Thursday, June 27, 2013

QotD: That's Gotta Sting Edition...

"You foot hurt? Your left foot?" 

"Uh, yes, ma'am." 

"It hurts, yeah. My feet hurt, too." 
The difference, of course, being that Mr. Castillo hurt his foot playing JROTC prep school football while Rep. Duckworth left both of her feet in a pile of flaming UH-60 wreckage in Iraq.

In a just world, she'd have slapped a Tokarev with one round in the mag on the table in front of Mr. Castillo and then everyone would have left the room, leaving him alone in there to Do The Right Thing. Seeing as he appears to be devoid of anything you'd call a "conscience", nothing like that will ever happen.

Still, that was a smackdown for the ages.


  1. Unfortunately Duckworth (like the recently-departed Senator from HI and the not-yet-departed Senator from AZ) appears to have done her greatest service to the country while in uniform and likely will do great harm to it from the Hill...

  2. Yup. It's a shame she's an anti-gun Big Government type.

  3. It's a damn shame that we have SO many people holding commissions who have no qualms whatsoever with breaking the oaths they swore.

  4. The time indeed was well spent

  5. Hmm.

    Half a BILLION DOLLARS worth of sweetheart contracts, versus a week of embarrassment...

  6. This asshat never stood a watch or carried a weapon and gets 30%? At that rate, he's getting about 800 bucks a month. I was in a truck accident in the Marines and all I get for my broken back is 40%? I've been fighting the VA for over 9 years trying to get my full benefits. I have jumped through all of their hoops and still had to hire a lawyer.

    The fact that there are law firms with names like Legal Help for Veterans tells us there is something seriously wrong with the system.


  7. This is the way big government works, Rep. Duckworth.

  8. I have no love lost for Rep. Duckworth, but honesty and integrity compels me to admit that she was the right person in the right place at the right time.


  9. She should have had an aide present him with a tube KY jelly before she started.

  10. While the dude is a dufus he is legally entitled to benefits.

  11. Holy $#!+, that was epic!

    I know nothing about Rep. Duckworth (the comments here are less than flattering on her other politics), but that was awesome!

    @eeky: Sandpaper for him, not KY. She's making him EARN more of that 30% disability rating.

  12. Not withstanding the fact that I deplore her politics, she highlighted two VERY important things here. 1. This corrupt asshat. Nuff said. 2. The absolute pitiful state of affairs that our veterans have to deal with. I myself am 30% for a line of duty incident that literally had me on my deathbed and I STILL have a twinge of guilt sometimes about taking that.

  13. Staghounds nailed it. Everybody will squeal about it, throw their rotten cabbages at the guy for a few days, then it'll be back to business as usual.


  14. Meanwhile, me, someone who damaged their legs 20 years ago in the service and still doesn't walk quite right, prescribed to walk with a cane a week before i turned 21, the VA insists there's nothing wrong with my legs...


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