Monday, June 17, 2013

It's a very Monday morning...

Both morning news anchors on one of the local stations just got back from a week's vacation. Who knew teleprompter reading was such a highly-perishable skill?

Meanwhile, the video I could not escape on the televisor this morning...

Did you know Cindy Crawford was valedictorian of her high school class and won a scholarship to study chemical engineering at Northwestern? Marissa Powell, on the other hand, loves children, horses, and the color blue:

You gotta feel for her. For the rest of her life, she's going to be "The Girl Who Had That Brain Cramp On Live TV."


  1. Local radio talker alluded to the contestant from my state saying something facepalm-worthy WRT the NSA wiretapping but didn't indicate what she said.

    The whole world must be back from vacation today. Roadways on the commute and parking deck at the office more crowded than they have been in weeks.

  2. Public schools, all they need a little more money.

  3. I was thinking more along the lines of this.

    But finding stupid things guys say in public is sorta like finding a bowling ball in a barrel of BB's.

  4. *groan*

    Miss Alabama's comments made Drudge.

    She's all ok with trading liberty for security.

  5. Don't worry she'll make a wonderful head of the Utah Department of Education because she cares deeply about the children.

    I remember a discussion over beers with a group of young PhDs after a softball game at Princeton. They had all graduated from tier 1 schools and both men and women said the would willingly trade IQ points for looks. Of course they all had plenty of IQ points to trade.


  6. That was physically painful to watch.

  7. Also, maybe as a guy I'm the wrong person to be addressing this, because it'll have not shown up on my radar as much, but I've never worked anywhere that women were chronically paid less than men.

    There have certainly been specific women who were paid less than other specific men, but in those places, they were also paid more than other specific men. And the deciding factors were not gender, but ability and experience. (And at my current employer, job grade, which is basically the biggest factor possible.)

    And I'm pretty sure McDonald's pays the wage slaves the same, no matter what their plumbing is. So that runs the gamut from bottom of the (legal) barrel to white collar professionals (well, ok, lots of our IT people actually wear black, but you know what I mean) so where, exactly, is it that women of equal qualification get paid less than the men they are equally qualified with?

  8. Perlhaqr,

    Pulling numbers out of my ass for the sake of illustration, but: "40% of Group A has taken time out of their career for childcare related reasons. 5% of Group B have done likewise. Which group has the higher average salary?"

    There's more, but the touch keypad on this iPad blows.

    It's a fact on a macro scale that various groups dump all kinds of dumbassery into interpreting...

  9. Ipad? Whats that? Cute does not always equate to smart. But then neither does not cute.

    Oh well

  10. I feel for her, really. Pretty little girls are encouraged to be pretty little pageant girls. But ouch. If I ever do anything that really goes viral, let it not be for going into vapor lock.

  11. brain hurts just having watched that!!

  12. To be fair, the preferred approach of going "What the fuck kind of on the spot question is that? It would take some serious amounts of statistical analysis to even come close to a correct answer to that question and you expect me to pull something out of my ass on it?" would not be an acceptable answer.

  13. The part of the equation I've never got was if I could pay a woman 77% of what I had to pay a man, why wouldn't I just hire women and save myself a bundle?

  14. Motor-T,

    Because that's not how statistics work.

  15. There's still not a guy reading this that would toss her out of bed!

  16. I understand that. The way it's always presented is that women just get paid less for doing the same job. My question often gets the low information types to engage their brains. If only for the briefest of moments.

    (This comment was written under the influence of Vicodin and Soma) (yes, soma is an actual drug )


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