Saturday, July 20, 2013


Down at 16th and Pennsylvania...


  1. Right by the Varsity, innit?

    Try as they might to attract the Yuppers, isn't it still derelict city down there?

  2. I'll Take Petula Clark for $500.


  3. I suspect, despite any urban problems Indy may have, your 1600 block of Pennsylvania Ave is less threatening to the citizenry than Washington's.

  4. That area is an arts community by day and a place you really want to be armed at night.

    Well, even sometimes by day, come to think of it.

  5. OOOHH, so much I can say!

    But I'd probably be charged with Hate Speech.

    But, would you REALLY want the current members of the "Occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, DC Movement" to move their base of operations to YOUR Town, just because the Buildings "Skin Color" is more "Politically Correct"?

    I don't think so.

  6. Old NFO,

    I think it was always apartments.

    Anon 9:25,

    "Try as they might to attract the Yuppers, isn't it still derelict city down there?"

    Mass Ave and the area down by the canal have gentrified according to developers' plans, but the area along 16th street between Meridian and, say, College remains pretty authentically bohemian before devolving into the flat-out 'hood past College.

  7. the gripping hand8:33 AM, July 22, 2013

    Now, hold on a second there, Tam. I live a block east and a block north of the Penn Arts, and consider it just as safe as any other area in the city. My family and I have lived there for 20+ years, and there are many other families with kids in the neighborhood. Problems? Of course we have them. We deal with them by watching our for each other, maintaining an active neighborhood watch, and knowing what's going on around us. I grew up in a suburban enclave, and I like living in the hood much better. Both Herron-Morton Place and the Old Northside (16th Street separates the two) are incredible places to live and raise a family.

  8. The gripping hand.,

    I just said the area around 16th and Penn was bohemian. That's not a code word for crime-infested, I don't think?

    Like I said, it doesn't really get run down looking on 16th until you get out east of College ...

  9. Why to I keep looking for snipers in the windows or on the roof?

  10. the gripping hand8:38 AM, July 23, 2013

    Ok, perhaps I over-reacted a bit. We get a little thin-skinned about the hood sometimes. I might have conflated your comments with Fuzzy's. Do come back sometime - I'll buy you a beer at the Thirsty Scholar, once it opens.


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