Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Just discovered that the little sunglasses garage in the Subie's overhead console won't fit a pair of Wayfarer clones.

WTF? That's like a garage that won't fit a Ford Taurus...


  1. My next door neighbor here in Texas, I repeat TEXAS, came home one evening with a brand new extended cab Ford F-150. Nothing fancy about it, it wasn't even the Crew Cab version, just an example of the most popular vehicle sold in the United States.

    He drove it into his garage, got out and noticed his tailgate was still 2 feet outside the garage.

    His 5 year old house had a "standard size" garage designed NOT to fit the most popular vehicle in Texas.

  2. Maybe they designed it for smaller heads?

    Will a set of reading glasses fit in there?

  3. It's a sunglasses holder. Other than perhaps Ray-Ban's Aviator, there is no more iconic or ubiquitous sunglasses design in the world than the Wayfarer. (The fact that these Oakley Jupiters are near-clones is testament to that...)

  4. Ah, so now we know why the Terminator never appropriated a Subaru.

  5. My 11 Subbie's will hold a pair of AViators, and I'm pretty sure those are bigger than Wayfarers. Must be that whole "continual improvement" thing in action.

  6. I'm sorry, but in readin Wayfares, I instantly started singing "Boys of Summer" to myself.

    Tam, you gotta get a Deadhead sticker for Subi

  7. Freeholder,

    I think this one would hold Aviators; the problem seems to be one of depth...

  8. I think she needs a "Commander Cody and the Lost Planet Airmen" or an "Asleep at the Wheel" sticker, maybe both. Those would make people think she was much older than she looks.

  9. That's where I put the garage door opener.

  10. At least you have one. The new Mustang has some sorta Rube Goldberg device that attaches to the passenger sunvisor. I still have no idea how to deploy it.

  11. Yer gonna drive me to drinkin' of you don't quit drivin' that ... hot ... rod ... Lincoln ...

    Thanx for a good earworm!

  12. The Subbie, designed for elderly drivers, will only take 'Clip-ons' in the sunglass compartment.

    I read that on the Internet, so it must be true.

  13. The 2008 150 Ford Pickup has a sunglasses compartment that fits a Colt 1911 Defender just perfectly and that is right handy. Just saying, don't you know.

  14. I think Tam just called RayBans "shallow".

  15. Nor my go-to Ray-Ban Daddios in my '04 Pathfinder.

  16. Wait a minute ... someone in Texas puts their truck inside the garage ...

    I thought that's how they knew you were from California?

  17. Subie only fits lil' round John Lenon glasses.

  18. In the early 60's I remember a lot of garage doors had a sort of bustle on it because the cars were too long for the garage. My father made such a box for a friend of my mother whose garage was about VW Rabbit size and she had something more '63 Chevy Impala size.

  19. I use those visor clippy things, very convenient. Often given away free at various conventions.

  20. Never owned a car with a sunglasses garage. Got a rental car with one. Kewl! Sure enough, come time to return the car (at night when sunglasses were stowed away), I left 'em in the rental car.

  21. Sunglasses left in a rental car?


    Why don't I ever find those great extras in my rental cars? The most I have ever found is a wind-up plastic toy.

  22. But I thought that was only where all you colonials kept your car keys? Way to go in shattering yet another of my movie illusions!

    Wayfarers? Ray-Bans (sans 'grocers apostrophe' ;-) )? Oakley? And I imagined you were a Bollé sort of Gal (I was thinking Irex but I really want a pair of Raider goggles for that, you know, 'European chic whilst tactically entering the bookstore, being myopic, and dominating the Sci-Fi section').

  23. I don't have a sunglasses garage in my Baja. I feel gypped.

    Not that I miss it. My glasses are the kind that have lines in the lenses...

  24. I love reading Tam's minutiae and then watching all the commenters try to out-wit each other for a "reply from Tam" reward. I can't believe this post got 20+ comments.


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