Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Tab Clearing...

  • Spring is just not giving me that "enthusiastic and glad to be here" vibe this year. It's been downright dank here in the central marches of the Hoosier domain.

  • Apparently they really do play manipulative head games with their owners.

  • There's no schadenfreude like the schadenfreude you get seeing thirty rabid anti-gun nuts picketing a convention hall full of more than eighty thousand gun nuts. It must be that Manhattan math where 80000 x 0.9 = 30.

  • The three of you who haven't watched the "Spocks" commercial for the Audi S7 should totally go do so now. It is a veritable gold mine of pop culture Easter egg details.


  1. If all commercials were like that Audi commercial I'd never switch off broadcast network TV. The DVR would be unused, and my DVD player would collect dust.

  2. Watched the Spock vs Spock vid twice. Very cute. Spock I's part a little lame but overall it was excellent.

  3. Well, the internet market is entirely different. You can get away with a crappy commercial on TV because they're holding the content you want to watch hostage.

    On the internet, you have to make the commercial worthy to be watched on its own. That means it will cost more, need to have better production values, actually have a story inside of it, etc. It will probably also appeal to a smaller audience, but that's OK, because if it's good it will drive deeper into that audience. I watched that thing twice, and I'll probably watch it again. And now I feel favorably towards Audi, and if I were I the market for a car I might actually hit their website to see what I could expect to pay for a car that has the Lens Flare(tm) option.

  4. Cats manipulate humans? That's not what our cats say...

  5. Yeah, I had to put my golf clubs in the seat beside me as well, but that was only when I was driving my Z3. Tam can attest to the micro space available there.

    I LOL'd when he started singing the bilbo baggins song.

  6. Old age and guile will triumph every time!

  7. Spock v. Spock was pretty good, but complaining that your MB trunk doesn't have enough room for your golf clubs smacks of "four-car garage and I STILL have to leave the Ferrari out in the rain."

  8. OK, revise that number of people that have not seen the Spock1 vs. Spock2 video down to 2.

    I found it fascinating...

  9. My okra have not been happy with the cold weather. Spring has been teasing us like a fan dancer. But the fan dancer turns out to be an old tranny and keeps giving us a glimps of a hairy, pump clad leg and then hiding again.


  11. Shouldn't that be 800000 x .90 = 30?

    Spock v Spock made my morning with the ballad of Bilbo Baggins.

  12. I'm tired of playing run and gun in the rain. I've have one pair of boots and one pair of 5.11 that are the color of red clay.

    Rain, rain go away.....


  13. Joseph,

    I was using the attendance at the NRA annual meeting...

  14. "Technically we're not inside yet."

    I LOL'd!

    Thanks, I needed that!

  15. Also, it's a lot better Audi ad than their Superbowl "Green Police" piece from a couple of years ago.

  16. I have the Nemoy LP with The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins on it. Ya, I'm a Trekkie nerd.
    Possibly the best commercial that doesn't involve Clydesdales.

  17. Those protestors would've gotten more support if, while standing in front of that sculpture, they had swapped the R for an E in their anti-NRA posters and literature.

  18. "Also, it's a lot better Audi ad than their Superbowl "Green Police" piece from a couple of years ago."

    As popular as the Spock commercial was for most of us, that green commercial pushed the same buttons for it's target demographic.

  19. I play head games back with my family cat. Every time it made a noise, I put it outside.

    After a few years, cat only ever meowed when it wanted out. Or when it wanted to jerk my chain, when the weather outside was nice.

    Cat would meow outside the door to be let it, but I insisted nobody ever open the door for THAT bit of owner training.

  20. That may be the first time I've ever laughed out loud at a commercial. Thanks, I needed that.

  21. Tam, I never saw 30 max "I" saw was 20 and most of the time it was 3-4... sigh... And looks like final numbers are in the 86K range!

  22. Thank you for the link to the Spocks' commercial. Even if I'm the last one to see it - still good stuff for a Trekkie (Trekker?).


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