Friday, July 19, 2013

Don't Be That Guy.

There are still real, actual problems with race in this country because some people are just morons. I don't understand them, I can't understand them, and I'm afraid that, like the Good Book says about the poor, the dumb will always be with us.

Conversely, once upon a time, I had a black dude turn around and accuse me of being a store detective following him in a store in which I was a fellow shopper. Nothing I could say would convince the dude that I wasn't some kind of undercover store security. I just could not talk to him and finally had to walk away.

Mr. President, you're starting to sound like that guy.


  1. He always was that guy. You don't spend years 20 years listening to Jeremiah Wright (and take your book title from one of his sermons) without being that guy. You don't nominate Eric "nation of cowards" Holder without being that guy. You don't call your grandmother a "typical white person" without being that guy.

    On the other hand, he did pick Joe Biden as his running mate. Maybe that was his typical white person half that did that.

  2. Armed Texan,

    Biden is his anti-assassination insurance policy.

  3. Scott, people keep saying that, but I don't think Slow Joe would be worse, partly because I don't think he could have gotten buy-in from so many Dem constituencies.

  4. Not to mention that just about every voter to the right of Pol Pot who cast a ballot for the dude did so in the specific hope that electing him would _get rid of_ that guy.

    And in the first few hours after McCain conceded, a whole bunch of us who _didn't_ vote for him, nevertheless clung to that hope also...that whatever _else_ Obama was going to break, we might at least be free of _this_ sort of bullshit.

  5. He is sounding like the petulant ass he is more and more.

  6. lelnet, I never thought for one minute his election would free us of this sort of bs.

    In fact I knew it would in fact reverse course on what progress has been made because he and many of his supporters have built empires of power and wealth on it being an issue instead of the irrelevancy it should be.

  7. Well, Tam, if you weren't such and imposing woman, with your steely-eyed demeanor, he might have believed you.

    Or then again, maybe it was the baseball cap.

  8. I had a job in a North Carolina factory once. After about 6 months, one of the guys I worked with finally realized I wasn't a Narc.

  9. I've been meaning to riff on this all day.

    Dammit, Barry, are you actually TRYING to incite race clash in this nation? I never much agreed with you, but I never thought of you as actively stupid, man.

  10. You cannot reason someone out of a position into which they have not reasoned themselves.

  11. Matt G,

    "Dammit, Barry, are you actually TRYING to incite race clash in this nation?"

    Well, dude, we've had a week of record high temperatures in major city centers and still nothing you'd call a "riot" regarding a major federal photo oppor... er, response. It's Friday afternoon, man! We've got to cram something in to hopefully spark something off before everybody in DC goes home for the weekend!

  12. Matt G., what's stupid about it? He's gotten pretty far by demonizing fellow Americans. Vastly farther than you or I ever got trying to be decent.

  13. Read "requiring" for "regarding".

  14. Y'know, I'm just going to go ahead and register my shock that I didn't completely hate the president's speech.

    Whether you agree because it's statistically appropriate that young black males get profiled, or just agree that they do, they do. So calling out Obama for saying that they do is BS.

    My biggest complaint with this speech is the "Well, so, SYG didn't actually have anything to do with the case, but it kinda sucks, doncha think?" part.

  15. Read Mr. Poretto's take on the thing...

  16. If our country didn't have people who believed that racism is still as rampant as it was in 1950 Mississippi ... who would folks blame for their problems? Surely not themselves... ;-)

    Dann in Ohio

  17. doubletrouble,

    That's not Fran's take on the thing, unless his tea leaves work better than advertised.

    The thing happened today.

  18. His assassination insurance is the fact that he would be sanctified to the tenth power of the holiness of Saint JFK by the press and media,(it's) not Biden.

    Tam, the guy didn't try to slam you on the ground for following him?

  19. When all you have is a race card, everyone looks like the Klan.


  20. "Biden is his anti-assassination insurance policy."

    Lol! I mean I really did laugh out loud at the image of some sniper agonizing about pulling the trigger while holding back as he contemplates President Shotgun Joe.....

  21. Just keep this in mind: The Top Three Dem Candidates in the 2008 Election were Obama, Hillary and Biden.

    Now, if one wanted to make sure the party faithful were are all on the same page, wouldn't you want all three to be in the top positions of the U.S. Government?

    And if you were Obama, would you want Hillary to be "One Bullet Away" from the Oval Office?

    So that explains the Biden Body Armor.

    But as for yesterday's statement, isn't it nice to know that we have a President who came out and admitted that he's scared of White People with Guns, because they like to Hunt down People like Him and Trayvon?

    And HIS Finger is on the Nuclear Launch Button.

    And they say Nixon was Dangerous.

  22. Barry confused surveillance and suspicion with good customer service:

    Funny thing is, though, is that successful stores do it for everyone. So what makes him think that he was so special?


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