Friday, April 19, 2013


So you've got one brother named after the first president of breakaway Chechnya and the other named after "The Sword of Islam", Muslim conqueror of Central Asia? 

And INS told their parents "Come on in, y'all!"? 

In 2002? 

Golf clap, Immigration. Way to keep on your toes. My tax dollars at work.

One would hope that a German couple at Ellis Island in late '45 with kids named Adolf and Arminius would have received a dollop of extra scrutiny, but maybe not. Like π, a certain level of bureaucratic derp is a constant.


  1. And yet, I can guarantee that no one in Congress will suggest this might mean we need to tighten our immigration controls.

  2. DHS at work once again.


  3. Under the Obama abbreviated immigration admission system, all that is necessary is to declare intent to vote the straight Democrat ticket and Boom! You're in!

  4. But they passed through TSA Checkpoints, so they must be safe, right?

  5. In fairness, does this mean that people with children called "Wilhelm" or "Erich" shouldn't have been let into the country in 1919, or people with children called "Josef" or "Tze" shouldn't have been let into the country in 1954?

    (Now, not letting people with children called "Ulysses", "Abraham" and ESPECIALLY "William" into the South after 1865 was a VERY good idea...)

  6. Bob,

    "Under the Obama abbreviated immigration admission system..."

    Uh, 2002? Barry was a state senator in Springfield in 2002.

  7. docjim505,

    "Wilhelm" doesn't ring any ideological bells to me; then again, '14-'18 wasn't a very ideological war.

  8. Wait a minute. 2002?

    AHA! So it was BUSH's Fault, eh? Matthews and Maddow will be happy to know that.

  9. (But I think in '54 a Russian couple with kids named Vladimir Ilyich and Karl might have gotten a little extra attention, yeah.)

  10. This whole "shelter in place" thing gives me the creeps.

    Is that a suggestion or command?

    Because if I were in my cubicle and stuff like this went down I'd prefer to just quietly slip away to my home in the boonies.

  11. I am looking forward to whether the investigation can determine why these two decided to set off the bombs. If they are Chechen, as the newsreaders I heard are reporting, it would have to be more of a religious than a political motivation, IMHO. In all likelihood, Suspect #2 will be killed, not captured, and all will be speculation. Now where die I put the tin foil?

  12. But you can't assume they are all bad! It's not like they are gun owners or anything.

  13. "I am looking forward to whether the investigation can determine why these two decided to set off the bombs."

    Because Sudden Jihadi Syndrome.

  14. "Uh, 2002? Barry was a state senator in Springfield in 2002."

    Exactly, shudder at the power he wielded as a lowly state senator.

    It was all part of the Illumaniti's plan to put him on the throne from his birth on the dark side of the moon, where the other 7 US states are.

    It's ok though, I'm sure these guys are right wing Chechens. The media won't spin totally out of control.

  15. Is that a suggestion or command?

    Because if I were in my cubicle and stuff like this went down I'd prefer to just quietly slip away to my home in the boonies."

    Might be a suggestion, but then, you risk getting your truck shot to pieces by overzealous cops. I mean, you refused to obey their suggestion, so that must mean you're guilty of SOMETHING, right?


  16. Bureaucratic derp: also called basal or background derp. It is everywhere, uniform, and directionless. It will interfere with signals if not filtered out.

  17. Bureaucracies are also often irrational like π.

  18. Clearly, Unitarians on pilgrimage to the cradle of the Faith.

  19. "Clearly, Unitarians on pilgrimage to the cradle of the Faith."

    The English Department at Harvard?

    Oh, wait, I thought you meant Marxism.

    Shootin' Buddy

  20. It's not just the INS. The City of Boston gave the kid a scholarship.

  21. Who is/was paying for these two brothers to live/attend school here?

  22. "Because Sudden Jihadi Syndrome."

    That Saudi who Beck noted is suddenly being deported might have something to do with this.

    Can't PO the Saudi FM by punishing the relatives of highly placed persons, I guess.

  23. In fact kids named Wilhelm or Fritz, or Jurgen in 1914 USofA often got the crap beat out of them, there was plenty of anti-Hun literature floating around.

    Nevermind, just some Unitarians making a pot of coffee to chat about their belief in Atheism: Stanford (on cue from Haavaad) hired (with real $$) an Athiest Chaplain to minister among the Campus Heathenry...

  24. Anon, I suspect that you and I were.

  25. Ironic that the guys in the black uniforms can "lock down" an American city ;just like its a prison. Then go door-to-door and order everyone out -just like its a prison- Then search every home-without warrant- JUST LIKE ITS A PRISON. I guess "civil rights" only apply if you are a cop. Or favored of the god king.

  26. I'm sure the Sad Panda's at MSNBC are consoling themselves with the fact these two are Caucasians in the truest sense of the word.
    Um, MSNBC does know the derivation of "Caucasian" don't they?

  27. "Shelter in Place" sounds like a suggestion that becomes a command should you decide not to follow the suggestion. TS

  28. In the 19th century, Unitarians were compared to Wahhabi Muslims by people who weren't being ironic. Maybe this is a Unitarian on a pilgrimage.

    As for strengthening immigration controls, you should recall that the immigration bureaucracy also sent Elian Gonzalez back to Cuba. You must always assume that increased government power will be used by the Other Side.

  29. Did they look in the secret treasure chamber under the Old North Church?

  30. Oops.

    Turns out the fibbies "interviewed" the older brother a couple years ago, at the request of a foreign government who suspected him of having terrorist ties.

  31. Tam, in 1945 the name "Adolf" would have raised eyebrows, but I doubt that 1 INS clerk in 10 would have recognized "Arminius" - although I think a German family would have spelled that "Hermann". Tamerlane is no better known than Arminius, and even I never heard the first name of the Chechnyan president before. (I'm sure I wouldn't have forgotten a name that can be pronounced "Joker".)

  32. The first thing I thought of when I heard suspect #1's name was Timur the Lame. TS

  33. Two wrongs certainly don't make a right,but,

    it isn't so many years ago that Boston was the centre of fund raising for groups setting off bombs in Britain

    and American politicians were crawling over each other to get the perps votes, and to have a bomber lead a Paddy's day parade.

    The leader of the largest bomb laying group was a regular guest at the white House.

  34. Meanwhile, the Obama administration goes all out to boot a Christian family seeking asylum because the German government gave them a really hard time for homeschooling their kids.
    Yeah, real potential terrorists there.
    The Obama administration, I mean.

  35. "The first thing I thought of when I heard suspect #1's name was Timur the Lame. TS"

    I hope so, because that's his name.

  36. Hey, it's still April 20th, and the Opera on the radio was "Siegfried."
    (Dammit, I couldn't find my brown shirt!)

    Which has nothing to do with letting Chechens into My Country. Hell, Vlad Putin doesn't want to let Chechens into _his_ country. They are a bunch of inbred clannish folks who don't get along with anybody else, and dangerous Mohammedans to boot. Deport them all, I say.

  37. Here is iSteve, quoting War Nerd on the Chechens:

    Those people are crazily dangerous, and we don't want them here.

  38. So, I guess you'd have a problem with
    Zingua? Just to be clear.

  39. Tam, my inartful statement was meant to say that I immediately understood whom the guy was named after. If I did, the INS/ICE should have as well... TS

  40. TS: Only if they paid attention in history class. I doubt that INS functionary is the career goal of the few that do.


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