Monday, July 08, 2013


Yesterday, Claire Wolfe noted, in regards to l'affaire TJIC, that "(i)t’s ominous to hear nothing in these ‘Netly days. Anybody have later information?"

Oops. Sorry 'bout that.

For those of you following events, I talked to Jenn on the phone on Friday and received an email from Travis on Saturday. Everything was as good as could be under the circumstances: Nobody ended up in handcuffs or an ambulance.

I'll post up anything I get that's cleared for publication.


  1. Not sure how you got drafted to serve as the whole internet's point of contact for this unfolding melodrama, but I just thought I should pop in to say "thank you", for doing the job.

  2. (Sorry about the double-post. Google said I'd flunked the CAPTCHA, the first time, even though it apparently posted the comment anyway.)

  3. Police encounters are a lot like landing a plane. Any you can walk away from is a good one. Good luck with everything, TJIC. (and thanks for the update, Tam)


  4. Thank you for keeping us as much in the loop as possible.

  5. JohninMd.(too late?!??)10:58 AM, July 08, 2013

    Pardon my ignorance, but I missed the original dust-up over the Gabbie Giffords comment. What was the outcome/resolution of THAT, or was there one? And was there a triggering event for part deux? Or the coppers still wingin' it on the original incident? Curious minds, blah, blah....

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. JohninMd.:

    The legal resolution was that TJIC's MA firearm owner's cert was taken from him unjustly, and that he could apply for a replacement. So he applied for one.

    So then the local popo seized his fiance's guns in retaliation.

    If I were in his shoes, I would move to NH yesterday, as well as sending in a phalanx of lawyers.

    He is doing the latter right now.

    ( As for the former, you can't pay me enough to live in socialist retard zones. I grew up in Oregon, but at one point, enough was enough, and I moved out to Wyoming. )

  8. I'll bet that Travis wishes now that he'd never made that comment, which leaves me all the more red-faced over all of this because that is likely the exact goal of this whole episode.

    Best wishes Travis and Jenny. Oh, and congratulations on your engagement. I didn't know about that part.

  9. One wonders if the officers knew why they were ordered to do what they did, and if so, whether they ever actually read the offending blog post or are just operating off of what they were told was in the post.

    Because I never saw a threat in the thing, myself. Took pretty strong offense to it, but no threat.

    This non judicial punishment thing has got to stop.

  10. The process is the punishment.
    Win, lose or draw, TJIC is out time, money, and he and his family have been upset by the authorities. His neighbors have seen the spectacle, and will wonder about TJIC. And the authorities have taken the most effective means of self defence for TJIC and his fiance.

    But this is all perfect legal. The state is always right.

  11. our pal TJIC wasn't the only one bumping uglies against the machine on the soon to be anarachic holiday celebrated last week.Maybe someone from the middle east or China can attempt to bring democracy(small d)to this once shining city on the hill.I would go on but it just disturbs the sheep.We've always been at war with Eastasia.

  12. To quote a Vice Prime Minister in a Stalinist country I worked in:

    "The most effective censorship is self censorship"

    No, the country wasn't News Limited and yes, it did end in "....istan".

    Mike from Oz.nat

  13. Goober, "We have our orders." That's all some people need.

    Witness the "You won't shake hands? Sorry you feel that way" bullshit. He was supposed to shake and say 'no hard feelings(you home-invading bastards)', and when he wouldn't it annoyed them; he wasn't playing the part he was supposed to.

  14. Thanks for the news. It's important that things like this aren't allowed to disappear in the mist.

  15. > If I were in his shoes, I would move to NH yesterday, as well as sending in a phalanx of lawyers.
    > He is doing the latter right now.

    Doing the former right now as well. Viewed a half dozen NH towns over the weekend in a mammoth 11 hour road trip. Heading back up in five days to see 8 houses with a realtor. The process is moving, and moving as fast as it can be spurred, kicked, and whipped.

  16. > The process is the punishment.



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