Sunday, May 05, 2013

Sorry 'bout that...

Travel day yesterday, driving back from K-town.

Congratulations to commenter "global village idiot" for his correct guess on Friday's Mystery Picture. I was loitering at Coal Creek Armory when Shannon came back to gunsmithing with a Nagant revolver that someone wanted threaded for a can, and wondered if we thought it would be cool if he also threaded the end of the barrel with the front sight to serve as a thread protector.

Cool? Of course it would be cool! It would be like a secret silenced spy revolver!


It wasn't finished when I took the pics, but I was on my way out the door. It needed an index mark and then finishing to the bare metal. Don't know what finish the customer specified, but whatever it was, that's a pretty groovy Nagant, right there. You should call them up if you want yours done that way.

(I believe the can itself is on sale at the shop, if anybody's looking for one...)


  1. Many questions popped into my head, but alas, none of them matter. Sometimes you just have to wonder at the odd things gunnies will think of and pay someone to do.

  2. Replies
    1. On a Nagant, the cylinder seals to the barrel. All gasses and noise comes out the front...

  3. on a Nagant it almost makes sense....

    ixidit Phases: something one goes through for no known reason.

  4. On a Nagant with factory Nagant loads it makes A LOT of sense. Those loads are sub-sonic. With the barrel seal it will be virtually silent.


    I need to go buy a Nagant now. I've been needing to for awhile actually. This is just more impetus to buy one.


  5. Vladimir Putin just got a leg tingle.


    --Wes S.

  6. Yup.

    If ever there was a workable suppressed revolver, it's the Nagant.

  7. Well, as tight as it is, it makes sense... Showed the pic to Johnny G and he allowed that the Nagant was one of the few that would actually benefit from it!

  8. Old NFO,

    Not just tight, but the way the bullet is recessed in the case, allowing the case mouth to bell out and obturate against the forcing cone while the cylinder is cammed forward...

    As noted up-thread, suppressed Naganst, especially with subsonic ammo, are very quiet. (Some military surplus Nagant ammo runs north of 1100fps, IIRC, but Fiocchi commercial stuff is definitely slower than that...)

  9. Putin got a leg tingle and Feinstein and Tumor --I mean Schumer -- had the first scientifically confirmed simultaneous GFW seizure.
    And I have another firearm on my wants list.

  10. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that the Nagant was designed from the start to be suppressible? So, no big surprise someone would want to stick a suppressor on it.

  11. Emil Nagant's idea was to make use of all the propellant gases to throw de bullitt. it doesn't really help all that much, but a supressor would be way kewl.

  12. The NKVD did in fact issue and use a suppressed Nagant. There was also a snubbie version for them as well.

    I would LOOOOVE to have a suppressor for mine, unfortunately up here in Canada that is not legally possible.

  13. The front sight post is a dead giveaway. Throw on the threads for the can and it's a no-brainer.

    Rob and Windy, the Nagant revolver was my daughter's "big" Christmas gift last year. It's her first revolver.


  14. I thought I recognized that sight. I got one of these last fall. I have to say it's kind of fun, but silly.

    OTOH, it was $100. I've seen a few youtube videos of them silenced and the action of the pistol is louder than the shot. I rationalize keeping it and a few dozen rounds of ammo as a trade good. Or in a SHTF situation it's something I can give somebody that meets the technical definition of a gun, but I won't cry if they abscond with it. Plus, I already had a Mosin, had to complete the set.

    I think the trigger on it is just as bad as my Mosin.

  15. Can you share what something like that would cost? I'm wondering if it is cheaper than buying a pistol that is suppressor-ready.


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