Thursday, April 11, 2013

Tab Clearing...


  1. Drang's post makes me wonder about the reality of realpolitik, and how real the politik could get if we, say, just made a deal with the Chinese.

    "Ok. We'll just draw a line from Anju to Sinsang. Everything north of that is yours, everything south of that is South Korea's, and we'll take out this ridiculous dickbag together."

    Anju and Sinsang both become *enormous* trading ports, not to mention great places for the Koreans and the Chinese to trade, and hell, as much as life in China sucks, it's gotta be better than life in North Korea. Maybe make some sort of noise about China letting any former Norks who wanna move south do so.

  2. I think an AR for leopard, doesn't seem too big and fast handling + follow up shots = win I think.

  3. re: NORK - I see the totalitarian Leftist Narrative-Control in action resulting in near mind-control, and what California will be like after 70-years of One-Party rule...

  4. Capstick liked a Winchester Model 12 pump gun stoked with buckshot when he was following up a wounded one. I guess that would do for a taking out the trash.

  5. Yeah, from everything I've read/heard they're thin-skinned and light-boned; the problem is HITTING the damn things, they're so fast.

    One of son's DIs trained with the ROK Special Forces; from what he said, they are not someone you want to have a disagreement with.

  6. I'm going with 12GA for close in Leopard action.

  7. I do recall reading the leopard was the least likely of the big 5 to kill you but the most likely to get a piece of you.

    Shotgun & buckshot.


  8. Shotgun. #1 buck or larger.

    Not my personal experience, I read Peter Capstick's books in my grandfather's small hunting library back in the '70s.

  9. 12 ga is the choice of most Professional Hunters for Leopard. They are most likely to scratch a hunter, although probably not that likely to kill a hunter, but one of the most likely to kill and eat residents.

    They are the feline version of a Coyote. Smart, not afraid of humans, living in close proximity to humans throughout their range. They are well camouflaged and extremely stealthy.

    They are far more common than lions in African hunting areas, but are almost never seen except over carefully placed baits. They are cunning ambush predators and very deadly, especially to isolated women, children and even unarmed men.

    All of our PH's have respected or feared them.


  10. What gun for leopard? Something very hard-hitting, but light and fast-handling. At halitosis range, buckshot will work, as will Brenneke slugs (my personal choice for defensive shotgun use against man or beast during my years in Africa).

    Leopards aren't my nightmare, though. I've never forgotten one day in the 1980's, swanning around Angola. I came around a bush to find three elephants twenty yards away - including a suddenly irate Mommy, with a baby whom she clearly suspected I might be considering for my lunch.

    Allow me to assure you, there's nothing in all the world quite like staring at three of the planet's largest and most dangerous critters, ears suddenly straight out from their bodies as they look upon you with dire suspicion, whilst being terribly aware of the modern 5.56x45mm. assault rifle in your hands, complete with its 35-round magazine, plus backup mags and a few grenades in your pouches. I've never felt so inadequately equipped and completely unarmed in all my life!

    Fortunately, they decided to leave. If they hadn't, I suspect I wouldn't be writing these words.

  11. While it depends on the territory, 120 pound cats are not hard to kill. The problem is making them realize they are dead before they disembowel you. Normal range is within 25 yards over a bait - 12 ga slug works well if you choose your shot carefully. Nothing works well if you do not.


  12. IIRC, Capstick's leopard hunting rig included a heavy leather jacket with linoleum plates riveted on, a leather fencing neck protector and some sort of head protection. (Catcher's mask??)

    Guess I'll have go dig out 'Death In The (Insert African locale)' and read it again. Damn the bad luck...

  13. Go classic for leopard: .318 Westley Richards.

  14. Conversation that Bubba Abdul had with his cousin Cleatus Muhhamud prior to the attack:

    'What you doing with that sharp stick?"

    "I'ms fixin' to poke that sleepin' leopard over yonder, hold my kumiss. Be riiiiight back"


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