Saturday, June 15, 2013

I report, you decide: Is that thirty people?

Local public media claimed an attendance of "almost thirty" at yesterday's anti-gun protest in Broad Ripple:

"Almost thirty." (If you're rounding to the nearest thirty.)
The guy in the hipster douchebag chapeau was from WIBC news FM, and the guy in the center background in the shades and lemon yellow shirt was the cameraman from WRTV who was there with a reporter. Just guessing here, but the guy in all black was either from one of the squishier Protestant denominations who portray Jesus as a union organizer or Father O'Flannery from one of those "liberation theology" Catholic organizations that lobby tirelessly for the canonization of Che Guevara.

Take away known members of the media, and attendance totaled seventeen by my count, most of whom appeared to be retirees or Mrs. Dr. Somebody-Or-Other stopping off to do a little activism on the way to the homeowner's association meeting. This is what you would expect from a demonstration in the middle of a workday. The blonde woman in the shades at far left and the guy in the plaid shirt and ballcap were the only thing keeping the average age out of the AARP zone.

Speaking of the guy in the plaid shirt, he was no doubt in favor of banning dangerous assault weapons, but the American Staffordshire terrier on his leash would suggest that he would be strongly opposed to breed-specific legislation banning his killer deadly assault dog.


  1. And how was your planned antianti attire received?

  2. I was standing chatting with a dude rockin' a 5.11 kilt; I'm not sure anyone bothered to read my partially-obscured "PRO GUN" tee shirt. :D

  3. Yeah, that would be about 15 people. It's only "almost 30" if you go by "closer to 30 than to 0."

  4. You should have started singing:

    All we are saying is give Glocks a chance!


  5. So if 30 is vast, this is only half vast?

  6. And I was so hoping that this: " Kalashnikitty shirt and an NRA hat..." would get a mention in the fair and balanced teevee coverage...

  7. "And I was so hoping that this: " Kalashnikitty shirt and an NRA hat...""

    My plans met the harsh realities of laundry: No clean Kalashnikitty shirts.

    Instead it was the PRO GUN shirt and a hat.

  8. Maybe it could be 30ish if you round up to the next decade. (They may have included counter-protestors in their count, to pad the numbers.) And don't go hatin' on my little Pittie girl, the only thing deadly about her is her gas! (And her 7 month old inclination to sneaking a chew on my shoes about once a week; thankfully they're my older lawn-mowing shoes.)

  9. I'm curious why you think paid members of the media shouldn't be counted among the protestors. It's certainly a cause they agitate for.

  10. "I'm curious why you think paid members of the media shouldn't be counted among the protestors. It's certainly a cause they agitate for."

    ZING! :D

  11. Statistics are a funny thing,5 people is almost thirty,if you count by hundreds.
    Also,if there were 15 of them,and 2 media personnel,you(by yourself)were a substantial counter demonstration.

  12. Hey, if it was a smelly K-Kitty shirt, that part would've fit right in!

  13. Do not be disparaging those of us who qualify for AARP. Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.

    Not that I would ever consider joining, they want to disarm all us old folks who want to protect ourselves. I also don't want to ride a Goldwing.

  14. Maybe they were counting their personalities.

  15. If they had any snap, they'd avoided the heat and pulled a few tables together at a local restaurant.

  16. If only local businesses had catered the affair like they did Occupy Wall Street there would have been a much better turnout.

  17. I make it almost 17.

  18. Anti-gunners are better than everyone else. At least two times better.

  19. Loved the point about the dogs...

    Program Manager of mine has a "hostile breed" that bit a person, and he's supposed to have warning signs posted and have the dog registered with the local police, but "no one ever comes on to my property" and us gun owners have nothing to fear if "we've got nothing to hide" so "why shouldn't we work in within the system?".

    Because it's not a lot of B.S. for any law-abiding, tax-paying, citizen, amiright??

  20. It's always surprised me, the logic disconnect surrounding Pits. On both sides of the gun-debate. I know plenty of anti-gunners that are quick to point out "it's the owner, not the breed", and plenty of gun owners who say "all pits are killers waiting for their moment and should be destroyed". Bring up the similarities to the gun debate to either side, and they get downright hostile.

  21. SCM,

    "It's always surprised me, the logic disconnect surrounding Pits. On both sides of the gun-debate."

    Obviously I failed at obvious sarcasm. :(

  22. Naw Tam, I got it. My lil' 82 lb Pittie Girl is on the sofa right now washing a cat. They seem to be enjoying each other.

  23. Sure they weren't talking about their combined I.Q.?

  24. I suspect it is the "innumerate media tolerance on progressive issues." Any number related to gun control or the economy you see in the media has a tolerance of -70, +50%. 30 is some number between 9 and 45.


  25. "Obviously I failed at obvious sarcasm. :("

    No, not at all. I'm tracking. Was just wondering out loud (or in text, rather), not criticizing what you said. The fact that you brought it up leads me to believe you've run into this phenomenon too.

  26. SCM,

    " The fact that you brought it up leads me to believe you've run into this phenomenon too."

    Indeed. If I'd been taking a swig of water when I saw his dog, I'd have done a spit take.

    I'd be willing to bet money that the guy has also carried signs at demonstrations protesting breed-specific legislation and has never felt the slightest twinge of irony.

  27. "Almost 30."
    As clear an example of why Liberals fail at anything involving numbers.
    Government budgets.

  28. In honor of the condition of the kitty T-shirts, I present the following:


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