Friday, July 26, 2013

QotD: Smuggling Donkeys Edition...

Bobbi has figured out the real deal with the Weiner-man:
At this point, I suspect his real kink is getting caught out and having to grovel.


  1. Not impossible. I've known people who were really into the whole "degradation" thing. I don't really understand it myself, but hey, as long as they weren't hurting anyone else, their kink is fine with me.

    Of course, none of them had any evident need to do it on the national stage, either...

  2. A syndrome not entirely unknown amongst powerful men, although in my reading it's always been a particularly British kink.

  3. Different strokes, as it were...

    But the real fetish for degradation lies with the electorate that right now has him um, out in front.


  4. "self"-degradation...

  5. After Blomy changed parties to violate the term limit law and was allowed to get away with it, I have decided that the people of NYC get what they deserve. It's sad when you watch the news and wonder "what now".

  6. New York might be the center of the universe but I will not follow the direction they are leading.

    That route lies madness.

    Weiner is a putz. He should not be a dog catcher.

  7. Paul,"Weiner is a putz",yeah but like Robert Fowler said,they keep voting for putzes,you get what you deserve.Maybe NYC voters want to feel good,as opposed to bringing up the standard,so they vote for someone who's not better than themselves,and then they don't feel bad/look bad by comparison.
    In high school,you didn't like the teachers that challenged you,you liked the ones that were cool and easy to get along with.

  8. From what I gather the NYC polity is either too poor to care -unless it threatens the security of the womb--->grave continuum- or so rich and/or influential that they get to choose who runs the madhouse; and they don't really need to care as there's always an e$cape pod at the ready.

  9. I'm just about ready to give up on the whole concept of elections. Need office holders? Draft 'em. Make it like jury duty (ought to be), with everyone getting a turn in the barrel sooner or later. Anyone who tries to duck out of their turn gets locked up for the remainder of the session, and sequestration of the rest should solve most of the behavioral issues.

  10. Okay, I'll buy that. What's Huma's kink? She likes watching her man grovel?

  11. Not a bad guess, Roberta. It reminds me of the joke that ends "No sweetie, that isn't where babies come from. That's where jewelry comes from!"

  12. I can't find the link just now, but almost half a million in wages pays for a lot of embarassment over the putz you married.
    Huma reportedly had a $300k per year job with the State of New York, and a $195K per year job with the federal government as a special consultant who could work from home. Shopping as her special kink isn't far from the truth.

  13. Reminds me of the joke about the hunter & the vengeful bear. "Let's be honest, you not really here for the hunting, are you?"

  14. If New York is at all like San Franciscio (or Chicago) it's all done outside the general electorate's "choice" anyhow and the rest is Theater - of the above mentioned "Hunter and The Bear" variety...


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