Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I feel like freely assembling. How 'bout you?

Anti-gunners plan on doing a little protest thingy in scenic Broad Ripple this Friday at the corner of Riviera and Westfield (better known as the mystic intersection of Westfield and Westfield) in an effort to convince Susan Brooks (R-IN) to get her RINO on and support some Second Amendment infringements.

Eleven to noon and the weather is supposed to be absolutely Chamber of Commerce splendiferous. I'm thinking of showing up in my Kalashnikitty shirt and an NRA hat and then catching lunch at the Broad Ripple Brewpub or maybe Brugge afterward. It should be a nice day for bicycling; anyone else game for some counterprotesting?


  1. Would you be willing to video any encounters? It would be like swatting a fly with a Buick but I would love to see you (metaphorically)knock some sense into the progs.

  2. What does Hoosier law say about the open carry of long guns?

    Just thinking a shoulder thing that goes up and a high capacity assault clipazine might give them a bad enough case of the vapors to be really amusing.



  3. Tell both of them hi for us.

  4. I could be talked into it.

  5. Raise a glass in some toast for me.


  6. Go make 'em cry, Tam! :D

  7. I'll ask the pilots if anyone is headed that way and see if I can hitch a ride.

  8. Wish I could but the 2 hour drive and the CPR/AED re-qualification stand in the way. Points if you can make them cry. I like the "Point and Laugh" method to do that.

  9. I'm with BGMiller. What's the open carry law in situations like that?

    Here in Alabama both open and concealed (even with CCW) are illegal at a public demonstration. A holdover from the Jim Crow era intended to keep civil rights marchers disarmed.

    That might have changed when they revamped a bunch of our gun laws recently. I haven't gone to look since I'm disgusted we're still technically may issue although you do have recourse and an appeal process if your permit is denied.

    Equally disgusting is the requirement of a permit to have one loaded in your vehicle. They set out to do away with that but the sheriffs' association had an epic hissy and threatened to kill the whole bill over it.

  10. Present company excepted, but, how is it all the anti-gun liberals can always schedule their protests during the Monday through Friday, 8-5 working hours?

  11. Can I skype in? Helluva a bike ride from AK.

  12. Scott J: same here in NC, but you have to be taking part in the demonstration / protest for the law to be in effect.

  13. If the flying weather was better...Murphy and I owe you and Brigid a visit and this would have been a perfect time.

  14. Indiana law is simple: if you have a "License To Carry handgun," you can carry a handgun in any manner, in any place not barred by law, and that's a short list (court buildings, the State Capitol, usually with metal detectors, plus off-limits Federal facilities).

    Owners of private property can ask you to leave; if you refuse, that's trespassing. But parks, like the Monon, they specially *cannot* bar you carrying.

    Without a permit, you can't really carry a loaded gun here outside your curtilage except at a range or on private property when allowed.

    Indiana recognizes *all* other permits -- full faith & credence, folks, we know how it works (except for marriage).

  15. Kerry,

    "Present company excepted, but, how is it all the anti-gun liberals can always schedule their protests during the Monday through Friday, 8-5 working hours?"

    The good thing about my gig is that the hours are flexible, but my boss? She's a bitch.


  16. Wish I could be there.

    If you attend, Please remember to very polite, and smile. Do not yell or gesture angrily. If there are any media there, THAT will be the story. You want the story to be that the pro-gun people are nice, sweet, calm Americans. Americans that are defending their Civil Rights and are a majority of Americans.

    Be sickeningly polite, wave and laugh and smile. And help your fellow protesters out if they are getting perturbed or angry. Present a picture of what we are: Friendly, well mannered Men, Women and Kids from all backgrounds that believe in our civil rights.

  17. ++1 Anonymous 12:42.

    Blowing off steam in a comments section aside, the point is to show those without much of an opinion either way that the vast majority of gun folks are perfectly decent normal folks. You're not going to change the protestors' minds anyway, so why play into their narrative of OMG crazy scary AR-toting gun people? But we all knew that, right?

  18. Look for me to be there.
    I'll be the one in the 5.11 TDK and INGO polo.

  19. Last week up here in Northern Mordor, (Ill-Annoyed), the local Move-on chapter had a huge anti-gun rights, anti-LTC rally along one of the busiest streets. A whopping total of 4 protesters showed up. Big whoop. It wasn't even enough to bother going to counter protest. It did cause a couple of chuckles, though. Perhaps your local bunch of long haired twit with short brained ideas can gin up a bigger attendance. Think they'll break into double digits?

    Kaeghl in ILL.


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