Monday, March 11, 2013

Speaking of sequestration jokes...

There's a pretty funny one in one of the pictures Brigid took yesterday when she came to drag me out of the house for lunch here in SoBro. You should go read about our lunchtime adventures and be jealous of the yummy food.


  1. When are you going to start a dedicated food blog. May I be the first to suggest "Tam & Eggs"?

  2. Would that it WERE a "joke". 'Cept the blue team ain't in drydock so much 'cause those cost money too.
    'long's we got the money to fly ObaMao to the golf course things will "go on". Sixth-graders can't tour "the people's house" but cake-boy can still get to the links...

  3. Yep, I'm jealous of both the food and the fun. Glad you had both.

  4. "Jealousy Switch in the "On" position, Aye, Aye!"

  5. That's a keyring?!? Good grief, enough metal there for a boxworth of bullet jackets!

  6. Tam, I like your wrist-mounted survival kit/E&E bag!

  7. Last I checked they werent in dry dock but we did have half the naval fleet tied up at the the doc in Norfolk. Makes me cringe just thinking of it. Hope all the test results have come back the way you want them to.

  8. I'm jealous but you didn't say who won the Battleship game.

  9. Had to go take another cholesterol pill after viewing those photos.


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