Thursday, March 07, 2013

Well, that was... unpleasant.

It was a pretty good size chunk gone; nearly an inch square. The donor site for the graft left a pretty impressive line of stitches, too.

I'm trying to keep a stiff upper lip about the whole thing. We'll see how that works out. Right now, my face hurts like a sumbitch and I'm depressed and angry and starving and tired and just over it, all at the same time.

Hopefully I'll be back to my normal perky ray of sunshine in the morning.


  1. ATTAGIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. When you find yourself slogging through hell, keep going.

  3. *Internet high-five* You survived, yup it hurts. But your doc stabbed that cancer in the face!... Sorry bad analogy ;)

    Take a breather... We'll all be here and we're glad you survived.

  4. Treat yourself to the biggest slice of whatever you want. You earned it.

  5. Just back in from the ranch . Glad you have to ordeal over . Everything from here on is getting you back into your normal usual without the dread of what is coming up .

  6. +1 to Robert's comment. Or have someone else treat you. Either way!

  7. Hang in there, Tam! We're all rooting for you. :)

  8. Glad to hear it's done. Keep your chin up dear! We love ya!!

  9. All perfectly acceptable emotions, too.

    Hang tough, you will be just fine soon.

  10. Rest and Patience, both hard to come by at the moment, but you've got the perseverance part aced. We've got your back while you're on yours.

  11. Hey, any landing you can walk away from, right? Glad to have you back with us.

  12. Pain is weakness leaving the body.

    Keep your chin up, and know we loves ya!

  13. Hope they gave you some good painkillers that will allow you to sleep, which at this point will do you more good than anything else. Glad you got through it ok.

  14. Face eating surgeons beat the alternative.

  15. We're all pulling for you, Tam!

  16. Hey, you got this. Take some salt, Troopette. We're behind you all the way.

  17. Hang tough Tam, we've got your back!

  18. i had the mohs on the side of my nose as well. he undercut my skin of my cheek half the way to my ear and pulled that over to cover the hole. hurt for days but it looks normal now. i think i woulda preferred a graft. good luck in your healing. the hard part is over.

  19. Done and over with! Awesome!

    ...I doubt I'll ever eat a Reeses PB cup again in blissful ignorance...thanks for that. LOL

  20. Good to hear the worst part is over, I hope the stuff STAYS gone.

  21. RTFU!!!!

    Oh, and get it done, boss, I gotta have my free ice cream.

  22. Glad to hear it's over, and you're on the recovery.

  23. JohninMd.(HELP!)8:06 PM, March 07, 2013

    I precribe a large slab of rare, well seasoned beef, a pitcher of microbrew of your choice, whatever meds Bones gave ya, And sleep the sleep of the rightous.
    We'll be over here, tuning up the ice cream machine. when YOUR. ready.....

  24. Best wishes for a rapid, complete recovery.

  25. sepulvedasrevenge8:17 PM, March 07, 2013

    Thanks for the update.

    As per usual, ((((((( Tam )))))))

  26. Keep your chin up! (helps things drain.......)

    Good Thoughts your way.

  27. Others have said this better than I:

    “Sometimes it's the scars that remind you that you survived. Sometimes the scars tell you that you have healed.” ― Ashley D. Wallis, Sometimes

    Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars. Kahlil Gibran

    God will not look you over for medals, degrees, or diplomas, but for scars...Elbert Hubbard

    Be well, and we'll be here for you.

  28. I hope that the whole cancer is gone, never to return.

  29. Glad to hear you're out and moving foreward. Tomorrow you will wake on the correct side of the grass and enjoy a few days of really good drugs, I hope. The snark ought to be epic. I can't wait.

  30. Best wishes. As RAH said, folding green is the best applause - just hit your Paypal button

  31. Rest and heal up! And in this context, drugs are good.


  32. God bless.

    Does it interfere with eyewear? I hope not so you can get back to the range as soon as you feel like it.

    A week without recoil is like a week without sunshine.

  33. Does single malt mix with your meds?
    If not chocolate is a viable alternative.

  34. Hang in there! Soon it will be a great story rather than a pain in the nose!

  35. Stretch beat me to it; I was going to suggest Scottish Holy Water, assuming it would play well with the other stuff.

    I make some damn good fudge, wish I had a way to get some up to you.

