Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Stay on message!

Police have used video of the incident to identify an accomplice in the Mother's Day Dammit-We-Almost-Had-A-Massacre in New Orleans.

Hopes are high that if this accomplice is captured, he'll turn state's witness and finger the gun that actually committed the crime.

Stay tuned for more after this word from our sponsors.

*cue 'Gun Debate: USA' title card and theme music*


  1. Seriously, he/they unloaded at least 4 magazines by NY state standards and hit 19 people.

    From the range he was at he must have gone to NYPD marksmanship training too. I bet he was aiming for a Sousaphone, I never could stand those things either.

    In other news, I thought quitting smoking meant allergies got better. Seems all I've done is trade a treatable case of Bronchitis every season change to a miserable allergic half life.

  2. 19 years old?

    Well, he didn't buy that pistol legally (assuming it was not a lawful gift from a parent, which seems... likely).

    We need more gun control, obviously.

  3. NOLa has a law preventing concealed carry within 1000 feet of a parade route. Obviously, it's not enough. We need to make it 1 mile. Yes. That'll fix the problem.

  4. And surprising no one, the perpetrator was apparently wearing clothes, but had no reported skin color whilst perpetrating this heavily reported outrage.

    But by Chicago standards, this didn't even rise to the level of a decent disturbance on the South Side.

  5. Sayeth the mayor: "Nobody out there is at fault but everybody is responsible."

    Say what? Damn straight somebody is at fault and no, everybody is not responsible. Just the (thankfully) lousy-shooting scumbags are.

  6. Gun control is only an issue if it's white people involved. Not being racist, just that the media seems to think that dark-skinned folks only use guns because they have to use them after centuries of being held back by The Man, whereas a white guy with a gun, he's either being evil or he's preparing to be evil.

    That's the formula: black guy with gun= reacting to oppression and poverty. White guy with gun=pure evil.



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