Saturday, June 29, 2013

Overheard in the Office...

Me: "Normal people don't remember letters to the editor from thirty years ago in a magazine, do they?"

RX: "No, they don't, Tamara. I'm glad that dawned."

(Later RX: "I've studied normal people for a long time. I know how they are.")


  1. I keep worrying that RX will be bludgeoned and brained by an enraged wino emerging from the shrubbery with a half-empty bottle of muscatel.

  2. Normal is a setting on my dishwasher.

  3. I'm not really a big fan of normal.

  4. Normality is over-rated.

    Secret words: JustPU things.

  5. "Normal people are lame."

    - Owen Zapata Pitt

  6. Abnormal is the new normal.

    wv: okiltyp 1880.
    OK, I typed what?


    What this thread is reminding me of.

  8. > - Owen Zapata Pitt
    Owen Zastava Pitt's Mexican cousin.

  9. Owen Zapata Pitt's battle cry: Tierra y Libertad y Muerte a Monstros!

  10. Owen Zastava Pitt's Mexican cousin.

    Yeah, him too.

    Stupid internet. (kicks rock)

  11. Joel,

    You gotta admit that JD's comment was comedy gold. :D

  12. "I keep worrying that RX will be bludgeoned and brained by an enraged wino emerging from the shrubbery with a half-empty bottle of muscatel."

    No, no, no -- "half-full." He'd have to be some kinda optimist to try.

  13. Thanks Tam, that's better than an Oscar nomination.

    Joel, I hope Larry hears about the Mexican Owen Z and includes him in a future book, with a suitable redshirt appearance for you.

  14. Normal people, maybe not. Writers, on the other hand...

  15. I'm just wondering where RX finds these 'normals' to study?
    I don't think I've ever met a 'normal' person. I rather think if I did he/she/it would scare me tremendously.

  16. We have to study normal people? Will this be on the final?

  17. I met a normal person once. Tasted just like everybody else, really.

    Tam, your WV is getting carried away. "semidefinite umanciat?" Who talks like that?

  18. Dr. Frankenstein: [To Igor] Igor, may I speak to you for a moment.

    Dr. Frankenstein: Now... that brain that you gave me... was it Hans Delbruck's?

    Igor: No.

    Dr. Frankenstein: Ah. Good. Uh... would you mind telling me... whose brain... I did put in?

    Igor: And you won't be angry?

    Dr. Frankenstein: I will not be angry.

    Igor: Abby...someone.

    Dr. Frankenstein: Abby someone? Abby who?

    Igor: Abby Normal.

    Dr. Frankenstein: Abby Normal?

    Igor: I'm almost sure that was the name.

    Dr. Frankenstein: Are you saying... that I put an abnormal brain... into a 7 and a half foot long... 54- inch wide... GORILLA?!?!?! IS THAT WHAT YOU'RE TELLING ME!?!

  19. RX, 12:12
    ""I keep worrying that RX will be bludgeoned and brained by an enraged wino emerging from the shrubbery with a half-empty bottle of muscatel."

    No, no, no -- "half-full." He'd have to be some kinda optimist to try."

    If the wino's an optimist, the bottle's half full..

    If he's a pessimist... half empty.

    If he's an engineer, that bottle's twice as big as it needs to be.

  20. @JD: I have this vision of Owen Zastava discovering he's erroneously been put on a no-fly list due to confusion with Owen Zapata. Wacky hijinks ensue.

    A friend and colleague shares a common name with, among doubtless many others, a suspected IRA terrorist. For over ten years my friend had to budget an extra hour at the airport for each flight due to name confusion. Finally (alleged) IRA dude was taken off the list. Hurrah! We happened to be flying through Denver together and my friend got pulled out of line again. This time security thought the AC adapter for his computer "looked like a knife" on x-ray.

    @Joel: FWIW there was some karmic payback for my smart-assery. Had to open up my copy of MHI to verify Owen's middle name, then got sucked into reading it (yet) again, thereby failing to do all manner of chores alloted for the weekend. Still playing catch up. Oop, there goes the (not) dulcet buzz of the dryer ....


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