Thursday, May 09, 2013

Kwicher whingeing...

Trips down to Tennessee involve much ceremonial watching of the Braves games at Casa del Gunsmith Bob because we don't get them up here in far off frozen cold north yankeeland. Consequently, despite bringing my 17" laptop and USB headset along with high hopes of getting my scheduled World of Warcrack fixes, my best intentions are frequently just that and Warcracking does not happen until I return home.

This trip was extended due to my horrifically bruised posterior and when I got home and re-entered my normal activity schedule, Sunday night's WoW session found me whingeing over my headset about my horrible, horrible bruise... to two friends who, I belatedly remembered, had more or less taken up recreational falling down as a hobby. Derp.


  1. Well you usually don't wear much safety equipment on stairs, and it isn't exactly like you're well padded in the neither regions.

  2. Did I mention I've quit smoking?

  3. You're still a stick. If you ate a whole cherry you'd have to leave town for nine months.

  4. A sore ass is still sore, whether it got you any cool points or not.

    And I can't believe I just used "cool" in a sentence that's tangentially about roller derby. Used to see it (quite a lot, actually - long story) when I was a little boy, and its players and its fans always struck me as the sort of people who couldn't afford a proper double-wide, and so had to indulge in RD so they'd have something to brag about at the laundromat. I wasn't aware it had become respectable.

    Ooh! That sounded rather snobbish, didn't it? Get a load of that, coming from the likes of me. I've seen the seamy underbelly of more than one trailer park myself, back in the day...

  5. Joel,

    In one of those weird bits of pop culture evolution, it's actually become downright hip these days.

    (Similarly, football and basketball were once the spectator sports for effete college grads and baseball was a workingman's game...)

  6. @Tam said...
    Did I mention I've quit smoking?

    Yay, Tam!

  7. And we still haven't seen full color photos of said posterior bruises.

  8. Wayne: Not even on planet Porno, where emperor Wang The Merciless uses the Sex Ray to subdue his subjects, would you ever get Tam to post full color pictures of her asscheeks. The fabric of Space-Time couldn't handle all the adolescent remarks and one-handed drooling.

    Internet porn is why G-d made liberals and bimbos.

  9. Whoa. This conversation just got a lot more interesting.

  10. Wayne:

    I have it on good authority that Ms. Tam is absolutely 100% really completely and truly in there. Unfortunately, that "authority" was a politician, so you may have to, erm, use your imagination some.

    Joel: The ref stripes afford me the chance to watch very closely the hot-pant-clad posteriors (passes are defined by the hips, y'see) of some *seriously* athletic women. I'm sorry, I couldn't hear your scorn over the sound of how awesome my job is.

  11. *snicker*
    I can just imagine the sympathy and kindness in that particular session.

  12. Well, we weren't exactly contemptous. More like having trouble remembering most people don't regard giant butt bruises as trophies.

    (And yeah, if derby is infested with any "undesirable" these days, it's hipsters... I'd make fun of the girl who skates with a curly mustache as warpaint if she were less scary on the track.)

  13. Stingray,

    Some of those pics reminded me of my time in net playing beer league hockey.

    It's always fun when you get a nice bruise through the body armor.

    Gods I miss the ice....


  14. I'm sorry, I couldn't hear your scorn over the sound of how awesome my job is.

    Heh. I probably deserved that.

  15. Stingray,

    Team Zeeb is indeed an awesome job, but I prefer mine as an NSO (non-skating official, for the non-derby types). I still get to see the action from the best seat in the house, and I don't have to worry about busting my ass falling on skates. Men of my, erm, body type, were not meant to be on wheels.


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