Friday, March 29, 2013

Seasons change...

It was a nice day for a walk yesterday. High 40s feel balmy after the last month, even if they still are about ten degrees too low for this time of year.

It looks like Monday's blizzard may have been winter's curtain call.
Little flowers blooming in the grass.

Doesn't it look like that snowperson is making a final curtsy?

While I like it when the snow melts to reveal little flowers underneath it, it'd be cooler if it melted off to reveal doubloons and pieces of eight and other pirate treasure.


  1. "'d be cooler if it melted off to reveal doubloons and pieces of eight and other pirate treasure."

    That being the case, I might actually rake my lawn.

  2. Damn wild violets. Been trying to eradicate those things for six years. They're worse than zoysia grass (which an idiot three houses down has a yard full of that goes yellow every fall and looks dead all winter).

    But yeah, I guess they're pretty as long as they're not in my yard. :)

  3. Arrgh, there matey.

    We just get crocusses and tulips. 101tringbs

  4. I love Zoysia, Fuzzy. Were it not so expensive I'd re-sod my whole half acre front yard with the stuff.

    But I hate the idea of spending the cost of a M1-A on a lawn.

  5. > wild violets.

    Yea, very pretty - toughest weed ever.

    I bought something and may have accidentally used it in a manner inconsistent with the Federal mandated label. Maybe. Maybe a wee more than the label says to use.

    Anyway, that took care of them.

    Another option is to just go all Euell Gibbons on them. It's listed as edible in one of his "stalking" books.


  6. >But I hate the idea of spending the cost of a M1-A on a lawn.

    Put a few plugs in. Wait. Cut some of your own plugs from the area where the stuff has taken over and do the rest of your yard.

    When done, enjoy your brown fall lawn.


  7. I just don't buy the "it takes over" complaint about zoysia.

    There were some sections of it in my yard when we moved in 10 years ago.

    Those sections now have less zoysia vs other green stuff that grows there.

    Now, I will admit that I neither weed nor feed. I just mow.

  8. prepped the garden for planting next week. gonna make sure the cold weather is Really gone this time.

  9. That "snowperson" looks like a dejected bride left at the altar...

    What? Too depressing? Wish I had my Calvin and Hobbes books with me, I feel the need to revisit Calvin's genius snow sculpting, including the attack of the deranged mutant killer monster snow goons.

  10. Chiondoxa flowers actually, also known as 'Glory of the Snow', somebody had to have planted them deliberately.
    (if you really want to know, probably Chiondoxa forbesii 'Blue Giant')
    pointless info, I know.

  11. To build on acairfearann, that is indeed "Glory of the Snow". They are small bulbs that can naturalize in cold climates, and do well in grass. They have a short season in Spring, then go dormant for the rest of the year.The summer grass covers them then, so no harm, no foul. Enjoy them when they come up!


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