Thursday, April 18, 2013

Slow start here at Roseholme this morning...

I'm taking the bike for my morning ride; this 'not smoking' thing is having the predicted effect on my avoirdupois.

Murphy's Law posted a link to the oh-so-classy "Maggie's Dead" street celebrations in the place where Great Britain used to be, a phenomenon of which I remained blissfully unaware until yesterday afternoon.

I note with amusement that there is one person in all those photos who I would confidently bet was out of diapers when Mrs. Thatcher was succeeded by Mr. Major. I was reminded of the scenes of campus grief here in the U.S. when Teddy shuffled off his mortal coil; weeping children who would have answered a pointed question with "Mary Jo who?"


  1. Somehow, my newish 'not smoking' thing has had the opposite effect. Still sucks, though.

  2. As I said over at your roomies, the decision to not send 'any' representative to the funeral has, shall we say, 'annoyed' quite a few here (including some unexpected groups such as the generally apolitical and soap-opera sets). One wonders what relations will be like in the future as a consequence.

    The point being, as there, the majority (who let's remember voted her in three times and went from a country about to make Albanias economy look good, to an economic powerhouse - since squandered away by her successors) whilst unlikely to 'demonstrate' or waffle on their Instafacetwit page, but they do have long memories - and vote.

    As to the usual idiots (thank you so much our wonderful 'indoctrieducation establishmnet') you are right, they know nothing and care even less. But.... the left here, in all it's glory, is being seen for just what it is, in the open for the first time in a while. I suspect they don't realise just how much it will be backfiring on them.

    It's almost as if The Iron Lady had decided to score 'one last point', I just bet she's sitting on a cloud laughing and laughing.

  3. Oh, and I've gone the 'vaping' ecig route - no cough, can climb stairs without wheezing (after the third step) and remain as svelte and lithe as always (not very).

    Give it a try, a strange side-effect for me has been that I no longer like the taste of a normal smoke (lots of different flavours to choose from). Over here with duty, tax, VAT (£8 per pack) I save stupid amounts of money too.

    The added 'fun' benefit of vaping in premises where smoking is banned and watching the apoplexy, panic, feigned 'asthma' attacks (followed by sheepish embarrassment when they realise) and simple impotence of the antis is worth it in itself.

  4. Tam,

    I know it sucks big hairy rocks off the ground, but keep at the "no smoking" thing.

    Over 12 years here. Still get the dreams.

    Be strong.

  5. What I'm finding most effective in keeping to my 'not smoking' status is thinking about the tobacco excise taxes I'm keeping out of the federal govt's pocket. The tax is something over $1 a pack - and I don't want to give them any more than I have to.

  6. You get your lung capacity back a lot sooner than you think and the financial dividends can be substantial if you don't lie on the spreadsheet, as minor level opps we estimated $4k a year. And that's a ticket to Hawaii all by itself.

  7. Hang in there Tam; the no-smoking thing gets easier after the third week.

    But it's WORTH it.

  8. While I appreciate all the "stay strong" stuff, it really hasn't been that big a deal. I still have half a pack of cigarettes on the dining room table gathering dust from the week before surgery.

    I think it was more a behavior-linked thing for me than a real physical addiction. And there's a blog post in there, too...

  9. That's similar to how mine was, even after some 30-ys. and it broke fairly easily - just had a weird dream the other night that I was smoking and didn't enjoy it. it's been over 2-ys now/$8k+ saved.

  10. SO your "avoirdupois" is getting broader?

  11. B,

    A lady doesn't tell. And a gentleman doesn't ask.

    I quit three years ago right before the busy season at work, and the holiday season. 40 pounds later I'm still quit, but need to drop that 40 and another 20. Or I'll die of heart failure for a different reason.


  13. Interested to see the blog post on behavioral vs. chemically addicted.

    My wife was the former when we met but rapidly headed for the other.

    I expressed displeasure at the habit but said I wouldn't attempt to make her quit.

    She elected to quit simply because it bugged me. I realized then that I had met the woman who would change my views on marriage. 20 year later the rest as they say is history.

  14. I lost twenty lbs., smoking made me fat.

  15. I quit smoking at 35, pretty much the same time my metabolism went into "anaconda with a smack problem" mode. Finally getting past the denial stage. I'm fat.

  16. If you mentioned it before, I missed the not smoking thing. Well, good on ya. Ditto on the behavioral aspects. Sure, the multiple times I quit, there were times of definite drug withdrawl, but the habituated smoke routine is perhaps even worse.

    @Able: I've been vaping for 3 years. Smoked for 29 before that. I have a Mako Midi, but not a tank system, as shown there. Used to be a guy carried them this side of the pond. Now if I want to order spare parts, they have to come from Old Blighty.

    The times I did quit smoking, it had no effect on my weight.

  17. Avoirdupois. Now I know a new word.

  18. The several times I quit smoking, I relapsed on the third week. Finally got past the third week and off for over twenty seven years now. Since tobacco suppresses your sense of smell and taste, the food will be extra delightful now that you quit, but if you keep increasing your activity level while keeping the intake sensible it should offset the removal of the toxins that were poisoning you and keeping you thinner.

    BTW Learn to do a slow 10 count before answering questions. No one really wants that snappy answer that quickly comes to your lips now that you no longer smoke no matter how clever it may seem to you at first. The slow 10 count corresponds to how long it takes to tap a cigarette pack, remove a cigarette from the pack, put it in your mouth, light it, inhale, exhale, then answer the question. Try it. They will like it.

  19. But, Ed, if she does that we miss out on weapons-grade shark like being accused of paying hookers to don DiFi masks :)

  20. Uh, snark not shark (laser or no).

    Stupid auto correct.

  21. Congrats on the not smoking thing. It gets easier, but times of stress and frustration require vigilance. Since August I have saved about one panick priced AR not buying smokes. Don't bother with the electric either: it's like maturbation, it may satisfy the need, but it's just not the same as the real thing.

  22. Quitting the cigarets doesn't make you gain weight...eating does. Problem is aftr you quit everything just tastes so much better. I have to tell you I stopped 34 years ago and there are time I still want a smoke. Godd luck with the quitting. In the long run you'll even feel better.


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