Monday, July 15, 2013

Hell, yes, there was "profiling"...

So, when Mr. Neighborhood Watch dude, ever vigilant for punks and hoodlums that threaten the neighborhood peace, sees the figure ambling about the neighborhood in the rain at 0dark30 and goes to investigate and...

...raise your hand if you think Zimmerman would have said "Oh! You're white! Never mind!" and hung up on the police.

Yeah, it didn't work that way when I was a teenager, either.

A lot of hay has been made by the folks playing five-card stud with a full deck of race cards that there would have been none of this hue and cry if Zimmerman had been black. I similarly maintain that if Trayvon Martin had been a white kid, the media wouldn't have given a tenth as much of a damn, even if the story had been otherwise identical. In fact, the media might have decided that a Zimmerman jumped by a white skate punk was a sympathetic character...

Meanwhile: That didn't take long.


  1. As a property owner, heck yes I profile. There are people who belong on my street. There are people who do not. We have problems with young male teens. End of story.

  2. Not that it should matter, but Zimmerman is black.

    Blacker than Homer Plessy. Zimmerman is partially black like Hollywood starlets Halle Berry and Barry Obama.

    If I was on Zimmerman's defense team, "my African-American client" would have been in every other sentence. Oh, and George would go by "Jorge Miguel".

    Shootin' Buddy

  3. 0bama is delusional.

    But we knew that already.

    In 2008.

  4. Profiling: it's a good thing. Compare the security experience at Tel Aviv airport with O'Hare; those guys profile their ass off, and it works without pissing off and infringing the rights and space of Joe Businessman and Mama 'n 'em.

    In this case, media never missed a chance to reverse-profile. "George Zimmerman, son of a white father who identifies himself as Hispanic..."

  5. Oh, and "that" was a long-ass piece, but I searched and searched and ne'er did find, any reference to "sidewalk violence".

  6. We're doomed. It is only a matter of time now before some spark somewhere ignites the whole powder keg.

    I base this on a call to a local morning talk radio host who identifies himself as a "small l libertarian" that I heard on my commute this morning.

    A woman called in an she KNEW in her heart that Zimmerman did this because of Martin's skin color. She even believes the prosecution intentionally threw the case because of Zimmerman. No amount of facts presented by the host would convince her otherwise.

    Such a belief system is now too ingrained in far too many people for this to ever work out to the good.

  7. I asked someone on facebook if the whole mess still would have been racist (towards the "child" who died) if the "child" had been white and the shooter black.

    They spluttered at me and then blocked me. Somehow I'm not bothered by that....

  8. 17 years ago our house in Norfolk, VA was broken into while we were out for the evening. I (white women) was chatting with my neighbor (older black man, local minister) several months later and mentioned the break in. It turns out he saw the folks, but because they were white couple (1 male, 1 female), in their late 20s/early 30s like my husband and me, he assumed they were friends, stopping by to feed that cats or something. He said flat out that if he had seen a couple of black teens he would have called the cops, because that wasn't the sort of person he normally saw stopping by our house if we weren't in.

    When I thought about it I realized that if I had seen an adult black couple going into his house when I knew or suspected he and his wife were out, I too would have thought nothing of it, but a couple of teens, any color, but especially white, would have raised flags. Not that either of us had anything against folks of the other color or of any particular age, but we know what the people who hang out at our neighbors' tend to look like, and hell yes, we both profile when the wrong group shows up.

    So, if I call the cops on a bunch of white teens going into a black family's house when the family isn't home, am I going to be up on civil rights violations for racial profiling?

  9. "Never let a crisis go to waste."
    These folks are ALWAYS "on message".

  10. Well, considering Zimmerman was only counted as "white" because Martin was black, yeah I'd say there'd be a big difference in coverage, in that hypothetical.

    But yeah, "unknown young male, prowling the neighborhood late at night" is always a profile that's worth investigating.

  11. I hate to say it but I believe a great deal of this was the media campaign to demonize firearms.

    The headlines were just as much about Zimmerman being an untrained armed buffoon as white Hispanic killing a black choir boy. See what happens when you let people carry firearms America!


  12. Not to mention the smear on Stand Your Ground laws, which in almost no way applied to this case.

  13. @Gerry 10:24 Our Dear Leader has already used the verdict as a prop for a call for further efforts to "stem the tide of gun violence". Why he doesn't use any given Chicago weekend rather than a self-defense case....

    Of course what they are trying to do is intimidate anyone who might think of using a gun in self-defense in the future, especially if the assailant is black.

  14. I say that the people at fault in the whole Zimmerman affair goes back to the ones that were breaking into the houses in that neighborhood. If there had been no break ins and home invasions and so on, there would not have been a neighborhood watch, and Zimmerman would not have been wondering who that youg guy was wandering around in the rain. The whole chain of events started by others breaking the law.

