Monday, April 29, 2013

Do over!

I want a time machine so I can go back to those happy times of yore, right before I clicked over to this story linked at Robb's blog.

When real life becomes self-parodying, it's going to put me right out of a gig.


  1. I envision our founding of them in a moment of clarity, decided the malarial swamp was a good place to have the legislators meet a couple times a year, barring an emergency.

    I bet they figured, good idea, they won't want to just "do something" all the time in regards to, well, anything.

    Alas...they couldn't envision air conditioning...

  2. If they vote Democrat they are already endorsing "transactional sex" so I don't know what the big deal is.

  3. World to End Because of Comet:

    WALL STREET JOURNAL: Markets Close Early.

    WASHINGTON POST: World Ends: Women and Minorities Hardest Hit!

    NEW YORK TIMES: It's Bush's Fault!

    This is the "duality of women" (the Jungian thing, sir--what's wrong with you Shootin' Buddy? Whose side are you on?) concept that the Left has. Women are equal and just like men, but we need women as stalking horses to advance the Welfare State.

    Shootin' Buddy

  4. I've noticed a similar phenomenon - the more that the mainstream economic news begins to resemble the fever swamp at ZeroHedge, the more inclined I become to invest in canned food and ammunition.

  5. Okay, if you could just stop the planet at the next corner I'd like to get off please.


  6. Global Warmening turns women into whores!

    It's science, just ask this politician. It's good to know that the house democrats are on this!

    ( Yea, I laughed my ass off when I read this this AM ... someone has to represent the under 50% IQ folks, I guess )

  7. "But... but...but...Patriarchy!"

  8. If I had daughters, I would be ashamed of myself if one of them said anything so monumentally... stupid? Helpless? Weak? Brainwashed? Moronic?

    Help me out here: how DO we classify a woman who finds a canine to be such a terrifying symbol of rape?

  9. Unbelievable idiocy, but then it IS DC... sigh

  10. Liberal Arts major? Check.
    Avowed Feminist? Check.
    Total disconnect with reality? Check.

  11. @Stretch - the Avowed Feminist is the important part (says the female history major, though it was medieval history)

  12. Speaking as a Liberal Arts major, soon to be grad student (*sagacious nod to fellow medieval history major*), total disconnect with reality is not inherent in LA...but it sure helps!

    Nah, I've run into complete idiots in every field, STEM included (they just have a very...different way of disconnecting with reality).

    It's the second and third parts that bring up the truly strange WTFery. Combine that with the things that now-a-days fall under LA, and you've got a real witches brew of madness.

  13. That's what you get for buying the Subie instead of a Delorean.

  14. Noah D - I've run into complete idiots in every field, STEM included (they just have a very...different way of disconnecting with reality).

    Ditto. "Dude... you're an ASTROPHYSICIST. You've got a PhD in it, for pity's sake! How the hell can you therefore believe [insert idiot lefty belief here]???"

    I'm a chemist, and I understand that science and scientists are not infallible. However, we are SUPPOSED to be very data driven and skeptical: show me the proof. And "proof" is NOT "well, a lot of other people believe it".

  15. Had that conversation this morning at work. My back is hurting badly today (could be the cold, wet weather, sleeping wrong, or just because). A coworker suggested sleeping on a magnetic mattress. I opined (more or less politely) that the concept of magnets affecting bodily functions was provably wrong. He replied that he used to sell them, and many people claimed to have gotten relief from pain.

    I tried to give a short primer in the scientific method, but then remembered that this guy is a born-again, so science does not trump belief for him. (He is a great guy and a good friend, but we all have our idiosyncrasies.) So I dropped the subject and took some ibuprofen.

    Some battles are not worth fighting.

  16. Man, if she thinks the Huskies promote rape with their logo, I'm dying to know what she thinks of the Carolina Gamecocks.

  17. *Thwap*
    Huh. Even with a desk shaped bruise on my forehead that still doesn't make any sense. I thought libs endorsed 'transactional sex?'
    And a logo? Really?
    Ooh! Stars!

  18. Ancient Woodsman12:04 PM, April 30, 2013

    I really don't want a do-over. A do-over would involve leisure suits, the AMC Matador, Jackie Goldberg, New Coke, and Milli Vanilli.

    I don't want a do-over. It would be better to just switch trains at the next station before this one goes off that ever-closer cliff.

  19. I see this as an opportunity. If global warming forces women to prostitute themselves, it's because they are unable to project power.

    The obvious answer is for the Feds to provide them with firearms, ammunition and training so that they may be in a more equal position in the discussion of who's doing what to whom for how much.

  20. Look at the nice doggies!

    Now what these have anything to do with those who want to dominate and control via sexual violence is not really explained. I fear that the author would have issues with Casper the Friendly Ghost or the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man because they are white (oh, make that very white) males.


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