Thursday, April 11, 2013

The tears of Chuck Todd are sweeter than wine.

Chuck Todd, political analyst for the DNC's in-house propaganda network, and Matt Lauer were just having a little group cry on Today over the news that the NRA came out in opposition to even the watered-down Toomey-Mancin compromise bill.

Chuck noted that while numbers in favor of stricter gun control in national polls were plummeting from a post-Newtown high of 61% as Americans found their channel clickers, 82% of real, feeling human beings still supported stricter gun control, while only 27% of Republicans did so. This means, lamented Chuck, that while there's an 82% chance of some kind of gun control passing the Real People-controlled Senate, there was only a 27% of it getting through the GOP-controlled House.

If the GOP were concerned with getting the votes of women and minorities, said Chuck in his totally unbiased way, they'd get on board this gun control train! America yawned and wandered off for another cup of coffee.


  1. Well, when I think about such feelings running high in the Entertainment/Propaganda Community, I be thinking of hemp, mainly.

  2. I saw that too. Then I realized that my TV was showing the Today Show, so I turned it off.

  3. For just a moment I'll be as racist as the left and point out that the REAL "minority" in this country are exemplified by people like Thomas Sowell, Allan West, Herman Cain and Star Parker...

  4. Did Todd not read the articles about the growing number of women purchasing guns?

  5. "are" , 'is" however it works ...
    I guess I should use the preview button more...

  6. Damn, Tam, you outlier, you! Why aren't you lined up with the most of the wimminzes to be against the Evil Guns?

    OT, Tam, but I'm just expressing curiosity here. How many marriage proposals have you turned down? To the nearest dozen, I mean, no need to count all of them.

  7. But they're like Palin, they're not actually women so they don't count.

    Hey, that dirtbag senator in Colorado announced he 'didn't read e-mails or take phone calls because people were telling me not to do this', and now New (socialist)Republic announced that they wish Congress wouldn't pay attention to voters, so this fits right in; they just LOVE citizen participation until the citizens don't do what they want.

  8. Mr. Thisguy,

    While I remain unoffended, you are beginning to bore me.

  9. Got to admire the progressives for their persistence. Every time the lies and half truths, they use as arguments, are proven false, they simply haul out some more.

    Makes me wonder, why people still listen.

  10. Yesterday Nora O'Donnell angrily asked some beleaguered Repub if he will support the Bipartisan Toomey/Manchin bill.

    He mentioned that the bill wasn't even available for him to review so how could he say he supports it at this point?

    It would have been better if he had prefaced that with "Norah, you ignorant slut."

  11. Tam, once again, thank you for watching Today, etc. so I don't have to.

  12. JohninMd.(Too Late?!?)7:17 PM, April 11, 2013

    Okay. So, we have a vote in the Senate for cloiture on a gun control bill that the center-piece of is this piece of Manchin/Toomey dreck. The only problem is, the said center-piece has not been PRODUCED YET. Not one paragragh, or sentence, or jot or tittle.....SO WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY VOTING FOR??? Awww,,Jesus wept...

  13. Rick: publicity.
    "Look at us, we're doing something!"

  14. Sebastian went through the full text, and his update at the top of the post is
    UPDATE: OK, a bit of editorializing here. After reading and re-reading a lot of these provisions, it’s not abundantly clear what circumstances are or aren’t covered. This bill is not just limited to Internet sales, as it was advertised, but also includes soliciting for a transfer in “publications,” which are poorly defined in the Toomey-Manchin amendment. Senator Toomey says this measure throws some bones to gun owners, but without it being clear what it takes away, how can we possibly support it?

    And between him and commenters, all the depressions waiting to turn into sinkholes in the thing.

  15. Firehand,

    There seems to be a lot of distancing themselves from it going on in the Senate right now, too, in the wake of the NRA's response.

    Toomey's probably a pretty sad panda at the moment. While he's obviously no hard-core RKBA'er, it looks like he went into this thing with the idea of trying to come up with an actual "give-and-take" compromise and got beat down by the other side and came back from the negotiations with this abortion, having given away most of the store. Sucks to be him.

  16. It do indeed. Rightly so.
    Wonder how Manchin's feeling right now?

  17. Hope Toohey enjoys his next primary.


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