Friday, June 21, 2013

From your lips to God's ears, honey.

Chelsea Clinton notes with apparent regret that her unwed great grandparents did not have access to Planned Parenthood, which gives her something in common with both halves of the country.


  1. Sanger's folks are probably already working on 280th trimester abortions. Too late to do us any good now, of course.

  2. Wait! Who knew that Chelsea was such a patriot? Willing to give her own life to have a world where Hillary! never existed. That does it! I'm sending her a campaign donation. Does anyone know the zip code for the Chelsea 4 President 2026 campaign office?

  3. My thoughts exactly. I was sad that there was not a comment area after the article. It would have been a hoot!

  4. It is amaaaazing how these libs read my mind...snork.


  5. She could rectify that if she really feels that strongly...

  6. Don't they teach logic in colleges anymore?

    What she should say is I'm glad there was no Planned Parenthood for my great grandparents or my pasty white ass wouldn't be collect a big fat check for this crappy little talk right now.



  7. Self awareness and critical thinking are antithetical to these people's very existence (and in this case, quite literally).

  8. Enh. I've got nothing against Chelsea. (So far.) I don't see much point in mocking the children for the crimes of the parents.

    I'm sure, in due time, she'll give us plenty of reasons to dislike her on her own. Or who knows? Maybe having seen the horror up close, she'll become America's First Female Libertarian President. :D

  9. perl, I've got nothing against Chelsea either, as long as she never reproduces.

  10. I have no gripes against Ms Chelsea, either, but she did say this.
    And having said it, Tam's response is warranted and appropriate.

  11. Sometimes the jokes just write themselves, don't they?

  12. I'm ok with her borrowing Obama's time machine to provide a plan B pill and or BC to her grandmother.

  13. A politician's kid is(should be) pretty much off-limits when they're just the offspring.

    When they actively take part in the process, well, welcome to the game.

  14. Where's Doc and his DeLorean?

  15. Firehand, Lib polito's kiddies are off limits until they're at least 40. Conservative's chirruns are fair game from conception.

  16. I can't think of another time I've agreed with Chelsea Clinton about anything.

    She's right: it's a shame her mother wasn't aborted.


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