey, Tam, just remember - if the bills come to more than we collected, don't be shy, but tell us. We'll make it happen.

  2. And the now the internet may rejoice!


  4. Sounds like many prayers have been happily answered. Excellent news!

  5. Glad to hear the prognosis is on the Upside.

    Now if only the Ammo Supply would start to flow and Prices would drop, you could have a Great Gunnie Summer at the Range!

  6. Now... on to a REAL crisis. The shortage of decent .22 ammo at a realistic price!

    Obviously you will need lots of recoil therapy during recuperation....

  7. Hey, us residents prefer the term "minion!"

  8. Congratulations!

    I just got the word back yesterday on the biopsy from the "thing" on the side of my nose. NOT cancer, so I hope you don't mind if I celebrate a little as well.

    Here's hoping you've got that "good-healing skin", and that it's invisible real soon.

  9. Very happy that it went well. Now go shoot something! If you can spare the ammo, that is.

  10. Sounds exactly like my story. I have my 6 month followup in a couple weeks and the scar on the outside of my left nostril is down to just a tiny little notch. It's pretty unnoticeable until you go looking for it up close.


  11. w00t!! See, the prognosis on your proboscis was prosilient after all!

  12. Hey! Grand news! Wonder! and amazement!

    Okay, enough excitement. I was MIA for most of your critical time (off doing a class with the state) so I'm glad to hear all went smoothly, if not painlessly. Terribly glad it sucked less than you thought it might, not to mention less than it could have.

    Looking back, though, I remember no whining. Snark-master Tam cannot whine. Anything that might seem like a whine to lesser snark connoisseurs is simply snark of such a sublime nature they cannot yet appreciate it...

    And to fun!


  13. Does this mean a Kinder and Gentler Tam ?

    HA ! Dat fat lady ain't gonna sing !

    Keep it coming, dear lady.

    You are #1 (snark lol)

  14. So, will you now be adding a travel size Sunblock 2000 to the list of things you carry every day?

  15. Glad to hear you're on the mend!

  16. That's good news and I'd like to reinterate what Peter said in the first post. Let us know if the bills are higher than expected and we'll get to work.

  17. Pre-congratulations, Tam. :) Anticlimactic cancer stories are a GOOD thing!

    I guess that means Tam is a cancer survivor.

  18. Great news, Tam!

    And I'll second what Peter said.

    Let us (or another Secret Squirrel!) know if you need any help.


    We all admire you.

  19. And there was much rejoicing.

  20. Good to read, Tam. Very good to read. Pops always liked to say the best rescue missions he flew were the ones where nothing exciting happened.

  21. Excellent news indeed...

    (and yeah, ditto what Peter said)

  22. Congratulations,and good news.Health issues are never what we want,but usually not as bad as it could have been.

  23. "Anticlimatic" is the best way to end a cancer story...

  24. Good luck, sis. I've lost too many family members to cancer already- you are hereby obligated to continue to show stellar improvement!

  25. w00t! So happy for you. :)

    (and us too, of course...whatever would we do without your grade-A snark?)

  26. Numba 1 good news!

    Just to be difficult, I recommend that you get real religious about regular dermatology check-ups. I've found that it's much better to get only small chunks carved out. Though, knowing what my dermatologist charges, we might need to start a "Tam's Dermatologist" fund (w/paypal button?).


  27. I hope you barely notice the time going by, for the next six months or so.

    And I hope *all* the scars fade with time, including those that don't get stitches.

    Blessed be!

  28. There is a disturbance in the Force. It's a good thing.

  29. "...and by six months it will take a close look to see that I'd ever lost a chunk of nose there..."

    Those of us that worship you from afar won't notice it NOW, and those that get close enough to notice in the future have already made up their mind about you.

    "Anticlimatic" is the best way to end a cancer story...


  30. Range time will help it heal faster.

  31. "Let's go have fun now. :) " YOU ESPECIALLY.
    Do keep us posted on the "financial front"...

  32. Like I said before, you'd have to look real close at Dad's surgery spot to see that anything had been done. No graft in his case, but still.

    Sleep better, lady. You've earned it.

  33. Yeah . . . we love you. Glad it's getting better.

  34. Glad to hear everything is going well.

  35. I can just see Tam flipping the double bird and dancing a jig as she chants "F-YOU, CANCER!"

  36. We all finished here? Good.

    And now Tam, back to the Snark mines with you.

  37. Glad for your good fortune! Hope it holds out!


  38. We're here for ya whenever you need something or wanna whine.

    Now get back to writing funny stuff, please.

  39. I had that surgery and the doc told me about a cream to use
    That helps with the scar(s). It worked and its OTC.


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