  15. I suppose this all would have been better if Zimmerman had had a pocket knife he pulled out and stabbed Martin in the neck with? Or his keys, or had tazed him and Martin's heart had stopped?

    The focus on the legal gun tells me what it's about. That and the implication that only the police can stop crime.

  16. Is it racist to say that getting cranked-up on a cocktail of Skittles, cough-syrup, and fizzy-water causes "gun violence" or is a black-only thing? What's the white-kid equivalent? Paint-huffing?

  17. Funny thing. How many Black LEOs out there have had to shoot and kill Black Goblins? Yet there's no Lynch Mob formed when they have to do their Jobs.

    Of course, if Obama REALLY wanted to have a "National Discourse" on Racial Tension in the United States, he could always invite Zimmerman to have a Beer with him in the Rose Garden.

    But I guess that would cost him Street Cred with the "Million Hoodie Crowd," huh?

  18. You can damn well bet if Martin was white, the media wouldn't have referred to Zimmerman as "White Hispanic".

    This is, as almost all things like this, first and foremost used as a distraction from just how shitty a job Washington is doing and the scandals that piled up on Barry's doorstep. This has the added bonus of allowing them to try and advance their agenda of taking away the rights of US citizens and controlling us.

  19. The biggest thing I learned out of this is that, according to the MSM, we have a White African American POTUS. Or, as some news groups would put it, a POTUS whose mother was white but self-identifies as African American. I'm still looking for him being title as such via Google, but I'm sure they will be consistent with their rules across all their coverage of varied stories. I mean, it's fairly obvious they don't have any bias when reporting the news.

  20. ' In fact, the media might have decided that a Zimmerman jumped by a white skate punk was a sympathetic character...'

    If he hadn't used a gun, maybe.

  21. I couldn't finish that article, honestly. The half I read was so sickening..

  22. I'm certainly not going to join a neighborhood watch.

    This. This is the world I want to live in; where people of all ethnicities can come together to save a little girl from a kidnapper.

  24. Obama wants to curve gun violence? Hey, how about he starts in Chicago? After all, gun laws should work perfectly there, right?

  25. "This. This is the world I want to live in; where people of all ethnicities can come together to save a little girl from a kidnapper. "

    The world that tried to convict Zimmerman doesn't want people getting involved. What if he had attacked one of them and they had killed him? Close the door, hide behind the couch, turn the other way and ignore it, it's not your problem. And eventually people will block it out if there is enough pain involved in getting involved.

    The police are the only ones that can help you.

  26. Profiling is just deductive reasoning that Liberals don't like, much like loopholes are legal shit they also don't like.

  27. I don't think this blood dance will have the results the President wants.

    He is not going to be able to paint this dead perp as a choirboy, no matter how hard he tries.

    Most folks in the US approve of violent criminals getting shot to pieces after a catastrophic failure in the victim selection process.

  28. Seriously ... this new army of violent black and libtard rioters will garner even less sympathy than the cop-car-beshatting OWS punks.

    Talk about doubling down on stupid ...

  29. Liberals use profiling all the time, except they call it "diversity."

  30. Aren't the violent black and libtard rioters pretty much the SAME group as OWS punks? In Oakland there are more of them who are white than black, inciting and igniting dumpsters.

  31. I don't the Prosecution[s] -- from White House to Shix House -- cared a damn how it turned out. They were happy to be able prosecute the existence of self defensive guns, with the enthusiastic backing of Lib/Media, as TDE Cause of Violence.

    Reality and truthe and fact and inconvenient scenarios could go piss up a rope, because here was a plausible footing for a Classic Big Lie.

    Ironic, too, are the Dimograhpics of the Horrified and Protesting Class. There has apparently been a real pent-up shortage of opportunity for the to have a satisfactory outing of creative self-expression. Their actions and signage speak volumes, as to the Mob-Minder-Vote-Team's desired management plan. A massive Foo of Befoulment upon their heads.

  32. You're right, there WAS profiling...
    Of a possible criminal!

    And now everybody 'else' including the Pres has played the race card... And speaking of his my son comment, he was already smoking dope, and a thug in training, so I guess that apple didn't fall far from the tree...

  33. Ed, Thanks for the info on Trevor Dooley's case. From your account, it seems that Mr. Dooley was in the right and acted in self defense. The Florida statute relating to abuse of the elderly is also interesting. David James acted very unwisely and foolishly. His actions could easily have caused Mr. Dooley's gun to discharge and injure another bystander. James paid the price for his aggression. I'll be interested to learn how Mr. Dooley's appeal turns out.

  34. Bottom line: If Martin hadn't been a vicious wannabe "No limit gansta" and violated Z's civil rights to not to be treated like a punching bag, he'd still be alive.

  35. The whole circus can be summed up nice and simple:

  36. Hell, I'm white as can be, and get accosted by badge-bearers all the time, because I like to go for a walk after dark, and I'm somewhat strange. The Officers and I have never laid a finger on each other, I having been careful to mind my manners.


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