Thursday, April 04, 2013

...I didn't have to use my AK.

Which is a good thing, because Iggle Crick does not, at this time, allow centerfire rifle calibers. Also, I don't have an AK.

...and I was all like Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!... 'Merica.
Sunday was almost perfect shootin' weather.


  1. The first time I ever took my daughter shooting she was 12 years old. We used a scoped single shot 22LR Savage Youth Model rifle with a BSA 6x scope.

    Her first shot went into the absolute center of the X from 25 yards.

    Having never flinched before, she did not flinch then. Having shot only a Red Rider BB gun before, she liked the infinitely smoother trigger on the $65 rifle. Having only used open sights, the scope was a revelation that brought the target right to the end of the rifle barrel.

    I have never enjoyed a trip to the range more.

    Thanks for reminding of that trip to the range.

  2. I still enjoy snickering over the direction Mr. Jackson's career has taken. Oh, did the property master hand you a WASR at some point, Mr. Cube?

  3. Where the heck did you hide those target centers? They just seem to be missing! Trigger time makes for a good day. Working on your technique makes for a great day.

  4. I bet that berm in the back is a gold mine of lead on could smelt into ingots and then make alloys for boolits.

    My wheel weight ingot stash is almost gone. I'm about to have to move to the range scrap ingots.

    This concern has invaded my dreams to the point I dreamt I had been given a 55 gallon drum of wheel weights and dealing with the logistics of getting it home.

  5. Your target, left or right?

  6. Left. But I didn't do as much WHO or SHO shooting, and I was shooting all nine and deuce-deuce, so it was like cheating.

  7. It looks like acceptable combat accuracy to me.


  8. I missed the AK inside joke somewhere, but good shootin'!

  9. "I missed the AK inside joke somewhere, but good shootin'!"

    Dude, it's Ice Cube, Today was a Good Day.

    As Tam knows my dream is to be the suburban Ice Cube, you know like Ice Latte or something. I'd rap about getting up early, going to the office to talk on the phone and tell people when their court dates were, rap about how I am dissin' my bills and hanging with my homies (a bunch of middle aged guys with careers, mortgages and responsibilities), and, of course, rolling in da hood (perhaps gated) in like a Camry or a Mini-van full of kids.

    Instead, I am cramped up in an office chair all day, untangling everyone's crap and then in the evening I go do burpees with a large Polish man in his garage. Should have went to medical school . . . wait, what wouldn't be any better now.

    Shootin' Buddy

  10. You mean there's a gun I have that Tam doesn't?! Whoaaaaa.

  11. Ah, Ice Cube.

    He's on Law & Order SVU!

    Oh, no, wait.

    That's Ice T.

    Never mind.

    (goes back to cleaning and oiling Krinkov, waiting for rifle range to dry out near me...)

  12. Ed Jones,

    "Very good.."

    No, it's really not, not that you can tell from this distance, anyway.

    I'm still fighting a bad tendency to outrun my sight picture and start cadence shooting when I'm consciously trying to get my split times down. There were other issues, too, but that was the most frustrating on this trip, as it's something for which I'm not sure there's anything like a dry-fire remedy and ammo's still scarce.

  13. Those targets seem to be defective. There are holes in them =)

  14. One wonders if Iggle Creek permits .30 Carbine-

    Perhaps not quite a centerfire rifle round, but pretty fast and small for at pistol.

    Perhaps it would be ok from a .30 Carbine revolver, but not from a .30 Carbine?

    My big wish: someone would steam punk design a Broomhandle Mauser in .30 Carbine (complete with stock-holster). Then you could be good to go at pistol ranges, and still have som modicum effective at the shorter range rifle butts.


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