    Hmmm... fudge...

  36. Perky? Who wants perky? WE WANT SNARK! :D

    I'm happy for you that it's over with, now eat and rest and get better.

  37. Glad you're done with it. Now get better, and realize the worry part is over.

  38. get well really soon. we're pulling for you.

  39. What doesn't kill us ,makes us stronger.Keep your chin up,and remember -you beat it,it didn't beat you.

  40. What doesn't kill us,
    Pisseth us off immensely

  41. Soon, this will just be an old memory.

    When I consider all the whittling that's been done on me, I console myself with a simple thought: If I had lived a century ago, I'd have been dead now for 27 years, if you get my drift. You pay a price for modern surgery, but the benefits are rather hard to beat.

    Keep your stick on the ice. We're all in this together.

  42. Glad you made it and yes I am selfish. I need to see some controlled substance induced snark now that this affair is done. As I am sure it is.

  43. As Joan Baez would say;

    "Take another piece of my nose now baby, Oh, Oh, Oh"

    Would you rather visit the "Corner Bar" or the "Coroner Bar"?

    Glad you endured troop, we like you and would rather have your snark around instead of visiting you for the first time in a wake.

    You don't now me but I've followed you for a long time. I donated under other names, get yer ass well. We need you around.

    Buck the kuck up soldier, you can get through this.

    love, me

  44. Hooray! It's done!
    You're way too pretty for a bit of scar to ruin it. And this guy was a pro. Let us know if you need anything. ANYTHING.
    It'd be awesome if you could be our direction in a couple of weeks. We'd make sure you were well fed and entertained. Big hugs from us and continued prayers.

  45. ~~~ ~~~ <== Good Vibes headed your way.

    Rest up - stay safe,


  46. You'll do great when you're ready to do great. This might be a *little* early for that. But I can't wait to see you really, truly over it, so get well.

  47. Just now had time to check in. While my body has been stuck at work, I joined everyone else here with you in spirit. Looking forward to your recovery.


  48. I wish I could have been there, friend.

    I think a little off-pissedness is merited, right now. Shows you're in touch. If you were chirping platitudes while keeping a fixed grin on your face, then I'd be worried.

    I don't get ill very often, but when I realize that I truly have been dealt the Sick card, I have found that it's surprisingly comforting just to wallow in it for a short time.

    But that's just me, who probably now will have a rep as having a syndrome, or something.

  49. You're weathering this with far more bravery than I would. Seriously, I'd rather face a charging lion than what you're going through. Hang in there.

  50. What they ^ said.


  51. Remember... scars are like tattoos... just with better stories.

    Kick its @$$!!!

  52. BTW: For your reading enjoyment: Jack London's Cruise of the Snark

  53. And I would agree with previous posters that the worst of it is over. For me the worst part would be asking for help in the first place.

    For people that pride themselves on self-reliance, I think medical intervention is a difficult thing. A house divided is a tough situation for a sentient multicelluar organism. A charging lion is at least in the programming somewhere. We know how to deal with that in a very instinctual level. Threats from our own bodies not quite so much.

  54. Don't just take the painkillers. Pound them with authority, and chase them with booze. First the hurt will go away, and then the world will go away for 12 hours or so. Things will be better in the morning.

  55. Hang in there. It doesn't sound like any fun. I hope he got it all and I hope the healing goes well.

  56. TOLJA there were a lot of people pullin' for ya.

    Take care of yourself; you're the onliest Mistress of Snark we got.

  57. Life is seldom fair. Your recent cards delt sucked. I could offer pithy comments, but I would rather point out that you are lucky too. Clearly you are both loved and respected. Prayers and well wishes have been made by many. I've never gotten to meet you, but like everyone else here I am very happy to hear you are done and safe. God speed.


  58. Here is to a speedy recovery!

  59. Take a break, Tam. A real break. You've earned it and, more importantly, your body really does need it. All surgery is very stressful. Your body needs time to recover. Give it.

  60. I'm here for you in spirit only 'cause AZ is too far away for me to drive there and buy you your favorite lunch.
    (Well, that and going around IL would be a PITA and I WON'T go through IL.)
    We all love ya whatever shape your schnozz is in at the moment or in the future.

