Sunday, June 23, 2013

Long day, hot sun...

Good shootin', good folks, good times...

I'm going to check my eyelids for pinholes for a few hours; catch y'all on the flip side.



  1. I've slept that sleep. That is a good sleep.

  2. So, five bucks, yes or no? Sadly I was first loser....

  3. One buck. I think I was fifth in the class?

    I dropped a tiebreaker point getting my head back into the game after an FTF kneeling at ten yards. Sunk one into the edge of the eight ring getting back onto the trigger too fast.

    (Thankfully I had my loaded magazine of Big Girl Bullets in my strong side hip pocket; my backup grabbed the full mag of Ranger T and slapped it into my frantically waving hand, and I poked a $1 hole in the target, avoiding the necessity of a makeup shot at 15. :o )


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