Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Yammerhead Shark.

I understand that the people on the televisor are paid to make words come out of their mouth more or less nonstop from the end of one commercial break until the beginning of the next one, and that "dead air" is a Very Bad Thing™, but this morning one guy was reduced to pontificating as to exactly what charges would be brought against the other two brothers in the Cleveland kidnapping case and wondering aloud how much they were involved. Were they accessories or...

"Ariel, you are my brother, but I just cannot condone your kidnapped basement sex harem any longer! You've had those girls down there for more than eight years now! No more Christmas cards until you do something about them."
I'd wager that the Cleveland prosecutor's office is testing the limits of brotherly love and loyalty with plea offers even as we speak.


  1. The family that kidnappers together stays together.

    Can we bring back public impaling?


  2. The family that goes to jail together...well...at least you know where everone is.

  3. Three victims rescued because a man finally walked toward the screaming instead of walking away.

  4. The entire family is barking mad, per breaking reports.

    With three live witnesses, I suspect the only plea deal being entertained by a DA is that all three plead guilty to all counts, and throw themselves on the court's mercy for saving the taxpayers the expense of the trial.

    I think sentences of less than 200 years apiece would have to be considered lenient.

  5. And it has to be said:

    Holding anyone in Cleveland against their will for ten years should be consdered special circumstances, and open the door to the death penalty.

  6. That Ramsay fellow who is given credit for helping the girls was seen on the TB saying that he used to get together with those guys and have barbecues, they ate ribs together. Hmmm.

    Mike James

  7. I think they are all going down... screw any deals!!!

  8. Mike James,

    Have you inspected the basements of everybody you've ever had over for a cookout to make sure they didn't have any kidnapped sex harems down there?

  9. Saved more than 3 people actually, when you county their babies that they had in the house.

  10. I doubt the DA needs a deal. . .

    "My client wants to turn state's evidence for a plea deal!"

    "And what, if anything, does he offer me on his brothers that 12 jurors won't already believe for all three?

  11. Tam,

    I think Mike James might have been riffing on the idea that the brothers had already crossed several of society's taboo lines, maybe they'd been sourcing their "ribs" differently?

    And yeah, eeewwww.


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