Wednesday, June 05, 2013

It's a great big irony twofer!

The Betters in Europe are generally against guns in civilian hands; the colonials' Second Amendment infatuation is a relic of a bygone era, since militia rabble would have no chance to overthrow an oppressive government and besides, in order to maintain civilization, the state must retain a monopoly on force...

...unless you're sending guns to Syrian civilians, that is.

Xrlq won the internets with the following comment on the Facebookenings:
"Why would they want to arm the Syrian rebels? Don't they know the rebels are 43 times more likely to shoot themselves or each other than their evil overlords? If they really want to topple the Syrian government, they should send guns to the government itself."

Meanwhile, on the surprise second front opened up by antigun forces in Colorado, where Bloomberg dollars suddenly rained in like Russian paratroopers at the start of Red Dawn, sixteen thousand Wolverines have signed a petition to recall the state's Senate President, who responded by begging for more MAIG cash while tweeting "we cannot allow outside interest groups to determine what is best for Colorado."

Irony, thy name is John Morse.


  1. Good on Colorado, I say. Run those bastards out on a rail. I mean, a recall. ;)

  2. From where that dude sees the world, the people of Colorado ARE an "outside interest group". If God had meant the American people to interefere in the business of their rulers, He would have given them cronies.

  3. "Tuesday evening, in a widely publicized show of support for the Syrian rebels, Vice President Joe Biden swung a ceremonial chrome hammer to pound in the first nail on a crate of double-barrel shotguns destined for the determined freedom-fighters."

  4. Ooo! I like the use of a Red Dawn refernce. Nice.

  5. Ah, John Morse. Or, as I like to call him, John "Let the Cleansing Begin" Morse, after his wonderful speech when he took his assault weapon liability bill off the table after not even being able to drum up enough democrat support.

    Here's a hint: ominously stating about gun owners that you're planning make the cleansing begin is not a great way to increase their confidence levels in you.

  6. Morse and his buddy Bloomers should be hung by their feet and beat like a pinata.

    WV, Convicted.

    Nope, never convicted ;)

  7. There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who think they know what they want and those who think they know what is better for you.

    We need to quit electing the second group.

  8. The chair is against the wall.

    John has a long moustache.

  9. The snark is still weapons grade but I'm suffering from outrage fatigue. All I can manage is a disgusted "phfffffft".

  10. Recall Express conductor: "Aaaallll Abooooard!"

    WV: mendecon cases

    ...Let's fix the economy

  11. In 1982, Michigan's new Governor, Blanchard, rammed through an income tax increase. Recall efforts were launched immediately, resulting in 2 Democrats being kicked out of office. All the other legislators seemed to see Jesus after that, and they've been much less cavalier about the issue since then.

    If the good folks in Colorado are successful, I suspect the lesson will be learned far and wide. And Bloomberg's head will probably explode.

  12. Jim... you do know that Grantmole rammed through another income tax increase in 2007, resulting in nothing but muted whining and grumbling from the RINOs in Lansing, don't you?

    And Governor Snyder, the current RINO in the Governor's mansion, just rammed through a raft of extra fees and tax increases ranging from the merely unreasonable to the obscene, capping it off with a 33 cent per gallon increase in the gas tax. All the scruffy lefty wacko types who were so put out over his balancing the 2009 budget and refusing to write blank checks for the public employee union pension funds forever that they organized a little pissant recall movement should have waited. Now, I'd sign their petition.

  13. Proud and happy to have participated in the effort so far. We still have MUCH to do out here. Unfortunatly Hudak and the ex-Marine weasel down in Durango were not recalled as well. Hopefully Giron down in Pueblo will be recalled, don't know that status of that one as I was out-of-state.


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