Monday, June 03, 2013


I heard about Senator Lautenberg's passing on the radio while driving to the gun store.

I had been planning on just picking up some ammo and sundries, but I put one on layaway just for you, Frank. Spin a little faster.


  1. I bought some 9mm this morning...over the Internet. Can't wait to shoot up all that evil, "cop-killer" ammunition.

  2. It does give the Stupid party one more vote in the Senate.

    If he has a veterans send off do they only fire two rounds with a shotgun?


  3. I'm betting they'll still allow him to vote.

  4. It does give the Stupid party one more vote in the Senate.

    Don't count on it. We ARE talking the Stupid Party, and Christie is just Stupid enough to kiss Democrat ass by appointing a Democrat.

  5. ROTFLMBO!!!! @Gerry and @Jess!

  6. @mariner: or by appointing a R that votes like a D...

  7. Good one Jess.

    Rumor has it that the Laut keeled over when he heard Illinoistan passed CCW legislation and sent it to Guvna Quinn...

    Good riddance to bad baggage. One less for the Lamppost Brigade.


  8. Too bad he didn't die by having his crotch attacked by wolverines and fire ants.
    Damn pneumonia got him first.

  9. They have to get the copper wrapped around him first before they let him spin. Can't let that green energy go to waste you know.

  10. Only by coincidence did I happen to order a piece over teh intarwebz, but I can still hope it caused a little more pain as he exited.
    Rot in Hell, Frank you shoulda checked out sooner, like about 50 years ago.

  11. JohninMd.(too late?!??)10:11 AM, June 04, 2013

    Can't find anything to disagree with on the whole thread....

  12. I'll go you one better. I heard about it as I was driving through New Jersey.

    I won't even tell you how many rounds of ammunition I had in the truck with me...

  13. I myself scored an awesome deal on an ATN Night Arrow 6 CGT. $700 from Amazon warehouse deals. I'm waiting to see Satan at my doorstep demanding my signature on a thick contract.

  14. Yeah, I'm crying over this one.

    Oh, wait, no I'm not.

  15. All good, but KM for the win.

  16. Wait, I feel a tear coming... nope.

    But Christie will appoint another gun grabber, so there's little reason to celebrate.

  17. Crotalus,

    "But Christie will appoint another gun grabber..."

    I doubt any 2A titans will emerge from the morass of NJ politics, but he'd have to work hard to find one half as odious on RKBA issues as Frank *ptui!* Lautenberg.

  18. While he did die wolverine and fire-ant free he did die of pneumonia. I can but hope he was awake and aware as his lungs slowly filled and he drowned from the inside out.
    Insensitive? Not when you've had 2 friends loose their police jobs when vindictive wives filed restraining orders just to "get even."

  19. My joy at the news was tempered by sadness when I learned he was NOT at the wheel of a minivan also carry Chuck-U Schumer, and my two Califrutpian senators as they travelled off a bridge into a river in which they all perished.

    So apparently every day can't be Kirk Gibson hitting a homerun in the World Series.

  20. Once upon a time, "He died of pneumonia" was code for AIDS.

  21. I have to say, overall I am disappointed with the tone and nature of this post and the comments that followed.

    Yes, we all disagreed with Sen. Lautenberg's politics. However, to revel in his passing like this is EXACTLY what we criticize many of our opponents of doing when they wish harm or death on gun-rights activists.

    We are better than this.

  22. Nah, I'm not better than that. Everybody's gotta die, some of them just need to go sooner than others.

  23. sorry, but I think when evil people cash out the chips the world is a better place.


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