Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Hi, Dad! If you happen to read this today, tell Mom "Happy Mother's Day!" for me and that I hope she's having a good time and getting some touristing in over there in Jolly Olde.


  1. Happy Mother's Day Tam's Mom! (and remind your Dad to take her someplace nice over there for Mother's Day Dinner, not out to the local Grease and Weasel for a pint and a meat pie. :-)

  2. It's not Mother's Day in England. That was about two months ago. (My English-borne wife forgot, so she's trying to do something to make up for it on the basis of her living in the colonies these days.)

  3. Tirno,

    "It's not Mother's Day in England."

    If my Mom's in Paris for her birthday, they do parades and fireworks for her! :D

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Not cool, John; I was kinda hoping my Dad would show my Mom this post.

  6. I called a lady who "adopted" me while in college, and wished her a Happy Mother's Day.

  7. I thank you, and your mother thanks you. I am in England for three months teaching and mom is visiting for a few weeks. Because we were here last year, we have made some good friends and mom is able to enjoy time with her friends while I am working. We love you!

  8. This is dad, again. May 14 is our 47th wedding anniversary. We will be in Oxford with the memory of C.S. Lewis


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