    God Bless.

  61. Good to hear!

  62. Time to start working on a story "There I was visiting Heidelberg, innocently minding my own business, when..."

  63. Hang in there! It *does* get better.

  64. God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas, but for scars.

  65. Healing has begun, the fear of the unknown is behind you.

    Every best wish to you Tam.

  66. Glad it's over with! Best wishes, hope it heals fast and pretty!

  67. *goes outside at dawn to catch some New Mexico sunshine for you*

  68. Best and well-wishes to you, young lady!

    You've the heart of a lion and the visage of an angel. You'll not be down for long, and shall be back all the better.

    So, from one painkiller takin' gunnie to another (foot injury, drain bamage), yes, Get Well Soon!

    But for now, just get mellow, follow many previous suggestions for a splash of amber to chase the happy pills.

    Warmest wishes,

    Sunk New Dawn
    Galveston, TX

  69. this too, shall pass


  70. Sounds like the worst is over, now it's just the ouchie part, the healing.

    Will keep you in thoughts and prayers for a bit; I can't imagine it's any fun ATM, but (as you know) it will get better.

  71. Late, but heartfelt. Heal quick!

  72. Don't those bandaids look/feel stupid?

    Rich in NC

  73. Somebody mentioned platitudes, and I remembered the story of a colonel or general(can't remember which), real front-line type, visiting wounded in a medical unit and giving each and every one some kind of crap. Doc took him aside and went through the "They're wounded, don't you think you could find some kind words for them?" line. The officer looked at him and said 'Doc, they know me; if I started telling them it'd be all right and such shit, they'd be sure they were dying.'

  74. Long time lurker, but this situation requires a comment. Get well soon and top off the snark tank while you're recovering.

  75. Good thoughts UNREP continuing.

  76. Hard parts over. You can relax now.


  77. Breathing now. Color returning. You came. You saw. You kicked its ass. Good on ya!


  78. Mohs for the nose is the way to go. Now you know they got all of it and this one will not return. Been there done that. Being of Norwegian heritage and growing up under the hot Texas sun prepped the skin on my face and head for dermatological adventures in later life. Just remember sun screen and a hat when outdoors and you will keep the stuff at bay. I also found that a few wee drams of a good single malt scotch helps dramatically with post surgical pain management.
    Best wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery.

    Fred G

  79. Best wishes for a quick recovery. My mom went through something similar (Black Irish complexion, lived in Colorado and Arizona) -- recovered with minimal scarring.

  80. All the best for a speedy recovery and here's to being through the worst of it...waiting. "I hate waiting."

  81. Another wish for speedy recovery

  82. Best wishes on a full recovery!

  83. Glad you are through the worst of it, best wishes for a full and fast recovery.

  84. Tam,
    Glad that your introduction to Cansuh was relatively easy. You're allowed to be angry that now you carry the mark of Cain. Life will never be like before.

    However, feel free to join the chorus and yell, "Fuck Cancer!!"

  85. Hurry up and get well, now!

    You did make sure they picked a donor site with no hair on it, didntcha?

  86. Glad to hear it's done, now just concentrate on getting better.

  87. Hey, Ma'am! It's just a bit of skin off yer nose!

    Think of Pancho Barnes, one of my favorite women who ever lived. She had to have both boobies amputated for cancer, and therefore bought some brassieres with fake titties in them.

    Supposedly, an admirer and would-be biographer rang her doorbell one day. She yelled from inside, "Is this a business visit, or a social one?"

    "Social." he said.

    "Ok,", she said. "Give me a minute or so to to put my tits on, and I'll be right with you."

  88. P.s. Speaking of women I admire, did y'all know that Deanna Durbin, at last report, is still alive? She's 91, it seems.

    Now, I mostly don't care for soprano singers, even though I used to be one when I was a kid (I outgrew it.).

    However, the good ones are really good. Miss Durbin sings like an angel.

    Alistair MacLain, in his novel "HMS Ulysses", mentioned that British sailors, when about to be engaged in a hopeless fight to the death, unanimously chose Miss Durbin to sing to them from the phonograph.

    Having heard her sing in a videotape of one of her movies, I can understand how they thought so.

    I can see how having her sing to you might take a bit of the sting out of Horrible Screaming Death.


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