Saturday, June 08, 2013

There's some men you just can't reach...

So, because I secretly enjoy suffering, I guess, I was off reading the comments section at the HuffPo article on Barry's response to the NSA story (Remember, like a photographic negative of his new Secretary of State, he was against it before he was for it!)

Front and center is the most amazing example of H. americanus politicus* I have yet seen. It goes by the name of "samidean", and I have recorded its mating call, which is so immaculately self-parodying that it should be enshrined as a textbook example of Poe's law:
"As their other FAUX scandals in Issa's kangaroo court fizzle out, the teabags have to have another one to scream about in their FAUX outrage, however where were THEY screaming about this when this all got started under BUSH'S Patriot Act, while he was calling Americans ANTI American for questioning him?

Do I like the idea that this goes on?  No, but then I am also a realist, and I know that since


  1. Denial. It's one of the symptoms of the disorder known as "Liberalism"

  2. Your use of the word "men" must be based solely on biology. Rather doubt he would fit my definition.

  3. Jess,

    "Denial. It's one of the symptoms of the disorder known as "Liberalism""

    People in comments on this very blog have said that they trusted the Bush administration with this power because their team was using it to root out terr'rists. I presume they were not "Liberals".

  4. Al T.: "men" as in "humankind." Tam's a traditionalist that way.

  5. I'm a traditionalist in that that's the way Strother Martin said it. ;)

  6. Apparently the war is over,but the emergency war measures go on.

    Where have we seen this before?

  7. The Alien and Sedition Acts?

  8. I have an Uncle (Aunt? since his sex change)who speaks identically of any issue relating to governmental abuse - your outrage can only be false because Bush! There is no reason or logic, no understanding that the values that make us outraged at this usurpation of our rights are not tied to the D or R behind a demagogues name. At least he is incapable of reproduction now.


  9. WRONG: That was an NSA Psywarop piece. It was carefully crafted to keep the left-right bru-ha-ha alive and well , so we could all waste more time fighting each other and no time on the real enemy --GOVERNMENT-- Understand; EVERYTHING you READ,SEE AND HEAR, coming from the "news media" is crafted with great care to control what you think, how you think, why you think and IF you think. Every word-every story -every video.

  10. I continue to be confused by the "Bush did it first" argument to begin with.

    Didn't Obama run on a campaign that basically said pretty much everything Bush had done was wrong and that he, if elected, would change all that?

    "It started under Bush" would seem to me like exactly the opposite of a good excuse given the rhetoric of the '08 election. If you're still doing all the things that the Bush Administration did, what did you change, Mr. President?

    I mean other than higher unemployment, higher taxes, more generous social programs for your constituents, and a health care system overhaul so FUBAR that I've yet to meet a single actual working health care professional who's in favor of it.

    Other than that, I mean.

  11. "WRONG: That was an NSA Psywarop piece. It was carefully crafted to keep the left-right bru-ha-ha alive and well , so we could all waste more time fighting each other and no time on the real enemy --GOVERNMENT-- Understand; EVERYTHING you READ,SEE AND HEAR, coming from the "news media" is crafted with great care to control what you think, how you think, why you think and IF you think. Every word-every story -every video. "

    What is this I don't even

  12. Not sure if it passes the Turing Test.

  13. My Rough Guesstimate is that person represents about 1/3rd of the Votes cast nowadays when the Polls are Open.

    Or 4/5ths in the Volksrepubliks.

  14. 54 to 215 MHz? Don't go bashing the 2 meter band just 'cause RX got a 6 meter rig. :)

  15. As Karl D. points out even the original author of The Patriot Act said it wasn't meant to cover the sort of abuse that has been exposed.

    Like I said in a comment in a prior post the act made me squeamish and I'll admit I did cut that admin a bit more slack than the current one.

    Where W lost me was with that "destroy the free market to save it" nonsense.

  16. >Don't go bashing the 2 meter band just 'cause RX got a 6 meter rig. :)

    That's the old lower & upper VHF TV band, inclusive of FM radio and a bunch of other stuff.


  17. As for suffering by reading the other side's stuff. I have several friends who do that as a "know thy enemy" exercise.

    I don't bother because I know they hate me for my view of liberty and wish me dead because of it.

    There's not really much else I need to know about them.

  18. Scott J,

    "I don't bother because I know they hate me for my view of liberty and wish me dead because of it."

    I can assure you that the Democrat Next Door does not want you dead.

    We need to examine our biases to make sure we don't have our own "shoulder thing that goes up" uninformed flailing.

    “If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.”

  19. I can assure you that the Democrat Next Door does not want you dead.

    Obviously! Otherwise, who'll pay the taxes that pay for his free cable and iPhone?

  20. ToddG,

    "Obviously! Otherwise, who'll pay the taxes that pay for his free cable and iPhone?"

    Oh, the Democrat Next Door is nothing like that!

    She pays her own taxes, and lots of them, and pays for her own cellie and cable. She even mows our front yard in summer (I shovel her walks in winter.)

    She's in your pocket for a lot more than an ObamaPhone, though: She's a professional grant writer for a living. :o

  21. +1 Tam.

    Everyone is the hero in their own internal story. Vilification is not the road to victory.

  22. Personally, I live on the 802.11 rays.

  23. I beg to differ.
    You can reach anyone.

    It's just that in cases like this, you might need to do it with a higher optical magnification, and a heavier round in a larger caliber, to achieve the optimal effect.

  24. Respectfully disagree, Tam.

    They just might not realize they want me dead.

    You see for the true Democrat there is no point where my rights trump the collective. And they are willing for the collective to use any means necessary to make it so.

  25. Most of them are just stupid, Scott.

    When the .gov starts showing its mailed hand, they recoil in horror.

