Saturday, May 11, 2013

Overheard in the Office...

Bobbi is reading aloud the ESL comments on some gun-related article or another from horrified foreigners about what murderdeathkill-crazy gun-worshiping fanatics us Americans are and how they will never come vacation here on airplane:
Me: "It's true. We Americans do love our killin'. Lots of dead bodies, one or three at a time, every day... Of course, Europeans like their killing, too, but they tend to do it every twenty years or so, and by the millions. Personally, I prefer the Etsy model to the Wal-Mart model. I mean, when you think about it, our killing is more European... artisinal."
To say nothing of the carbon offsets you'd need to buy to run a mass crematorium these days...


  1. We had two Korean college students staying with us last year. If they'd had their druthers, they'd have spent every weekend in the woods shooting. They particularly enjoyed my 12 gauge shotgun, and my semi-automatic rifles. (I was buying the ammo...)

  2. The way the EU is running things, you wouldn't need to buy the Carbon Offsets.

    Just Tax the Organleggers in their Formally Warsaw Pact "Democracies."

  3. Heard that pretty much verbatim from a Northern Irishman friend. Of course my answer was "Now WHERE are you from again?"

  4. Right.
    Instead, they can take a tour of Belfast, then catch a train through the Chunnel, and visit the Muslim arrondisments around Paris. Then a drive through the scenic Ardennes Forest, followed by little shuttle to Auschwitz, another foray past the Katyn Forest Massacre, then a ride on the Orient Express to beautiful downtown Bosnia, including a visit to the lovely bulletpocked Sarajevo Olympic venues, and a short leg from there over to Athens, and their current Summer of Love. Followed by a jaunt across the Adriatic to Rome, home of the Colloseum, famed for their emperors going back 2000 years feeding Christians to lions, as sport for the masses.

    Apparently it's only bloodthirsty if it happened yesterday.
    Leftism or Alzheimer's?
    You make the call.

  5. Tam: If you covert the victims into Soylent Biodiesel, you don't need to buy carbon offsets.

  6. Aesop, it's only bloodthirsty if it is not done with government approval. Freelance, so to speak.

    I think it is part of the disease of Leftism. They are only comfortable doing something if everyone else is doing it too, and people being people, that requires a lot of indoctrination and compulsion. The government says so, which is the stamp of approval. This is why "cowboy" was such an epithet in Europe when Dubya was President. The American cowboy legend was that of the loner who did what was right regardless of cost, who worked for the good, regardless of whether the ungrateful townspeople helped or not. Europeans identify with the cowardly townspeople in "High Noon", not Gary Cooper, and not Grace Kelly, the Quaker (the only one in the town, apparently), who ultimately kills in defense of another when to not kill would allow evil to spread.


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