Wednesday, April 17, 2013

"Shrapnel" II...

Multiple other doctors' reports flatly contradict Dr. Walls' "no shrapnel" statements. Looks like he was wrong.

I've said it before: Anything you hear out of a journalist's mouth* in the first 48 to 72 hours after one of these things is likely to be speculation at best or fiction at worst. Witness all the flat-out BS that has sprung up about "No AR at Sandy Hook" all because one dumbass talking head who doesn't know a handgun from a hole in the ground said "four handguns" when he meant "four guns".

*And other sources may not initially be much more reliable. Law enforcement, in the initial panic afterwards, is going to treat every eyewitness statement as a lead until it is disproved, which is where all the shadowy second suspects and such come from. Panicking people come up with a lot of "They went that-a-way!" fabulation, and it is often further muddied by that guy in the audience who you also know from the gun shop. You know, the SEAL Ranger Green Beret LRRP sniper who was in the 'Nam? He's got some eyewitness testimony, too!


  1. I like "DesLauriers told reporters that the “range of suspects and motives remains wide open,” ".

    Like, we're trying to decide who to pin it on.

    How about "We are trying to catch who did it."

    Decent people ought to be horrified by the frothing anticipation some show to be able to tie this to their opponents.

    Having a murderer agree with your enemies doesn't make them wrong, any more than having a murderer disagree with your enemies makes them right.

  2. You also have reporters asking some cop they know/can corner "C'mon, give me something I can use!", and being told something; which they proceed to use without bothering to see if it is accurate/related to reality/makes sense.

    'Course, that's an awful lot of how they operate the rest of the time anyway.

  3. Well, considering that the 48-72 Hour Rule seems to be just a way to get the MSM Propaganda Machine all on one page, I'm afraid that if we want to know some Factual Info, we have to wait several weeks until the "Official Reports" get filed.

    The old days of Jack Webb's Rule of "Just the Facts, Ma'am" are long gone, I'm afraid.

  4. I was reluctant to share this yesterday, but I'm personally acquainted with an ER nurse who works at that very hospital. He's a close enough friend that I trusted him to secure my firearms when I drove from Indiana to a military school outside Boston for a couple weeks so I wouldn't have to worry about bringing them on-post. Prior-service during the first Gulf War - a good man to know.

    Anyway, he himself worked on several of the victims, and at least one had what he said were BBs embedded in his legs and backside, removing several himself.

    He's the guy I got my facts from - I've been avoiding news coverage.


  5. Well it will be solved/concluded very, very soon. I know because I saw Obama calling for a full investigation and answers promptly. You know like the Bengazi thing was handled. Just saying. Al the best.


  7. other than a love of pedantry, I don't understand why it is important whether it is classic shrapnel, shell casing fragrment, nails, pieces of pressure cooker or debries from the bomb blast. I understand the ER docs being concerned since some would be easier than others to remove, but otherwise...

    Last time Doc removed pieces of metal from my body we did not discuss wheter it was shrapnel, shell casing, bullet fragments or ball bearings. We just discussed how to care for the wound and when to remove some sutures.

  8. It matters because some clerk at Wal-Mart might remember selling pressure cookers, bbs, and brads to a guy last week.

    That's why the newspapers should wait for information, but they go with whatever.

    Why not? Will anyone at the New York Post be fired for the "Saudi national" story?

    Were any of the "profilers" fired and held up to ridicule for their uniform "angry white male" description of the then unknown Washington murderer?

    And why can't Journos say man any more?

  9. I'm going with the Martian theory. At least I can be first. Here's how it works. The last rover we sent up there wasn't really a rover; it was a war machine designed to eradicate the population of Mars so we could mine it, thus lining the pockets of . The failure of the mission has been elaborately covered up by the media lest the population learn the true goals. The Martians are retaliating. Pretty soon, all the babies will come out naked.
    What? Sounds as plausible as the other theories I've heard.

  10. Hotair has a great timeline of the weird conflicting reports they're getting...


    I'm having a bit of trouble not cracking up at work.

  11. Jennifer, and of course the proof is that since this bomb attack, all the babies HAVE been coming out naked (they were before, too, but we'll have an explanation shortly).

    After Senator Kennedy was murdered there was discussion of some mysterious woman in the polka dot dress, who was with SS, which according to some was a young woman with a polka dot scarf who realized she was the mysterious woman a few days after the event.

  12. The seventh picture down indicates that some shrapnel was likely added.

    But so what? Anyone who would manufacture several explosive devices, plant them, and set them off in a crowd obviously intends to hurt people. It stands to reason that they would dump at least a handful of hardware into each device.

    The act is detestable. Does the addition of the ball bearings and tacks make it more detestabler? Kinda reminds one of the silliness of the Hague Accords*.

    *Which at least deal with war, which is often legal and sometimes even honorable. I do not of course equate this with that.

  13. One of the witnesses to the explosions soon afterwards noted to a TV reporter that after the explosions he found a BB in his pocket that was not there before the explosions.


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