    The current email/wire tap and IRS scandal is a good example. The left is starting to abandon Obama, once it became obvious that Obama was willing to go full-retard Orwellian to get what he wants.

  26. Kristophr, you can trace all this back to that 2004 interview that surfaced during his first election where he said the "Constitution represents a fundamental flaw in our society".

    Yet most on both sides of the red/blue battle just ignored it.

    He told you then all you needed to know.

  27. As the current scandals are joined by new and worserer ones, expect the shrill voices of the left to get ever more shrillerer in their defense of The One.

    Their very world view is at stake, and I see a whole lot of increasingly unhinged diatribes just up the road a piece.

    Gonna get REAL interesting.

  28. Scott: You see for the true Democrat there is no point where my rights trump the collective. And they are willing for the collective to use any means necessary to make it so.

    As someone who pretty frequently pokes at Sacred Elephant Cows, I can assure you, that although they won't use terms like "the collective", many members of Team Republican are quite happy to use violence to enforce their dictates over my fundamental liberty as well. I have obviously been unable to conduct an exhaustive survey of every Republican voter, but the ones I have spoken to have been pretty clear about it. I guess the best thing I can say about them on that front is that they are at least more willing than the members of Team Democrat I have asked similar questions of, to admit that they are willing to use coercive violence, up to the point of death, to keep me from using various recreational compounds, for example.

    Democrats I Have Known are usually unwilling to acknowledge the logical path that leads from "I won't ban smoking in my restaurant" to "and then the police shoot me".

    (In case anyone is curious, that path goes "I won't ban smoking in my restaurant" -> "I won't pay the fine for allowing smoking in my restaurant" -> "I refuse to comply with an order to shut my doors when my business license is revoked for non-payment of fines" -> "I emphatically resist being arrested for operating a restaurant without a license because the police have no ethical authority to arrest me for, in essence, allowing smoking on my own private property" -> "The police, justifiably in fear for their lives, shoot me". Common objections are: "Restaurants aren't private property because you allow people from the public into them", "operating a business is a privilege not a right", and "you're not being shot for allowing smoking, you're being shot for resisting arrest". The latter is usually accompanied by a condescending eyeroll, wondering how I can be so dumb and yet still manage to breathe without cue cards, while completely ignoring the fact that the police are only there to arrest me, ultimately, for allowing smoking in the first place.)

    Whoa. That kind of turned into a wall of text. Sorry.

    WV -- hypouremia orifiru: Hrm. I think Blogger is trying to tell me I haven't been peeing enough. :-/ Great. Editorial commentary from the blog software. *sigh*

  29. Scott J,

    "he said the "Constitution represents a fundamental flaw in our society"."

    He said, in a radio interview program, the topic of which was "Slavery and the Constitution" that the Constitution as it was written reflected a fundamental flaw (you know, that whole "owning people" thing). In the same interview, he called it a "remarkable document".

    There are enough real reasons to oppose the views of the current president without having to make any up. (Yeah, Media Matters is a bunch of pinkos, but the facts are on there side on this one.)

  30. perlhaqr,

    "Whoa. That kind of turned into a wall of text. Sorry."

    Dude, feel absolutely free to. Srsly. :)

  31. Perlhaqr, I completely agree. The GOP is also completely rotten with collectivists.

    I have considered myself politically homeless for awhile now.

    I still vote in hopes of maybe turning the tide back but I honestly believe we're too far gone and I shudder to imagine what the next stages of our society might be.

  32. "We need to examine our biases to make sure we don't have our own "shoulder thing that goes up" uninformed flailing."

    While I hear what you're saying (and I agree with, incidentally), I don't see a lot to disabuse me of the notion that collectivists of all stripes want me to "assimilate or die" or, at the very least, pay a large fine and/or go to federal PMITA prison until I see the light.

    @perlhakr-a resounding +1!


  33. @perlhaqr:
    Re: the smoking in restaurants parable.

    I spent an entire afternoon leading my collectivist cousins through the logical steps from "I won't pay taxes" to " ... and then they shoot me".

    They still could not concede that taxes are collected at the point of a gun.

    I say COULD not WOULD because I saw in their eyes that they understood, but they feared that their heads would explode if they said so.

  34. The whole 'Because Bush' thing is typical hypocrisy, and intellectual dishonesty.

    In "samidean" case - it's also one of just plain stupidity. Either he's confused and thinks all conservatives are members of the TEA Party. Or he's forgotten that Obama signed the Extension to the Patriot Act - hence willingly inheriting it. So now it's Obama's Patriot Act. Obama could have chosen to not sign the extension but he wanted the power.

    One Dem voted No on the original, and one didn't vote. It passed 98 to 1 - 1 no vote. 50 Dems, 48 Rep It wasn't just Bush, it wasn't just Conservatives. It belongs every bit as much to the Liberals as it does the Conservatives.

    I live in a area largely populated by retired liberals, every once in a while I feel the overwhelming need to put them in their place. Last week was one of those times. I was conversing with three of them and the IRS scandal came up - one seem to think it was no big deal because they'd eventually find that liberal groups were also investigated. I pointed out that Congress has asked that question - and none where found. Another though everyone was making to big a deal out of it. I asked them if they remembered Nixon - yeah we're all that old (and I'm younger than most). Then I asked them if they supported Nixon when he did it, and if not, why not? I got no answers.

    Because Bush is simple deflection - it's saying "I have no logical argument so I'm going to change the subject."

  35. Over at Sarah Hoyt's blog, somebody pointed to a a post at Ace of Spades in which Ace asked his commenters to post the most egregious examples of leftard moonbat speech they had heard. The Morons responded, with feeling, with many example s which it were hard to believe they were actually spoken, they were so absurd.


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